blob: 2c024f5ba7e6b7b087c6be2a62155dcddee3f7f3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Nicola Pero - Thu Mar 8 16:27:46 CET 2001 */
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include <objc/objc-api.h>
#include <objc/Object.h>
/* Test that by using -> we can access ivars of other objects of the same
class */
@interface TestClass : Object
int value;
- (int) value;
- (int) setValue: (int)number;
- (void) takeValueFrom: (TestClass *)object;
@implementation TestClass : Object
int value;
- (int) value
return value;
- (int) setValue: (int)number
value = number;
- (void) takeValueFrom: (TestClass *)object
value = object->value;
int main (void)
TestClass *a;
TestClass *b;
a = [TestClass new];
[a setValue: 10];
b = [TestClass new];
[b setValue: -10];
[b takeValueFrom: a];
if ([b value] != [a value])
abort ();
return 0;