blob: 5641adce1956c6daa032a295fd4c22cbb1491e21 [file] [log] [blame]
#source: lns-big-delta.s
#readelf: -wl
#name: lns-big-delta
Raw dump of debug contents of section \.debug_line:
Line Number Statements:
\[0x.*\] Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x0
\[0x.*\] Copy
\[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 2
\[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount 0 to 0x0
\[0x.*\] Copy \(view 1\)
\[0x.*\] Advance Line by 1 to 3
\[0x.*\] Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x.*
\[0x.*\] Copy
\[0x.*\] Advance PC by fixed size amount .* to 0x.*
\[0x.*\] Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence