blob: 0f62e3a376cf7fae51949e83529f41a8bac32a2c [file] [log] [blame]
# MACRO: exit
.macro exit nr
mvi r1, \nr;
# Trap function 1: exit().
mvi r8, 1;
# MACRO: pass
# Write 'pass' to stdout and quit
.macro pass
# Trap function 5: write().
mvi r8, 5;
# Use stdout.
mvi r1, 1;
# Point to the string.
mvhi r2, hi(1f)
ori r2, r2, lo(1f)
# Number of bytes to write.
mvi r3, 5;
# Trigger OS trap.
exit 0
1: .asciz "pass\n"
# MACRO: fail
# Write 'fail' to stdout and quit
.macro fail
# Trap function 5: write().
mvi r8, 5;
# Use stdout.
mvi r1, 1;
# Point to the string.
mvhi r2, hi(1f)
ori r2, r2, lo(1f)
# Number of bytes to write.
mvi r3, 5;
# Trigger OS trap.
exit 0
1: .asciz "fail\n"
# MACRO: start
# All assembler tests should start with a call to "start"
.macro start
.global _fstack
.rept 0x1024
.byte 00
.global _start