blob: 1a78c6ceb6fa6a12f9502b6e338cd416e891cb92 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Parameters for execution on any Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC machine.
Copyright 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995,
1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by the Center for Software Science at the
University of Utah (
This file is part of GDB.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "regcache.h"
#define GDB_MULTI_ARCH 1
/* Hack, get around problem with including "arch-utils.h". */
struct frame_info;
/* Forward declarations of some types we use in prototypes */
struct frame_info;
struct frame_saved_regs;
struct value;
struct type;
struct inferior_status;
/* Sequence of bytes for breakpoint instruction. */
const unsigned char *hppa_breakpoint_from_pc (CORE_ADDR *pcptr, int *lenptr);
#define BREAKPOINT_FROM_PC(PCPTR,LENPTR) hppa_breakpoint_from_pc ((PCPTR), (LENPTR))
#define BREAKPOINT32 0x10004
extern int hppa_pc_requires_run_before_use (CORE_ADDR pc);
#define PC_REQUIRES_RUN_BEFORE_USE(pc) hppa_pc_requires_run_before_use (pc)
/* Register numbers of various important registers.
Note that some of these values are "real" register numbers,
and correspond to the general registers of the machine,
and some are "phony" register numbers which are too large
to be actual register numbers as far as the user is concerned
but do serve to get the desired values when passed to read_register. */
#define R0_REGNUM 0 /* Doesn't actually exist, used as base for
other r registers. */
#define FLAGS_REGNUM 0 /* Various status flags */
#define RP_REGNUM 2 /* return pointer */
#define HPPA_FP_REGNUM 3 /* The ABI's frame pointer, when used */
#define HPPA_SP_REGNUM 30 /* Stack pointer. */
#define SAR_REGNUM 32 /* Shift Amount Register */
#define IPSW_REGNUM 41 /* Interrupt Processor Status Word */
#define PCOQ_HEAD_REGNUM 33 /* instruction offset queue head */
#define PCSQ_HEAD_REGNUM 34 /* instruction space queue head */
#define PCOQ_TAIL_REGNUM 35 /* instruction offset queue tail */
#define PCSQ_TAIL_REGNUM 36 /* instruction space queue tail */
#define EIEM_REGNUM 37 /* External Interrupt Enable Mask */
#define IIR_REGNUM 38 /* Interrupt Instruction Register */
#define IOR_REGNUM 40 /* Interrupt Offset Register */
#define SR4_REGNUM 43 /* space register 4 */
#define RCR_REGNUM 51 /* Recover Counter (also known as cr0) */
#define CCR_REGNUM 54 /* Coprocessor Configuration Register */
#define TR0_REGNUM 57 /* Temporary Registers (cr24 -> cr31) */
#define CR27_REGNUM 60 /* Base register for thread-local storage, cr27 */
#define HPPA_FP0_REGNUM 64 /* First floating-point. */
#define FP4_REGNUM 72
#define ARG0_REGNUM 26 /* The first argument of a callee. */
#define ARG1_REGNUM 25 /* The second argument of a callee. */
#define ARG2_REGNUM 24 /* The third argument of a callee. */
#define ARG3_REGNUM 23 /* The fourth argument of a callee. */
/* When fetching register values from an inferior or a core file,
clean them up using this macro. BUF is a char pointer to
the raw value of the register in the registers[] array. */
do { \
if ((regno) == PCOQ_HEAD_REGNUM || (regno) == PCOQ_TAIL_REGNUM) \
(buf)[sizeof(CORE_ADDR) -1] &= ~0x3; \
} while (0)
/* PA specific macro to see if the current instruction is nullified. */
extern int hppa_instruction_nullified (void);
#define INSTRUCTION_NULLIFIED hppa_instruction_nullified ()
* Unwind table and descriptor.
struct unwind_table_entry
CORE_ADDR region_start;
CORE_ADDR region_end;
unsigned int Cannot_unwind:1; /* 0 */
unsigned int Millicode:1; /* 1 */
unsigned int Millicode_save_sr0:1; /* 2 */
unsigned int Region_description:2; /* 3..4 */
unsigned int reserved1:1; /* 5 */
unsigned int Entry_SR:1; /* 6 */
unsigned int Entry_FR:4; /* number saved *//* 7..10 */
unsigned int Entry_GR:5; /* number saved *//* 11..15 */
unsigned int Args_stored:1; /* 16 */
unsigned int Variable_Frame:1; /* 17 */
unsigned int Separate_Package_Body:1; /* 18 */
unsigned int Frame_Extension_Millicode:1; /* 19 */
unsigned int Stack_Overflow_Check:1; /* 20 */
unsigned int Two_Instruction_SP_Increment:1; /* 21 */
unsigned int Ada_Region:1; /* 22 */
unsigned int cxx_info:1; /* 23 */
unsigned int cxx_try_catch:1; /* 24 */
unsigned int sched_entry_seq:1; /* 25 */
unsigned int reserved2:1; /* 26 */
unsigned int Save_SP:1; /* 27 */
unsigned int Save_RP:1; /* 28 */
unsigned int Save_MRP_in_frame:1; /* 29 */
unsigned int extn_ptr_defined:1; /* 30 */
unsigned int Cleanup_defined:1; /* 31 */
unsigned int MPE_XL_interrupt_marker:1; /* 0 */
unsigned int HP_UX_interrupt_marker:1; /* 1 */
unsigned int Large_frame:1; /* 2 */
unsigned int Pseudo_SP_Set:1; /* 3 */
unsigned int reserved4:1; /* 4 */
unsigned int Total_frame_size:27; /* 5..31 */
/* This is *NOT* part of an actual unwind_descriptor in an object
file. It is *ONLY* part of the "internalized" descriptors that
we create from those in a file.
unsigned int stub_type:4; /* 0..3 */
unsigned int padding:28; /* 4..31 */
/* HP linkers also generate unwinds for various linker-generated stubs.
GDB reads in the stubs from the $UNWIND_END$ subspace, then
"converts" them into normal unwind entries using some of the reserved
fields to store the stub type. */
/* The gaps represent linker stubs used in MPE and space for future
expansion. */
enum unwind_stub_types
EXPORT = 10,
IMPORT = 11,
/* We use the objfile->obj_private pointer for two things:
* 1. An unwind table;
* 2. A pointer to any associated shared library object.
* #defines are used to help refer to these objects.
/* Info about the unwind table associated with an object file.
* This is hung off of the "objfile->obj_private" pointer, and
* is allocated in the objfile's psymbol obstack. This allows
* us to have unique unwind info for each executable and shared
* library that we are debugging.
struct obj_unwind_info
struct unwind_table_entry *table; /* Pointer to unwind info */
struct unwind_table_entry *cache; /* Pointer to last entry we found */
int last; /* Index of last entry */
typedef struct obj_private_struct
struct obj_unwind_info *unwind_info; /* a pointer */
struct so_list *so_info; /* a pointer */
/* For a number of horrible reasons we may have to adjust the location
of variables on the stack. Ugh. */
#define HPREAD_ADJUST_STACK_ADDRESS(ADDR) hpread_adjust_stack_address(ADDR)
extern int hpread_adjust_stack_address (CORE_ADDR);
/* Here's how to step off a permanent breakpoint. */
#define SKIP_PERMANENT_BREAKPOINT (hppa_skip_permanent_breakpoint)
extern void hppa_skip_permanent_breakpoint (void);
/* On HP-UX, certain system routines (millicode) have names beginning
with $ or $$, e.g. $$dyncall, which handles inter-space procedure
calls on PA-RISC. Tell the expression parser to check for those
when parsing tokens that begin with "$". */