blob: be3873922955a0ed1056abad1016e9ce87cd9420 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- O S I N T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.2 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
-- This package contains the low level, operating system routines used in
-- the GNAT compiler and binder for command line processing and file input
-- output. The specification is suitable for use with MS-DOS, Unix, and
-- similar systems. Note that for input source and library information
-- files, the line terminator may be either CR/LF or LF alone, and the
-- DOS-style EOF (16#1A#) character marking the end of the text in a
-- file may be used in all systems including Unix. This allows for more
-- convenient processing of DOS files in a Unix environment.
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with System; use System;
with Types; use Types;
package Osint is
procedure Set_Main_File_Name (Name : String);
-- Set the main file name for Gnatmake.
function Normalize_Directory_Name (Directory : String) return String_Ptr;
-- Verify and normalize a directory name. If directory name is invalid,
-- this will return an empty string. Otherwise it will insure a trailing
-- slash and make other normalizations.
type File_Type is (Source, Library, Config);
function Find_File
(N : File_Name_Type;
T : File_Type)
return File_Name_Type;
-- Finds a source or library file depending on the value of T following
-- the directory search order rules unless N is the name of the file
-- just read with Next_Main_File and already contains directiory
-- information, in which case just look in the Primary_Directory.
-- Returns File_Name_Type of the full file name if found, No_File if
-- file not found. Note that for the special case of gnat.adc, only the
-- compilation environment directory is searched, i.e. the directory
-- where the ali and object files are written. Another special case is
-- when Debug_Generated_Code is set and the file name ends on ".dg",
-- in which case we look for the generated file only in the current
-- directory, since that is where it is always built.
function Get_Switch_Character return Character;
pragma Import (C, Get_Switch_Character, "__gnat_get_switch_character");
Switch_Character : constant Character := Get_Switch_Character;
-- Set to the default switch character (note that minus is always an
-- acceptable alternative switch character)
function Get_File_Names_Case_Sensitive return Int;
pragma Import (C, Get_File_Names_Case_Sensitive,
File_Names_Case_Sensitive : constant Boolean :=
Get_File_Names_Case_Sensitive /= 0;
-- Set to indicate whether the operating system convention is for file
-- names to be case sensitive (e.g., in Unix, set True), or non case
-- sensitive (e.g., in OS/2, set False).
procedure Canonical_Case_File_Name (S : in out String);
-- Given a file name, converts it to canonical case form. For systems
-- where file names are case sensitive, this procedure has no effect.
-- If file names are not case sensitive (i.e. for example if you have
-- the file "xyz.adb", you can refer to it as XYZ.adb or XyZ.AdB), then
-- this call converts the given string to canonical all lower case form,
-- so that two file names compare equal if they refer to the same file.
function Number_Of_Files return Int;
-- gives the total number of filenames found on the command line.
procedure Add_File (File_Name : String);
-- Called by the subprogram processing the command line for each
-- file name found.
procedure Set_Output_Object_File_Name (Name : String);
-- Called by the subprogram processing the command line when an
-- output object file name is found.
type Program_Type is (Compiler, Binder, Make);
Program : Program_Type;
-- Program currently running (set by Initialize below)
procedure Initialize (P : Program_Type);
-- This routine scans parameters and initializes for the first call to
-- Next_Main_Source (Compiler or Make) or Next_Main_Lib_File (Binder).
-- It also resets any of the variables in package Opt in response to
-- command switch settings.
-- Initialize may terminate execution if the parameters are invalid or some
-- other fatal error is encountered. The interface is set up to
-- accommodate scanning a series of files (e.g. as the result of
-- wild card references in DOS, or an expanded list of source files
-- in Unix). Of course it is perfectly possible to ignore this in
-- the implementation and provide for opening only one file.
-- The parameter P is the program (Compiler, Binder or Make) that is
-- actually running.
procedure Find_Program_Name;
-- Put simple name of current program being run (excluding the directory
-- path) in Name_Buffer, with the length in Name_Len.
function Program_Name (Nam : String) return String_Access;
-- In the native compilation case, Create a string containing Nam. In
-- the cross compilation case, looks at the prefix of the current
-- program being run and prepend it to Nam. For instance if the program
-- being run is <target>-gnatmake and Nam is "gcc", the returned value
-- will be a pointer to "<target>-gcc". This function clobbers
-- Name_Buffer and Name_Len.
procedure Write_Program_Name;
-- Writes name of program as invoked to standard output
procedure Fail (S1 : String; S2 : String := ""; S3 : String := "");
-- Outputs error messages S1 & S2 & S3 preceded by the name of the
-- executing program and exits with E_Fatal.
function Is_Directory_Separator (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if C is a directory separator
function Get_Directory (Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
-- Get the prefix directory name (if any) from Name. The last separator
-- is preserved. Return No_File if there is no directory part in the
-- name.
function Is_Readonly_Library (File : File_Name_Type) return Boolean;
-- Check if this library file is a read-only file.
function Strip_Directory (Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
-- Strips the prefix directory name (if any) from Name. Returns the
-- stripped name.
function Strip_Suffix (Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
-- Strips the suffix (the '.' and whatever comes after it) from Name.
-- Returns the stripped name.
function Executable_Name (Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
-- Given a file name it adds the appropriate suffix at the end so that
-- it becomes the name of the executable on the system at end. For
-- instance under DOS it adds the ".exe" suffix, whereas under UNIX no
-- suffix is added.
function File_Stamp (Name : File_Name_Type) return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Returns the time stamp of file Name. Name should include relative
-- path information in order to locate it. If the source file cannot be
-- opened, or Name = No_File, and all blank time stamp is returned (this is
-- not an error situation).
procedure Record_Time_From_Last_Bind;
-- Trigger the computing of the time from the last bind of the same
-- program.
function Time_From_Last_Bind return Nat;
-- This function give an approximate number of minute from the last bind.
-- It bases its computation on file stamp and therefore does gibe not
-- any meaningful result before the new output binder file is written.
-- So it returns Nat'last if
-- - it is the first bind of this specific program
-- - Record_Time_From_Last_Bind was not Called first
-- - Close_Binder_Output was not called first
-- otherwise returns the number of minutes
-- till the last bind. The computation does not try to be completely
-- accurate and in particular does not take leap years into account.
type String_Access_List is array (Positive range <>) of String_Access;
-- Deferenced type used to return a list of file specs in
-- To_Canonical_File_List.
type String_Access_List_Access is access all String_Access_List;
-- Type used to return a String_Access_List without dragging in secondary
-- stack.
function To_Canonical_File_List
(Wildcard_Host_File : String; Only_Dirs : Boolean)
return String_Access_List_Access;
-- Expand a wildcard host syntax file or directory specification (e.g. on
-- a VMS host, any file or directory spec that contains:
-- "*", or "%", or "...")
-- and return a list of valid Unix syntax file or directory specs.
-- If Only_Dirs is True, then only return directories.
function To_Canonical_Dir_Spec
(Host_Dir : String;
Prefix_Style : Boolean)
return String_Access;
-- Convert a host syntax directory specification (e.g. on a VMS host:
-- "SYS$DEVICE:[DIR]") to canonical (Unix) syntax (e.g. "/sys$device/dir").
-- If Prefix_Style then make it a valid file specification prefix.
-- A file specification prefix is a directory specification that
-- can be appended with a simple file specification to yield a valid
-- absolute or relative path to a file. On a conversion to Unix syntax
-- this simply means the spec has a trailing slash ("/").
function To_Canonical_File_Spec
(Host_File : String)
return String_Access;
-- Convert a host syntax file specification (e.g. on a VMS host:
-- "SYS$DEVICE:[DIR]FILE.EXT;69 to canonical (Unix) syntax (e.g.
-- "/sys$device/dir/file.ext.69").
function To_Canonical_Path_Spec
(Host_Path : String)
return String_Access;
-- Convert a host syntax Path specification (e.g. on a VMS host:
-- "SYS$DEVICE:[BAR],DISK$USER:[FOO] to canonical (Unix) syntax (e.g.
-- "/sys$device/foo:disk$user/foo").
function To_Host_Dir_Spec
(Canonical_Dir : String;
Prefix_Style : Boolean)
return String_Access;
-- Convert a canonical syntax directory specification to host syntax.
-- The Prefix_Style flag is currently ignored but should be set to
-- False.
function To_Host_File_Spec
(Canonical_File : String)
return String_Access;
-- Convert a canonical syntax file specification to host syntax.
-- Search Dir Routines --
procedure Add_Default_Search_Dirs;
-- This routine adds the default search dirs indicated by the
-- environment variables and sdefault package.
procedure Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Dir : String);
-- Add Dir at the end of the library file search path
procedure Add_Src_Search_Dir (Dir : String);
-- Add Dir at the end of the source file search path
procedure Get_Next_Dir_In_Path_Init
(Search_Path : String_Access);
function Get_Next_Dir_In_Path
(Search_Path : String_Access)
return String_Access;
-- These subprograms are used to parse out the directory names in a
-- search path specified by a Search_Path argument. The procedure
-- initializes an internal pointer to point to the initial directory
-- name, and calls to the function return successive directory names,
-- with a null pointer marking the end of the list.
function Get_Primary_Src_Search_Directory return String_Ptr;
-- Retrieved the primary directory (directory containing the main source
-- file for Gnatmake.
function Nb_Dir_In_Src_Search_Path return Natural;
function Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (Position : Natural) return String_Ptr;
-- Functions to access the directory names in the source search path
function Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path return Natural;
function Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (Position : Natural) return String_Ptr;
-- Functions to access the directory names in the Object search path
Include_Search_File : constant String_Access
:= new String'("ada_source_path");
Objects_Search_File : constant String_Access
:= new String'("ada_object_path");
-- Files containg the default include or objects search directories.
function Read_Default_Search_Dirs
(Search_Dir_Prefix : String_Access;
Search_File : String_Access;
Search_Dir_Default_Name : String_Access)
return String_Access;
-- Read and return the default search directories from the file located
-- in Search_Dir_Prefix (as modified by update_path) and named Search_File.
-- If no such file exists or an error occurs then instead return the
-- Search_Dir_Default_Name (as modified by update_path).
-- Source File Input --
-- Source file input routines are used by the compiler to read the main
-- source files and the subsidiary source files (e.g. with'ed units), and
-- also by the binder to check presence/time stamps of sources.
function More_Source_Files return Boolean;
-- Indicates whether more source file remain to be processed. Returns
-- False right away if no source files, or if all source files have
-- been processed.
function Next_Main_Source return File_Name_Type;
-- This function returns the name of the next main source file specified
-- on the command line. It is an error to call Next_Main_Source if no more
-- source files exist (i.e. Next_Main_Source may be called only if a
-- previous call to More_Source_Files returned True). This name is the
-- simple file name (without any directory information).
procedure Read_Source_File
(N : File_Name_Type;
Lo : Source_Ptr;
Hi : out Source_Ptr;
Src : out Source_Buffer_Ptr;
T : File_Type := Source);
-- Allocates a Source_Buffer of appropriate length and then reads the
-- entire contents of the source file N into the buffer. The address of
-- the allocated buffer is returned in Src.
-- Each line of text is terminated by one of the sequences:
-- CR
-- CR/LF
-- LF/CR
-- LF
-- The source is terminated by an EOF (16#1A#) character, which is
-- the last charcater of the returned source bufer (note that any
-- EOF characters in positions other than the last source character
-- are treated as representing blanks).
-- The logical lower bound of the source buffer is the input value of Lo,
-- and on exit Hi is set to the logical upper bound of the source buffer.
-- Note that the returned value in Src points to an array with a physical
-- lower bound of zero. This virtual origin addressing approach means that
-- a constrained array pointer can be used with a low bound of zero which
-- results in more efficient code.
-- If the given file cannot be opened, then the action depends on whether
-- this file is the current main unit (i.e. its name matches the name
-- returned by the most recent call to Next_Main_Source). If so, then the
-- failure to find the file is a fatal error, an error message is output,
-- and program execution is terminated. Otherwise (for the case of a
-- subsidiary source loaded directly or indirectly using with), a file
-- not found condition causes null to be set as the result value.
-- Note that the name passed to this function is the simple file name,
-- without any directory information. The implementation is responsible
-- for searching for the file in the appropriate directories.
-- Note the special case that if the file name is gnat.adc, then the
-- search for the file is done ONLY in the directory corresponding to
-- the current compilation environment, i.e. in the same directory
-- where the ali and object files will be written.
function Full_Source_Name return File_Name_Type;
function Current_Source_File_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Returns the full name/time stamp of the source file most recently read
-- using Read_Source_File. Calling this routine entails no source file
-- directory lookup penalty.
function Full_Source_Name (N : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
function Source_File_Stamp (N : File_Name_Type) return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Returns the full name/time stamp of the source file whose simple name
-- is N which should not include path information. Note that if the file
-- cannot be located No_File is returned for the first routine and an
-- all blank time stamp is returned for the second (this is not an error
-- situation). The full name includes the appropriate directory
-- information. The source file directory lookup penalty is incurred
-- every single time the routines are called unless you have previously
-- called Source_File_Data (Cache => True). See below.
function Matching_Full_Source_Name
(N : File_Name_Type;
T : Time_Stamp_Type)
return File_Name_Type;
-- Same semantics than Full_Source_Name but will search on the source
-- path until a source file with time stamp matching T is found. If
-- none is found returns No_File.
procedure Source_File_Data (Cache : Boolean);
-- By default source file data (full source file name and time stamp)
-- are looked up every time a call to Full_Source_Name (N) or
-- Source_File_Stamp (N) is made. This may be undesirable in certain
-- applications as this is uselessly slow if source file data does not
-- change during program execution. When this procedure is called with
-- Cache => True access to source file data does not encurr a penalty if
-- this data was previously retrieved.
-- Representation of Library Information --
-- Associated with each compiled source file is library information,
-- a string of bytes whose exact format is described in the body of
-- Lib.Writ. Compiling a source file generates this library information
-- for the compiled unit, and access the library information for units
-- that were compiled previously on which the unit being compiled depends.
-- How this information is stored is up to the implementation of this
-- package. At the interface level, this information is simply associated
-- with its corresponding source.
-- Several different implementations are possible:
-- 1. The information could be directly associated with the source file,
-- e.g. placed in a resource fork of this file on the Mac, or on
-- MS-DOS, written to the source file after the end of file mark.
-- 2. The information could be written into the generated object module
-- if the system supports the inclusion of arbitrary informational
-- byte streams into object files. In this case there must be a naming
-- convention that allows object files to be located given the name of
-- the corresponding source file.
-- 3. The information could be written to a separate file, whose name is
-- related to the name of the source file by a fixed convention.
-- Which of these three methods is chosen depends on the constraints of the
-- host operating system. The interface described here is independent of
-- which of these approaches is used.
-- Library Information Input --
-- These subprograms are used by the binder to read library information
-- files, see section above for representation of these files.
function More_Lib_Files return Boolean;
-- Indicates whether more library information files remain to be processed.
-- Returns False right away if no source files, or if all source files
-- have been processed.
function Next_Main_Lib_File return File_Name_Type;
-- This function returns the name of the next library info file specified
-- on the command line. It is an error to call Next_Main_Lib_File if no
-- more library information files exist (i.e. Next_Main_Lib_File may be
-- called only if a previous call to More_Lib_Files returned True). This
-- name is the simple name, excluding any directory information.
function Read_Library_Info
(Lib_File : File_Name_Type;
Fatal_Err : Boolean := False)
return Text_Buffer_Ptr;
-- Allocates a Text_Buffer of appropriate length and reads in the entire
-- source of the library information from the library information file
-- whose name is given by the parameter Name.
-- See description of Read_Source_File for details on the format of the
-- returned text buffer (the format is identical). THe lower bound of
-- the Text_Buffer is always zero
-- If the specified file cannot be opened, then the action depends on
-- Fatal_Err. If Fatal_Err is True, an error message is given and the
-- compilation is abandoned. Otherwise if Fatal_Err is False, then null
-- is returned. Note that the Lib_File is a simple name which does not
-- include any directory information. The implementation is responsible
-- for searching for the file in appropriate directories.
-- If Opt.Check_Object_Consistency is set to True then this routine
-- checks whether the object file corresponding to the Lib_File is
-- consistent with it. The object file is inconsistent if the object
-- does not exist or if it has an older time stamp than Lib_File.
-- This check is not performed when the Lib_File is "locked" (i.e.
-- read/only) because in this case the object file may be buried
-- in a library. In case of inconsistencies Read_Library_Info
-- behaves as if it did not find Lib_File (namely if Fatal_Err is
-- False, null is returned).
procedure Read_Library_Info
(Name : out File_Name_Type;
Text : out Text_Buffer_Ptr);
-- The procedure version of Read_Library_Info is used from the compiler
-- to read an existing ali file associated with the main unit. If the
-- ALI file exists, then its file name is returned in Name, and its
-- text is returned in Text. If the file does not exist, then Text is
-- set to null.
function Full_Library_Info_Name return File_Name_Type;
function Full_Object_File_Name return File_Name_Type;
-- Returns the full name of the library/object file most recently read
-- using Read_Library_Info, including appropriate directory information.
-- Calling this routine entails no library file directory lookup
-- penalty. Note that the object file corresponding to a library file
-- is not actually read. Its time stamp is fected when the flag
-- Opt.Check_Object_Consistency is set.
function Current_Library_File_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
function Current_Object_File_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- The time stamps of the files returned by the previous two routines.
-- It is an error to call Current_Object_File_Stamp if
-- Opt.Check_Object_Consistency is set to False.
function Full_Lib_File_Name (N : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
function Library_File_Stamp (N : File_Name_Type) return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Returns the full name/time stamp of library file N. N should not
-- include path information. Note that if the file cannot be located
-- No_File is returned for the first routine and an all blank time stamp
-- is returned for the second (this is not an error situation). The
-- full name includes the appropriate directory information. The library
-- file directory lookup penalty is incurred every single time this
-- routine is called.
function Object_File_Name (N : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
-- Constructs the name of the object file corresponding to library
-- file N. If N is a full file name than the returned file name will
-- also be a full file name. Note that no lookup in the library file
-- directories is done for this file. This routine merely constructs
-- the name.
-- Library Information Output --
-- These routines are used by the compiler to generate the library
-- information file for the main source file being compiled. See section
-- above for a discussion of how library information files are stored.
procedure Create_Output_Library_Info;
-- Creates the output library information file for the source file which
-- is currently being compiled (i.e. the file which was most recently
-- returned by Next_Main_Source).
procedure Write_Library_Info (Info : String);
-- Writes the contents of the referenced string to the library information
-- file for the main source file currently being compiled (i.e. the file
-- which was most recently opened with a call to Read_Next_File). Info
-- represents a single line in the file, but does not contain any line
-- termination characters. The implementation of Write_Library_Info is
-- responsible for adding necessary end of line and end of file control
-- characters to the generated file.
procedure Close_Output_Library_Info;
-- Closes the file created by Create_Output_Library_Info, flushing any
-- buffers etc from writes by Write_Library_Info.
function Lib_File_Name (Source_File : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
-- Given the name of a source file, returns the name of the corresponding
-- library information file. This may be the name of the object file, or
-- of a separate file used to store the library information. In either case
-- the returned result is suitable for use in a call to Read_Library_Info.
-- Note: this subprogram is in this section because it is used by the
-- compiler to determine the proper library information names to be placed
-- in the generated library information file.
-- Debug Source File Output --
-- These routines are used by the compiler to generate the debug source
-- file for the Debug_Generated_Code (-gnatD switch) option. Note that
-- debug source file writing occurs at a completely different point in
-- the processing from library information output, so the code in the
-- body can assume these functions are never used at the same time.
function Create_Debug_File (Src : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
-- Given the simple name of a source file, this routine creates the
-- corresponding debug file, and returns its full name.
procedure Write_Debug_Info (Info : String);
-- Writes contents of given string as next line of the current debug
-- source file created by the most recent call to Get_Debug_Name. Info
-- does not contain any end of line or other formatting characters.
procedure Close_Debug_File;
-- Close current debug file created by the most recent call to
-- Get_Debug_Name.
function Debug_File_Eol_Length return Nat;
-- Returns the number of characters (1 for NL, 2 for CR/LF) written
-- at the end of each line by Write_Debug_Info.
-- Semantic Tree Input-Output --
procedure Tree_Create;
-- Creates the tree output file for the source file which is currently
-- being compiled (i.e. the file which was most recently returned by
-- Next_Main_Source), and initializes Tree_IO.Tree_Write for output.
procedure Tree_Close;
-- Closes the file previously opened by Tree_Create
-- Binder Output --
-- These routines are used by the binder to generate the C source file
-- containing the binder output. The format of this file is described
-- in the package Bindfmt.
procedure Create_Binder_Output
(Output_File_Name : String;
Typ : Character;
Bfile : out Name_Id);
-- Creates the binder output file. Typ is one of
-- 'c' create output file for case of generating C
-- 'b' create body file for case of generating Ada
-- 's' create spec file for case of generating Ada
-- If Output_File_Name is null, then a default name is used based on
-- the name of the most recently accessed main source file name. If
-- Output_File_Name is non-null then it is the full path name of the
-- file to be output (in the case of Ada, it must have an extension
-- of adb, and the spec file is created by changing the last character
-- from b to s. On return, Bfile also contains the Name_Id for the
-- generated file name.
procedure Write_Binder_Info (Info : String);
-- Writes the contents of the referenced string to the binder output file
-- created by a previous call to Create_Binder_Output. Info represents a
-- single line in the file, but does not contain any line termination
-- characters. The implementation of Write_Binder_Info is responsible
-- for adding necessary end of line and end of file control characters
-- as required by the operating system.
procedure Close_Binder_Output;
-- Closes the file created by Create_Binder_Output, flushing any
-- buffers etc from writes by Write_Binder_Info.
-- Termination --
type Exit_Code_Type is (
E_Success, -- No warnings or errors
E_Warnings, -- Compiler warnings generated
E_No_Code, -- No code generated
E_No_Compile, -- Compilation not needed (smart recompilation)
E_Errors, -- Compiler error messages generated
E_Fatal, -- Fatal (serious) error, e.g. source file not found
E_Abort); -- Internally detected compiler error
procedure Exit_Program (Exit_Code : Exit_Code_Type);
-- A call to Exit_Program terminates execution with the given status.
-- A status of zero indicates normal completion, a non-zero status
-- indicates abnormal termination.
-- Command Line Access --
-- Direct interface to command line parameters. (We don't want to use
-- the predefined command line package because it defines functions
-- returning string)
function Arg_Count return Natural;
pragma Import (C, Arg_Count, "__gnat_arg_count");
-- Get number of arguments (note: optional globbing may be enabled)
procedure Fill_Arg (A : System.Address; Arg_Num : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Fill_Arg, "__gnat_fill_arg");
-- Store one argument
function Len_Arg (Arg_Num : Integer) return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Len_Arg, "__gnat_len_arg");
-- Get length of argument
end Osint;