blob: ebeb9beb6fd91dfbbe309cf85c0982991c760c95 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Oracle.
This file is part of GNU Binutils.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA. */
#include "config.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "Filter.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "data_pckts.h"
#include "StringBuilder.h"
#include "Experiment.h"
// ========================================================================
// Subclass: FilterNumeric
// Public Methods
FilterNumeric::FilterNumeric (Experiment *_exp, const char *_cmd,
const char *_name)
exp = _exp;
cmd = dbe_strdup (_cmd);
name = dbe_strdup (_name);
pattern = NULL;
status = NULL;
items = NULL;
prop_name = NULL;
first = (uint64_t) - 1;
last = (uint64_t) - 1;
nselected = 0;
nitems = 0;
FilterNumeric::~FilterNumeric ()
free (cmd);
free (name);
free (pattern);
free (status);
Destroy (items);
// sets min and max for this filter; should be called when the range is
// known -- that comes after the first PathTree build, in the current
// sequence of things
FilterNumeric::set_range (uint64_t findex, uint64_t lindex, uint64_t total)
if (first == findex && last == lindex)
first = findex;
last = lindex;
nitems = total;
nselected = nitems;
if (pattern)
free (pattern);
pattern = NULL;
if (status)
free (status);
status = NULL;
FilterNumeric::update_range ()
if (exp == NULL)
if (streq (cmd, NTXT ("sample")))
set_range (1, (uint64_t) exp->nsamples (), exp->nsamples ());
else if (streq (cmd, NTXT ("thread")))
set_range (exp->min_thread, exp->max_thread, exp->thread_cnt);
else if (streq (cmd, NTXT ("LWP")))
set_range (exp->min_lwp, exp->max_lwp, exp->lwp_cnt);
else if (streq (cmd, NTXT ("cpu")))
if (exp->min_cpu != (uint64_t) - 1)
set_range (exp->min_cpu, exp->max_cpu, exp->cpu_cnt);
// get_advanced_filter -- returns a string matching the current setting
char *
FilterNumeric::get_advanced_filter ()
if (items == NULL)
return NULL;
if (items->size () == 0)
return dbe_strdup (NTXT ("0"));
StringBuilder sb;
if (items->size () > 1)
sb.append ('(');
for (int i = 0; i < items->size (); i++)
RangePair *rp = items->fetch (i);
if (i > 0)
sb.append (NTXT (" || "));
sb.append ('(');
sb.append (prop_name);
if (rp->first == rp->last)
sb.append (NTXT ("=="));
sb.append ((long long) rp->first);
sb.append (NTXT (">="));
sb.append ((long long) rp->first);
sb.append (NTXT (" && "));
sb.append (prop_name);
sb.append (NTXT ("<="));
sb.append ((long long) rp->last);
sb.append (')');
if (items->size () > 1)
sb.append (')');
return sb.toString ();
// get_pattern -- returns a string matching the current setting
char *
FilterNumeric::get_pattern ()
update_range ();
if (pattern)
return pattern;
StringBuilder sb;
if (items == NULL)
if (last == (uint64_t) - 1 && last == first)
// neither set; data not available
sb.append (GTXT ("(data not recorded)"));
sb.append (GTXT ("all"));
else if (items->size () == 0)
sb.append (GTXT ("none"));
for (int i = 0; i < items->size (); i++)
RangePair *rp = items->fetch (i);
if (i > 0)
sb.append (',');
sb.append ((long long) rp->first);
if (rp->first != rp->last)
sb.append ('-');
sb.append ((long long) rp->last);
pattern = sb.toString ();
return pattern;
char *
FilterNumeric::get_status ()
update_range ();
if (status == NULL)
update_status ();
return dbe_strdup (status);
// set_pattern -- set the filter to a new pattern
// set error true/false if there was or was not an error parsing string
// Returns true/false if the filter changed, implying a rebuild of data
FilterNumeric::set_pattern (char *str, bool *error)
update_range ();
// save the old filter
Vector<RangePair *> *olditems = items;
*error = false;
if (strcmp (str, NTXT ("all")) == 0)
// if all, leave items NULL
items = NULL;
else if (strcmp (str, NTXT ("none")) == 0)
// if none, leave items as a zero-length vector
items = new Vector<RangePair *>(0);
uint64_t val, val2;
char *s = str;
char *nexts = s;
items = NULL;
for (bool done = false; done == false;)
// tokenize the string
// Does it start with a "-" ?
if (*nexts == '-')
val = first; // yes, set val to first, and see what follows
// it must start with a number
val = get_next_number (s, &nexts, error);
if (*error == true)
// look at the next character
switch (*nexts)
case ',':
s = ++nexts;
*error = include_range (val, val);
if (*error == true)
done = true;
case '-':
s = ++nexts;
if (*nexts == ',' || *nexts == '\0')
val2 = last;
val2 = get_next_number (s, &nexts, error);
if (*error == true)
done = true;
if (val > val2)
*error = true;
done = true;
*error = include_range (val, val2);
if (*error == true)
done = true;
if (*nexts == ',')
s = ++nexts;
if (*nexts == '\0')
done = true;
case '\0':
*error = include_range (val, val);
done = true;
*error = true;
done = true;
// if there was a parser error leave old setting
if (*error == true)
if (items)
items->destroy ();
delete items;
items = olditems;
return false;
if (first != (uint64_t) - 1 && last != (uint64_t) - 1)
for (long i = VecSize (items) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
RangePair *rp = items->get (i);
if ((rp->first > last) || (rp->last < first))
delete rp;
items->remove (i);
if (rp->first < first)
rp->first = first;
if (rp->last > last)
rp->last = last;
if (VecSize (items) == 1)
RangePair *rp = items->get (0);
if ((rp->first == first) && (rp->last == last))
// All, leave items NULL
items->destroy ();
delete items;
items = NULL;
// no error, delete the old setting
if (olditems != NULL)
olditems->destroy ();
delete olditems;
bool changed;
// regenerate the pattern
if (pattern == NULL)
changed = true;
char *oldpattern = pattern;
pattern = NULL; // to force a recompute with new values
(void) get_pattern ();
changed = strcmp (pattern, oldpattern) != 0;
free (oldpattern);
return changed;
// Protected methods
// set_status -- regenerate the status line, describing the current setting
FilterNumeric::update_status ()
// regenerate the status line
free (status);
nselected = 0;
if (items == NULL)
if (last == (uint64_t) - 1 && last == first)
// neither set; data not available
status = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("(data not recorded)"));
else if (first == (uint64_t) - 1 || last == (uint64_t) - 1)
// range was not set
status = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("(all)"));
// range was set, compute percentage
status = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("total %lld, range: %lld-%lld"),
(long long) nitems, (long long) first,
(long long) last);
// some are selected
int index;
RangePair *rp;
Vec_loop (RangePair *, items, index, rp)
nselected += rp->last - rp->first + 1;
if (last == (uint64_t) - 1)
// range was not set
status = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("(%lld items selected)"),
(long long) nselected);
// range was set
status = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("total %lld, range: %lld-%lld"),
(long long) nitems, (long long) first,
(long long) last);
// Add a range to the filter; called from set_pattern for each index,
// or index pair
FilterNumeric::include_range (uint64_t findex, uint64_t lindex)
int index;
RangePair *rp;
if (findex > lindex)
return true;
bool done = false;
if (items == NULL)
items = new Vector<RangePair *>(0);
Vec_loop (RangePair *, items, index, rp)
if (findex < rp->first)
// Case where the new pair starts before the old
if (lindex + 1 < rp->first)
// this pair comes cleanly in front of the current item
RangePair *rp2 = new RangePair ();
rp2->first = findex;
rp2->last = lindex;
items->insert (index, rp2);
done = true;
// This new one extends the previous from the front
rp->first = findex;
if (lindex <= rp->last)
// but does not extend the back
done = true;
// extend this one out
rp->last = lindex;
// does it go into the next range?
if (index == items->size () - 1)
// this is the last range, so it does not
done = true;
RangePair *next = items->fetch (index + 1);
if (lindex + 1 < next->first)
// no extension, we're done
done = true;
// it does extend the next one
next->first = rp->first;
rp = next;
// remove the current one, promoting next
items->remove (index);
goto chkextend;
else if (findex > rp->last + 1)
// the new one is completely beyond the current
// the new one may start at or after the current, but it
// extends it out; set the current
// this pair overlaps the current item
// rp-> first is OK -- it's equal or less than findex
goto chkextend;
if (done != true)
// fall through -- append to list
rp = new RangePair ();
rp->first = findex;
rp->last = lindex;
items->append (rp);
return false;
// Scan the filter to see if the number given is filtered in or out
// return true if number is in, false if it's out
FilterNumeric::is_selected (uint64_t number)
int index;
RangePair *rp;
if (items == NULL)
return true;
if (items->size () == 0)
return false;
Vec_loop (RangePair *, items, index, rp)
if (number >= rp->first && number <= rp->last)
return true;
return false;
// get_next_number
// Called from parser to extract a number from the current string position
// Sets fail true if there was an error, false otherwise
// returns the number as parsed
FilterNumeric::get_next_number (char *s, char **e, bool *fail)
errno = 0;
*fail = false;
uint64_t val = strtoll (s, e, 10);
if (errno == EINVAL)
*fail = true;
return (val);