blob: 947dde19f71ab9994a5a8d7d827ab14e20165689 [file] [log] [blame]
@c Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@c This is part of the GCC manual.
@c For copying conditions, see the file gcc.texi.
@c Common values used in the GCC manuals:
@set version-GCC 3.1
@c Common macros to support generating man pages:
@macro gcctabopt{body}
@end macro
@macro gccoptlist{body}
@end smallexample
@end macro
@c Makeinfo handles the above macro OK, TeX needs manual line breaks;
@c they get lost at some point in handling the macro. But if @macro is
@c used here rather than @alias, it produces double line breaks.
@alias gol = *
@end iftex
@macro gol
@end macro
@end ifnottex
@c For FSF printing, define FSFPRINT. Also update the ISBNs and last
@c printing dates in gcc.texi and gccint.texi.
@c @set FSFPRINT
@end ifset