blob: 7a2b88d6dfa124764626083bc68a47a580902939 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Make sure that writing out a dict with a symtypetab without going via
ctf_link_write (as a compiler might do to generate input destined for a
linker) always writes out a complete indexed, sorted symtypetab, ignoring the
set of symbols reported (if any). Also a test of dynamic dict sym
iteration. */
#include <ctf-api.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static int
report_sym (ctf_dict_t *fp, ctf_link_sym_t *sym, const char *name,
uint32_t idx, uint32_t st_type)
sym->st_name = name;
sym->st_symidx = idx;
sym->st_type = st_type;
return ctf_link_add_linker_symbol (fp, sym);
static void
try_maybe_reporting (int report)
ctf_dict_t *fp;
ctf_id_t func, func2, func3, base, base2, base3;
ctf_encoding_t e = { CTF_INT_SIGNED, 0, sizeof (long) };
ctf_id_t dummy;
ctf_funcinfo_t fi;
ctf_next_t *i = NULL;
ctf_id_t symtype;
const char *symname;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t bufsiz;
int err;
if ((fp = ctf_create (&err)) == NULL)
goto create_err;
/* Add a couple of sets of types to hang symbols off. We use multiple
identical types so we can distinguish between distinct func / data symbols
later on. */
if (((base = ctf_add_integer (fp, CTF_ADD_ROOT, "long int", &e)) == CTF_ERR) ||
((base2 = ctf_add_integer (fp, CTF_ADD_ROOT, "long int", &e)) == CTF_ERR) ||
((base3 = ctf_add_integer (fp, CTF_ADD_ROOT, "long int", &e)) == CTF_ERR))
goto create_types_err;
fi.ctc_return = base;
fi.ctc_argc = 0;
fi.ctc_flags = 0;
if (((func = ctf_add_function (fp, CTF_ADD_ROOT, &fi, &dummy)) == CTF_ERR) ||
((func2 = ctf_add_function (fp, CTF_ADD_ROOT, &fi, &dummy)) == CTF_ERR) ||
((func3 = ctf_add_function (fp, CTF_ADD_ROOT, &fi, &dummy)) == CTF_ERR))
goto create_types_err;
/* Add some function and data symbols. We intentionally add the symbols in
near-inverse order by symbol name, so that we can tell whether the
(necessarily indexed) section was sorted (since the sort is always in
lexicographical sort ordef by name). */
if ((ctf_add_objt_sym (fp, "data_c", base) < 0) ||
(ctf_add_objt_sym (fp, "data_a", base2) < 0) ||
(ctf_add_objt_sym (fp, "data_b", base3) < 0))
goto create_syms_err;
if ((ctf_add_func_sym (fp, "func_c", func) < 0) ||
(ctf_add_func_sym (fp, "func_a", func2) < 0) ||
(ctf_add_func_sym (fp, "func_b", func3) < 0))
goto create_syms_err;
/* Make sure we can iterate over them in a dynamic dict and that they have the
right types. We don't care about their order at this stage, which makes
the validation here a bit more verbose than it is below. */
while ((symtype = ctf_symbol_next (fp, &i, &symname, 0)) != CTF_ERR)
if (symtype == base && strcmp (symname, "data_c") == 0)
if (symtype == base2 && strcmp (symname, "data_a") == 0)
if (symtype == base3 && strcmp (symname, "data_b") == 0)
goto iter_compar_err;
if (ctf_errno (fp) != ECTF_NEXT_END)
goto iter_err;
while ((symtype = ctf_symbol_next (fp, &i, &symname, 1)) != CTF_ERR)
if (symtype == func && strcmp (symname, "func_c") == 0)
if (symtype == func2 && strcmp (symname, "func_a") == 0)
if (symtype == func3 && strcmp (symname, "func_b") == 0)
goto iter_compar_err;
if (ctf_errno (fp) != ECTF_NEXT_END)
goto iter_err;
/* Look up all the symbols by name and make sure that works. */
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "data_a") != base2)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "data_b") != base3)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "data_c") != base)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "func_a") != func2)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "func_b") != func3)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "func_c") != func)
goto lookup_syms_err;
/* Possibly report some but not all of the symbols, as if we are a linker (no
real program would do this without using the ctf_link APIs, but it's not
*prohibited*, just useless, and if they do we don't want things to
break. In particular we want all the symbols written out, reported or no,
ignoring the reported symbol set entirely.) */
if (report)
ctf_link_sym_t sym;
sym.st_nameidx_set = 0;
sym.st_nameidx = 0;
sym.st_shndx = 404; /* Arbitrary, not SHN_UNDEF or SHN_EXTABS. */
sym.st_value = 404; /* Arbitrary, nonzero. */
/* STT_OBJECT: 1. Don't rely on the #define being visible: this may be a
non-ELF platform! */
if (report_sym (fp, &sym, "data_c", 2, 1) < 0 ||
report_sym (fp, &sym, "data_a", 3, 1) < 0)
goto report_err;
/* STT_FUNC: 2. */
if (report_sym (fp, &sym, "func_c", 4, 2) < 0 ||
report_sym (fp, &sym, "func_a", 5, 2) < 0)
goto report_err;
/* Look up all the symbols by name now we have reported symbols. */
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "data_a") != base2)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "data_b") != base3)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "data_c") != base)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "func_a") != func2)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "func_b") != func3)
goto lookup_syms_err;
if (ctf_lookup_by_symbol_name (fp, "func_c") != func)
goto lookup_syms_err;
/* Write out, to memory. */
if ((buf = ctf_write_mem (fp, &bufsiz, 4096)) == NULL)
goto write_err;
ctf_file_close (fp);
/* Read back in. */
if ((fp = ctf_simple_open ((const char *) buf, bufsiz, NULL, 0, 0, NULL,
0, &err)) == NULL)
goto open_err;
/* Verify symbol order against the order we expect if this dict is sorted and
indexed. */
struct ctf_symtype_expected
const char *name;
ctf_id_t id;
} *expected;
struct ctf_symtype_expected expected_obj[] = { { "data_a", base2 },
{ "data_b", base3 },
{ "data_c", base },
{ NULL, 0 } };
struct ctf_symtype_expected expected_func[] = { { "func_a", func2 },
{ "func_b", func3 },
{ "func_c", func },
{ NULL, 0 } };
expected = expected_obj;
while ((symtype = ctf_symbol_next (fp, &i, &symname, 0)) != CTF_ERR)
if (expected == NULL)
goto expected_overshoot_err;
if (symtype != expected->id || strcmp (symname, expected->name) != 0)
goto expected_compar_err;
printf ("Seen: %s\n", symname);
expected = expected_func;
while ((symtype = ctf_symbol_next (fp, &i, &symname, 1)) != CTF_ERR)
if (expected == NULL)
goto expected_overshoot_err;
if (symtype != expected->id || strcmp (symname, expected->name) != 0)
goto expected_compar_err;
printf ("Seen: %s\n", symname);
ctf_file_close (fp);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr, "Creation failed: %s\n", ctf_errmsg (err));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Reopen failed: %s\n", ctf_errmsg (err));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot create types: %s\n", ctf_errmsg (ctf_errno (fp)));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot create syms: %s\n", ctf_errmsg (ctf_errno (fp)));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Dynamic iteration comparison failure: %s "
"(reported type: %lx)\n", symname, symtype);
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot iterate: %s\n", ctf_errmsg (ctf_errno (fp)));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot report symbol: %s\n", ctf_errmsg (ctf_errno (fp)));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot write out: %s\n", ctf_errmsg (ctf_errno (fp)));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Too many symbols in post-writeout comparison\n");
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Explicit lookup of symbols by name failed: %s\n",
ctf_errmsg (ctf_errno (fp)));
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "Non-dynamic iteration comparison failure: %s "
"(type %lx): expected %s (type %lx)\n", symname, symtype,
expected->name, expected->id);
exit (1);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
try_maybe_reporting (0);
try_maybe_reporting (1);