blob: 4cd104fb7b95d016f93a16e627943bb33f2ff094 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# This file was written by Fred Fish. (
# This test requires sending ^C to interrupt the running target.
if [target_info exists gdb,nointerrupts] {
verbose "Skipping pthreads.exp because of nointerrupts."
# regexp for "horizontal" text (i.e. doesn't include newline or
# carriage return)
set horiz "\[^\n\r\]*"
if {[istarget "*-*-linux"]} {
set target_cflags "-D_MIT_POSIX_THREADS"
} else {
set target_cflags ""
if {[gdb_compile_pthreads "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${binfile}" executable debug] != "" } {
return -1
clean_restart ${binfile}
gdb_test_no_output "set print sevenbit-strings"
#gdb_test_no_output "set print address off"
gdb_test_no_output "set width 0"
# We'll need this when we send_gdb a ^C to GDB. Need to do it before we
# run the program and gdb starts saving and restoring tty states.
gdb_test "shell stty intr '^C'" ".*"
proc all_threads_running {} {
global gdb_prompt
global srcfile
# Reset all the counters to zero.
gdb_test_no_output "set var common_routine::hits=0"
gdb_test_no_output "set var common_routine::from_thread1=0"
gdb_test_no_output "set var common_routine::from_thread2=0"
gdb_test_no_output "set var common_routine::from_main=0"
gdb_test_no_output "set var common_routine::full_coverage=0"
# Disable all breakpoints.
gdb_test_no_output "disable"
# Set up a breakpoint that will cause us to stop when we have
# been called 15 times. This should be plenty of time to allow
# every thread to run at least once, since each thread sleeps for
# one second between calls to common_routine.
gdb_test "tbreak common_routine if hits >= 15" ".*"
# Start all the threads running again and wait for the inferior
# to stop. Since no other breakpoints are set at this time
# we should stop only when we have been previously called 15 times.
set return_me 1
gdb_test_multiple "continue" "continue until common routine run 15 times" {
-re "Continuing.*common_routine.*at.*$srcfile.*$gdb_prompt $" {
set return_me 0
if {$return_me == 1} {
return 0
# Check that we stopped when we actually expected to stop, by
# verifying that there have been 15 previous hits.
# NOTE: Because of synchronization behavior, it is possible for
# more than one thread to increment "hits" between one breakpoint
# trap and the next. So stopping after 16 or 17 hits should be
# considered acceptable.
gdb_test_multiple "p common_routine::hits" \
"stopped before calling common_routine 15 times" {
-re ".*= 15\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "stopped before calling common_routine 15 times"
-re ".*= 16\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "stopped before calling common_routine 15 times (16 times)"
-re ".*= 17\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "stopped before calling common_routine 15 times (17 times)"
# Also check that all of the threads have run, which will only be true
# if the full_coverage variable is set.
set return_me 1
gdb_test_multiple "p common_routine::full_coverage" \
"some threads didn't run" {
-re ".* = 1.*$gdb_prompt $" {
-re ".* = 0.*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "some threads didn't run"
set return_me 0
# Looks fine, return success.
return $return_me
proc test_startup {} {
global srcdir srcfile gdb_prompt expect_out
global horiz
global main_id thread1_id thread2_id
# We should be able to do an info threads before starting any others.
set return_me 1
gdb_test_multiple "info threads" "info threads" {
-re ".*Thread.*main.*$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "info threads"
set return_me 0
-re "\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
unsupported "gdb does not support pthreads for this machine"
if {$return_me == 1} {
return 0
# Extract the thread id number of main thread from "info threads" output.
gdb_test_multiple "info threads" "get main thread id" {
-re "(\[0-9\]+)(${horiz}Thread${horiz}main.*)($gdb_prompt $)" {
set main_id $expect_out(1,string)
# Check that we can continue and create the first thread.
gdb_test "break thread1" "Breakpoint .* file .*$srcfile.*"
gdb_test "continue" \
"Continuing.*Breakpoint .*, thread1 \\(arg=0xfeedface\\).*at.*$srcfile.*" \
"Continue to creation of first thread"
gdb_test_no_output "disable"
# Extract the thread id number of thread 1 from "info threads" output.
gdb_test_multiple "info threads" "get thread 1 id" {
-re "(\[0-9\]+)(${horiz}Thread${horiz}thread1.*)($gdb_prompt $)" {
set thread1_id $expect_out(1,string)
# Check that we can continue and create the second thread,
# ignoring the first thread for the moment.
gdb_test "break thread2" "Breakpoint .* file .*$srcfile.*"
gdb_test "continue" \
"Continuing.*Breakpoint .*, thread2 \\(arg=0xdeadbeef\\).*at.*$srcfile.*" \
"continue to creation of second thread"
# Extract the thread id number of thread 2 from "info threads" output.
gdb_test_multiple "info threads" "get thread 2 id" {
-re "(\[0-9\]+)(${horiz}Thread${horiz}thread2.*)($gdb_prompt $)" {
set thread2_id $expect_out(1,string)
return 1
proc check_control_c {} {
global gdb_prompt
# Verify that all threads are running.
with_test_prefix "after startup" {
if {[all_threads_running]} {
pass "all threads running after startup"
# Send a continue followed by ^C to the process to stop it.
gdb_test_multiple "continue" "continue with all threads running" {
-re "Continuing." {
pass "continue with all threads running"
after 2000
send_gdb "\003"
set description "Stopped with a ^C"
gdb_expect {
-re "Thread .* received signal SIGINT.*$gdb_prompt $" {
pass $description
-re "Quit.*$gdb_prompt $" {
pass $description
timeout {
fail "$description (timeout)"
return 1
gdb_test "bt" ".*"
# Verify that all threads can be run again after a ^C stop.
with_test_prefix "after continue" {
if {[all_threads_running]} {
pass "all threads running after continuing from ^C stop"
return 0
proc check_backtraces {} {
global gdb_prompt main_id thread1_id thread2_id
# Check that the "thread apply N backtrace" command works
gdb_test "thread apply $main_id backtrace" \
".* in main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*\\).*" \
"check backtrace from main thread"
gdb_test "thread apply $thread1_id backtrace" \
".* in thread1 \\(arg=0xfeedface\\).*" \
"check backtrace from thread 1"
gdb_test "thread apply $thread2_id backtrace" \
".* in thread2 \\(arg=0xdeadbeef\\).*" \
"check backtrace from thread 2"
# Check that we can apply the backtrace command to all
# three threads with a single gdb command
gdb_test "thread apply $main_id $thread1_id $thread2_id bt" \
".* in main .* in thread1 .* in thread2.*" \
"apply backtrace command to all three threads"
# Check that we can do thread specific backtraces
# This also tests that we can do thread specific breakpoints.
gdb_test "break common_routine thread $thread2_id" \
"Breakpoint .* at 0x.* file .* line .*" \
"set break at common_routine in thread 2"
gdb_test_multiple "continue" "continue to bkpt at common_routine in thread 2" {
-re "Breakpoint .* common_routine \\(arg=2\\).*$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "continue to bkpt at common_routine in thread 2"
gdb_test "backtrace" \
"#0.*common_routine \\(arg=2\\).*#1.*thread2.*" \
"backtrace from thread 2 bkpt in common_routine"
-re "Breakpoint .* common_routine \\(arg=0\\).*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "continue to bkpt at common_routine in thread 2 (arg=0)"
-re "Breakpoint .* common_routine \\(arg=1\\).*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "continue to bkpt at common_routine in thread 2 (arg=1)"
proc check_qcs {} {
set any "\[^\r\n\]*"
set ws "\[ \t\]\+"
set number "\[0-9]\+"
# Check -c (continue) and -s (silently continue) flags.
gdb_test "thread apply 2-3 p notfound" \
[multi_line \
"" \
"Thread 2 ${any}" \
"No symbol \\\"notfound\\\" in current context." \
] \
"run a failing command that aborts thread apply"
gdb_test "thread apply 2-3 -c p notfound" \
[multi_line \
"" \
"Thread 2 ${any}" \
"No symbol \\\"notfound\\\" in current context." \
"" \
"Thread 3 ${any}" \
"No symbol \\\"notfound\\\" in current context." \
] \
"run a failing command, -c to continue"
with_test_prefix "silent flag" {
foreach_with_prefix cmd_and_args {
"thread apply all -s frame apply all -s"
"taas faas"} {
set cmd "$cmd_and_args p i"
gdb_test $cmd \
[multi_line \
"" \
"Thread 3 ${any}" \
"#${number}${ws}${any} in thread2 ${any}" \
"\\\$\[0-9]+ = ${number}${any}" \
"" \
"Thread 2 ${any}" \
"#${number}${ws}${any} in thread1 ${any}" \
"\\\$\[0-9]+ = ${number}${any}" \
] \
"run a failing command except in one frame of thread 2,3, -s to silently continue"
# Check quietness.
gdb_test "thread apply all -s -q frame apply all -s p i" \
[multi_line \
"#${number}${ws}${any} in thread2 ${any}" \
"\\\$\[0-9]+ = ${number}${any}" \
"#${number}${ws}${any} in thread1 ${any}" \
"\\\$\[0-9]+ = ${number}${any}" \
] \
"run a failing command except in one frame of thread 2,3, -s to silently continue. Do not show thread information"
gdb_test "thread apply all -s -q frame apply all -s -q p i" \
[multi_line \
"\\\$\[0-9]+ = ${number}${any}" \
"\\\$\[0-9]+ = ${number}${any}" \
] \
"run a failing command except in one frame of thread 2,3, -s to silently continue. Do not show thread and frame info"
# Check invalid flag combinations and errors.
gdb_test "thread apply all -c -s p 1" \
"thread apply all: -c and -s are mutually exclusive" \
"check -c and -s cannot be used simultaneously"
gdb_test "taas" "Please specify a command to apply on all threads" \
"missing command for taas"
gdb_test "tfaas" "Please specify a command to apply on all frames of all threads" \
"missing command for tfaas"
if {[runto_main]} {
if {[test_startup]} {
if {[check_control_c]} {
warning "Could not stop child with ^C; skipping rest of tests.\n"