blob: d910c043f36d2f90826c67fa74fb4146cf3fa70d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
if [target_info exists gdb,nosignals] {
verbose "Skipping catch-signal.exp because of nosignals."
if {[prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" $testfile $srcfile debug]} {
return -1
proc test_catch_signal {signame} {
global srcfile
with_test_prefix $signame {
if {![runto_main]} {
return -1
# Test "catch signal" without arguments.
# Don't let the signal be handled otherwise.
gdb_breakpoint ${srcfile}:[gdb_get_line_number "first HUP"]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "first HUP"
gdb_test "handle SIGHUP nostop noprint pass" \
gdb_test "catch signal" "Catchpoint .*"
gdb_test "continue" "Catchpoint .*" "continue to first HUP"
# Now ensure that the "pass" setting worked, and also that we did not
# see gdb's SIGTRAP.
gdb_breakpoint ${srcfile}:[gdb_get_line_number "handle marker"]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "handle marker"
# Catch just $SIGNAME.
gdb_breakpoint ${srcfile}:[gdb_get_line_number "second HUP"]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "second HUP"
gdb_test "catch signal $signame" "Catchpoint .*"
gdb_test "continue" "Catchpoint .*" "continue to catch signal $signame"
# Catch just SIGUSR1 -- but it isn't sent.
gdb_breakpoint ${srcfile}:[gdb_get_line_number "third HUP"]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "third HUP"
gdb_test "handle SIGUSR1 nostop noprint pass" \
gdb_test "catch signal SIGUSR1" "Catchpoint .*"
# Also verify that if we set SIGHUP to "nopass", then it is
# still not delivered.
gdb_breakpoint ${srcfile}:[gdb_get_line_number "handle marker"]
gdb_test "handle SIGHUP nostop noprint nopass" \
gdb_breakpoint ${srcfile}:[gdb_get_line_number "fourth HUP"]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "fourth HUP"
# Verify an internal signal used by gdb is properly caught.
gdb_breakpoint ${srcfile}:[gdb_get_line_number "first INT"]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "first INT"
set test "override SIGINT to catch"
gdb_test "handle SIGINT nostop print nopass" \
"SIGINT.*No.*Yes.*No.*" \
"$test" \
"SIGINT is used by the debugger.*Are you sure you want to change it.*y or n.*" \
gdb_test "catch signal SIGINT" "Catchpoint .*"
gdb_test "continue" "Catchpoint .* SIGINT.*"
# Test with symbolic signal.
test_catch_signal SIGHUP
# Test with numeric signal.
clean_restart $testfile
test_catch_signal 1
# Test with two signals in catchpoint.
clean_restart $testfile
test_catch_signal "SIGHUP SIGUSR2"
# Coverage tests.
gdb_test "catch signal SIGZARDOZ" "Unknown signal name 'SIGZARDOZ'."
gdb_test "catch signal all" "Catchpoint .*"
gdb_test "catch signal all SIGHUP" "'all' cannot be caught with other signals"
gdb_test "catch signal SIGHUP all" "'all' cannot be caught with other signals"
set i 0
foreach {arg desc} {"" "standard signals" \
all "any signal"} {
gdb_test "catch signal $arg" "Catchpoint .*" \
"set catchpoint '$arg' for printing"
gdb_test "info break" "$decimal.*catchpoint.*signal.*$desc.*" \
"info break for '$arg'"
gdb_breakpoint "main"
gdb_test "save breakpoints [standard_output_file bps.$i]" \
"Saved to file .*bps.$i.*" \
"save breakpoints for '$arg'"
set filename [remote_upload host [standard_output_file bps.$i] \
[standard_output_file bps-local.$i]]
set fd [open $filename]
set file_data [read $fd]
set data [split $file_data "\n"]
close $fd
if {$arg == ""} {
set pattern "catch signal"
} else {
set pattern "catch signal $arg"
gdb_assert {[expr [llength $data] == 3]} \
"Number of lines of save breakpoints for '$arg'"
# Check the first line.
gdb_assert {[string match $pattern [lindex $data 0]]} \
"1st line of save breakpoints for '$arg'"
# Check the second line.
gdb_assert {[string match "break main" [lindex $data 1]]} \
"2nd line of save breakpoints for '$arg'"
# Check the trailing newline.
gdb_assert {[string match "" [lindex $data 2]]} \
"Trailing newline of save breakpoints for '$arg'"
incr i