blob: 3604233741705fa9dc30f6d098d6c7b29f4171ba [file] [log] [blame]
// spurious 'const' in error.
// For egcs-2.91.34, the warning message refers to
// class ostream & operator <<(class ostream &, const class Vector<T> &)
// Also, the template instantiation does not provide the missing
// friend function, the non-template function does
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class Vector
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Vector<T> & vec); // WARNING -
template <class T>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Vector<T> & vec)
abort(); // this should not be called
template class Vector<char>;
template ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Vector<char> &);
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Vector<char>&)
return out;
int main()
Vector<char> vc;
cout << vc;