blob: f4747c9a991806132629a0e2bb0775dc7d607fbe [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -d
#name: Tests for shift and rotate instructions
#source: shift.s
.*: file format elf32-s12z
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0: 14 11 bb lsr d0, d3, d5
3: 15 9a 76 asr d1, d4, #13
6: 15 84 asr d1, d0, #1
8: 17 68 fb lsl.b d7, \(-s\), #2
b: 17 69 fb lsl.w d7, \(-s\), #2
e: 17 6b fb lsl.l d7, \(-s\), #2
11: 17 2a fb lsr.p d7, \(-s\), #2
14: 10 3d f3 lsr.w \(\+y\), #2
17: 10 3e 8e lsr.p \(d6,x\), #2
1a: 10 f4 bf asl d7, #1
1d: 10 bc bd asr d1, #2
20: 16 de 78 asl d6, d6, #17
23: 16 d6 78 asl d6, d6, #16