blob: e49bcf9020b4dd40ca082102425bb3cbc0dfe927 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test for warnings when producing load hazards (instructions that
# reference the target of load one stage further down the pipeline.
# Run GAS and check that it emits the desired warning for the test case.
# Arguments:
# file -- name of the test case to assemble.
# testname -- a string describing the test.
# warnpattern -- a regular expression, suitable for use by the Tcl
# regexp command, to decide if the warning string was emitted by
# the assembler to stderr.
proc iq2000_warning_test { file testname {warnpattern ""} } {
global comp_output
gas_run $file "-m10" ">/dev/null"
verbose "output was $comp_output" 2
if {$warnpattern == ""} {
if {$comp_output == ""} { pass $testname } else { fail $testname }
if {[regexp "Warning: $warnpattern" $comp_output]} {
pass $testname
} else {
fail $testname
if [istarget iq2000*-*-*] {
foreach file [glob -nocomplain -- $srcdir/$subdir/q10hazard*.s] {
set file [file tail $file]
switch -- $file {
"q10hazard0.s" {
set warnpattern "operand references R10 of previous load"
"q10hazard1.s" {
set warnpattern "operand references R1 of previous load"
"q10hazard2.s" {
set warnpattern "operand references R2 of previous load"
"q10hazard3.s" {
set warnpattern "operand references R31 of previous load"
"q10hazard4.s" {
set warnpattern "operand references R10 of previous load"
"q10hazard5.s" {
set warnpattern "operand references R1 of previous load"
default {
error "no expected result specified for $file"
iq2000_warning_test $file "assembler emits load hazard warning for $file" $warnpattern
set testname "assembler emits no warnings when there are no load hazards"
iq2000_warning_test q10nohazard.s $testname