blob: aa4179e7a79bc4436ed3b7c768811920a01674cb [file] [log] [blame]
# Allocate stack for NT, inserting stack probes every 4k pages
.file "ntstack.asm"
# Setup MS Structured-Exception-Handling
.align 2
.ualong ..__allocate_stack,__allocate_stack.e,0,0,__allocate_stack.b
# Switch to the relocation section
.globl __allocate_stack
.globl ..__allocate_stack
.ualong ..__allocate_stack,.toc
.align 2
.function ..__allocate_stack
addi 3,3,15 # round up to 16 byte alignment
lwz 0,0(1) # old stack link
rlwinm 3,3,0,0,28
srawi. 4,3,12 # get # of pages to check
neg 3,3 # negate so we can use stwux
bgt- 0,.Lcheck
stwux 0,1,3 # small request, just decrement and return
mtctr 4 # number of pages to check
mr 5,1 # tmp pointer
lwzu 6,-4096(5) # touch the page
bdnz+ .Lloop # and loop back
stwux 0,1,3 # update stack pointer