RISC-V: Split "(a & (1UL << bitno)) ? 0 : -1" to bext + addi

For a straightforward application of bext for the following function
  long bext64(long a, char bitno)
    return (a & (1UL << bitno)) ? 0 : -1;
we generate
	srl	a0,a0,a1	# 7	[c=4 l=4]  lshrdi3
	andi	a0,a0,1	# 8	[c=4 l=4]  anddi3/1
	addi	a0,a0,-1	# 14	[c=4 l=4]  adddi3/1
due to the following failed match at combine time:
  (set (reg:DI 82)
       (zero_extract:DI (reg:DI 83)
            (const_int 1 [0x1])
            (reg:DI 84)))

The existing pattern for bext requires the 3rd argument to
zero_extract to be a QImode register wrapped in a zero_extension.
This adds an additional pattern that allows an Xmode argument.

With this change, the testcase compiles to
	bext	a0,a0,a1	# 8	[c=4 l=4]  *bextdi
	addi	a0,a0,-1	# 14	[c=4 l=4]  adddi3/1


	* config/riscv/bitmanip.md (*bext<mode>): Add an additional
	pattern that allows the 3rd argument to zero_extract to be
	an Xmode register operand.


	* gcc.target/riscv/zbs-bext.c: Add testcases.
	* gcc.target/riscv/zbs-bexti.c: Add testcases.
3 files changed