blob: 118a36e968e8e2b09f0762474a61b7757a16dde6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Test left and right bit shifting, in all languages that have such
# operator.
# Test a print command that prints out RESULT_RE. If WARNING_OR_ERROR
# is non-empty, it is expected that for languages other than Go, GDB
# prints this warning before the print result. For Go, this is an
# expected error. If WARNING_OR_ERROR is empty, it is expected that
# GDB prints no text other than the print result.
proc test_shift {lang cmd result_re {warning_or_error ""}} {
set cmd_re [string_to_regexp $cmd]
if {$lang == "go"} {
if {$warning_or_error != ""} {
set error_re "[string_to_regexp $warning_or_error]"
gdb_test_multiple $cmd "" {
-re -wrap "^$cmd_re\r\n$error_re" {
pass $gdb_test_name
} else {
gdb_test_multiple $cmd "" {
-re -wrap "^$cmd_re\r\n\\$$::decimal$result_re" {
pass $gdb_test_name
} else {
if {$warning_or_error != ""} {
set warning_re "warning: [string_to_regexp $warning_or_error]\r\n"
} else {
set warning_re ""
gdb_test_multiple $cmd "" {
-re -wrap "^$cmd_re\r\n$warning_re\\$$::decimal$result_re" {
pass $gdb_test_name
# Some warnings/errors GDB outputs.
set rs_negative_shift_count "right shift count is negative"
set rs_too_large_shift_count "right shift count >= width of type"
set ls_negative_shift_count "left shift count is negative"
set ls_too_large_shift_count "left shift count >= width of type"
# Test a left shift that results in a too-large shift count warning in
# all languages except Go.
proc test_lshift_tl {lang cmd result_re} {
if {$lang != "go"} {
test_shift $lang $cmd $result_re $::ls_too_large_shift_count
} else {
test_shift $lang $cmd $result_re
# Test a right shift that results in a too-large shift count warning
# in all languages except Go.
proc test_rshift_tl {lang cmd result_re} {
if {$lang != "go"} {
test_shift $lang $cmd $result_re $::rs_too_large_shift_count
} else {
test_shift $lang $cmd $result_re
# Return VAL, an integer value converted/cast to the right type for
# LANG. SIGNED indicates whether the type should be signed or
# unsigned. BITS indicates the bit width of the type. E.g., signed=0
# and bits=32 results in:
# Go => "uint($VAL)"
# D => "cast(uint) $VAL"
# Rust => "$VAL as i32"
# C/C++/others => "(unsigned int) $VAL"
proc make_val_cast {lang signed bits val} {
if {$lang == "go"} {
if {$signed} {
set sign_prefix ""
} else {
set sign_prefix "u"
return "${sign_prefix}int${bits}($val)"
} elseif {$lang == "d"} {
if {$signed} {
set sign_prefix ""
} else {
set sign_prefix "u"
if {$bits == 8} {
set type "byte"
} elseif {$bits == 16} {
set type "short"
} elseif {$bits == 32} {
set type "int"
} elseif {$bits == 64} {
set type "long"
} else {
error "$lang: unsupported bits"
return "cast(${sign_prefix}$type) $val"
} elseif {$lang == "rust"} {
if {$signed} {
set sign_prefix "i"
} else {
set sign_prefix "u"
return "$val as ${sign_prefix}$bits"
} else {
# C-like cast.
if {$signed} {
set sign_prefix ""
} else {
set sign_prefix "un"
if {$bits == 8} {
set type "char"
} elseif {$bits == 16} {
set type "short"
} elseif {$bits == 32} {
set type "int"
} elseif {$bits == 64} {
if {$lang == "opencl"} {
set type "long"
} else {
set type "long long"
} else {
error "$lang: unsupported bits"
return "(${sign_prefix}signed $type) $val"
# Generate make_int8 ... make_uint64 convenience procs, wrappers
# around make_val_cast.
foreach signed {0 1} {
if {$signed} {
set sign_prefix ""
} else {
set sign_prefix "u"
foreach bits {8 16 32 64} {
proc make_${sign_prefix}int${bits} {lang val} \
"make_val_cast \$lang $signed $bits \$val"
# Test bitshifting, particularly with negative shift counts and
# too-large-for-type shift counts. Exercises all C-like-ish
# languages.
proc test_shifts {} {
global ls_negative_shift_count rs_negative_shift_count
# Extract the set of all supported languages. We try all except
# languages we know wouldn't work. We do this instead of
# hardcoding the set of languages that we know work, so that if
# GDB gains a new language, it is automatically exercised.
set supported_langs [get_set_option_choices "set language"]
foreach_with_prefix lang $supported_langs {
set skip_langs {
"unknown" "ada" "modula-2" "pascal" "fortran"
if {[lsearch -exact $skip_langs $lang] >= 0} {
gdb_test_no_output "set language $lang"
# Make sure a signed left shift that overflows, i.e., whose
# result isn't representable in the signed type of the lhs,
# which is actually undefined, doesn't crash GDB when is it
# built with UBSan.
with_test_prefix "lsh overflow" {
test_shift $lang "print /x 0x0fffffffffffffff << 8" \
" = 0xffffffffffffff00"
test_shift $lang "print /x 0x0fffffff << 8" \
" = 0xffffff00"
# Make sure the result is still signed when the lhs was
# signed.
test_shift $lang "print 0x0fffffffffffffff << 8" " = -256"
test_shift $lang "print 0x0fffffff << 8" " = -256"
# 8-bit and 16-bit are promoted to int.
with_test_prefix "8-bit, promoted" {
foreach lhs \
[list \
[make_int8 $lang 0x0f] \
[make_uint8 $lang 0x0f]] \
test_shift $lang "print /x $lhs << 8" " = 0xf00"
test_shift $lang "print $lhs << 8" " = 3840"
with_test_prefix "16-bit, promoted" {
foreach lhs \
[list \
[make_int16 $lang 0x0fff] \
[make_uint16 $lang 0x0fff]] \
test_shift $lang "print /x $lhs << 8" " = 0xfff00"
test_shift $lang "print $lhs << 8" " = 1048320"
# Similarly, test shifting with both negative and too-large
# rhs. Both cases are undefined, but GDB lets them go through
# anyhow, similarly to how compilers don't error out. Try
# both signed and unsigned lhs.
# 8-bit lhs, signed and unsigned. These get promoted to
# 32-bit int.
with_test_prefix "8-bit, invalid" {
foreach lhs \
[list \
[make_int8 $lang 0x7f] \
[make_uint8 $lang 0xff]] \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs << -1" " = 0" \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs >> -1" " = 0" \
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs << 8" " = 0x(7|f)f00"
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs >> 8" " = 0x0"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 32" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 32" " = 0"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 33" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 33" " = 0"
# 16-bit lhs, signed and unsigned. These get promoted to 32-bit int.
with_test_prefix "16-bit, invalid" {
foreach {lhs res} \
[list \
[make_int16 $lang 0x7fff] 0x7fff \
[make_uint16 $lang 0xffff] 0xffff] \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs << -1" " = 0" \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs >> -1" " = 0" \
# Confirm shifting by 0 doesn't warn.
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs << 0" " = $res"
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs >> 0" " = $res"
# These don't overflow due to promotion.
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs << 16" " = 0x(7|f)fff0000"
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs >> 16" " = 0x0"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 32" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 32" " = 0"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 33" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 33" " = 0"
# 32-bit lhs, signed and unsigned.
with_test_prefix "32-bit, invalid" {
foreach {lhs res} \
[list \
[make_int32 $lang 0x7fffffff] 0x7fffffff \
[make_uint32 $lang 0xffffffff] 0xffffffff] \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs << -1" " = 0" \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs >> -1" " = 0" \
# Confirm shifting by 0 doesn't warn.
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs << 0" " = $res"
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs >> 0" " = $res"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 32" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 32" " = 0"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 33" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 33" " = 0"
# 64-bit lhs, signed and unsigned.
with_test_prefix "64-bit, invalid" {
foreach {lhs res} \
[list \
[make_int64 $lang 0x7fffffffffffffff] \
0x7fffffffffffffff \
[make_uint64 $lang 0xffffffffffffffff] \
0xffffffffffffffff] \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs << -1" " = 0" \
test_shift $lang "print $lhs >> -1" " = 0" \
# Confirm shifting by 0 doesn't warn.
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs << 0" " = $res"
test_shift $lang "print/x $lhs >> 0" " = $res"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 64" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 64" " = 0"
test_lshift_tl $lang "print $lhs << 65" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang "print $lhs >> 65" " = 0"
# Right shift a negative number by a negative amount.
with_test_prefix "neg lhs/rhs" {
test_shift $lang "print -1 >> -1" " = -1" $rs_negative_shift_count
test_shift $lang "print -4 >> -2" " = -1" $rs_negative_shift_count
# Check right shifting a negative value. For C++, this is
# implementation-defined, up until C++20. In most
# implementations, this performs an arithmetic right shift, so
# that the result remains negative. Currently, GDB does
# whatever the host's compiler does. If that turns out wrong
# for some host/target, then GDB should be taught to ask the
# target gdbarch what to do.
with_test_prefix "rsh neg lhs" {
test_shift $lang "print -1 >> 0" " = -1"
test_shift $lang "print -1 >> 1" " = -1"
test_shift $lang "print -8 >> 1" " = -4"
test_shift $lang "print [make_int64 $lang -8] >> 1" " = -4"
# Make sure an unsigned 64-bit value with high bit set isn't
# confused for a negative shift count in the warning messages.
with_test_prefix "max-uint64" {
test_lshift_tl $lang \
"print 1 << [make_uint64 $lang 0xffffffffffffffff]" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang \
"print 1 >> [make_uint64 $lang 0xffffffffffffffff]" " = 0"
test_lshift_tl $lang \
"print -1 << [make_uint64 $lang 0xffffffffffffffff]" " = 0"
test_rshift_tl $lang \
"print -1 >> [make_uint64 $lang 0xffffffffffffffff]" " = -1"