blob: 8558be63fa0f63bc106e929a375275be2127a4e5 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# generate perl hashes based on
# commands information also used in the XS parser.
# Copyright 2022-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use strict;
use warnings;
# need this information to fill in automatically the index commands
my %index_in_code = (
'cp' => 0,
'fn' => 1,
'vr' => 1,
'ky' => 1,
'pg' => 1,
'tp' => 1,
my %command_categories;
my %flags_hashes;
my %command_args_nr;
my %multi_category_commands;
while (<STDIN>) {
if (not (/^#/ or /^ *$/)) {
my ($command, $flags, $data, $args_nr) = split;
my @flags = split /,/, $flags;
#print STDERR "$command, ".join('|',@flags).", $data, $args_nr\n";
my $category;
my $type = 'other';
if (defined($data) and $data ne '') {
if ($data =~ /^([A-Z]+)_([a-z_]+)$/) {
$category = lc($1);
$type = $2;
} else {
die "$command: abnormal data: $data\n";
if (defined($category)) {
$command_categories{$category} = {} if (!$command_categories{$category});
if (!grep {$_ eq $category} @flags) {
die "$command: ".join('|',@flags).": $category: not in flags\n";
} else {
# note that this depends on the order in the file, a category can
# only be detected in the flags if it was already seen as data for
# another command, so commands without data should be last in their
# category in the input file.
my @categories = grep {exists($command_categories{$_})} @flags;
if (scalar(@categories) == 0) {
die "$command: ".join('|',@flags).": cannot find a category ("
.join('|', sort(keys(%command_categories))).")\n";
} elsif (scalar(@categories) > 1) {
warn "$command: ".join('|',@flags)
.": multiple categories: ".join('|',@categories)."\n";
$category = $categories[0];
# handle commands in multiple categories, for now @item
my $uc_category = uc($category);
if ($command =~ /^(.*)_$uc_category$/) {
$multi_category_commands{$command} = $1;
if (defined($args_nr) and $args_nr ne '') {
$command_args_nr{$command} = $args_nr;
$command_categories{$category}->{$type} = []
if not ($command_categories{$category}->{$type});
push @{$command_categories{$category}->{$type}}, $command;
# gives the same result as {$_ ne $category} as the
# command with multiple categories, txiinternalvalue appears
# at the very beginning of the file
foreach my $flag (grep {not $command_categories{$_}} @flags) {
$flags_hashes{$flag} = [] if (!$flags_hashes{$flag});
push @{$flags_hashes{$flag}}, $command;
my $out_file = $ARGV[0];
die "Need an output file\n" if (!defined($out_file));
open(OUT, ">$out_file") or die "Open $out_file: $!\n";
print OUT "# Automatically generated from $0\n\n";
print OUT "package Texinfo::Commands;\n\n";
foreach my $category (sort(keys(%command_categories))) {
print OUT "our %${category}_commands = (\n";
foreach my $type (sort(keys(%{$command_categories{$category}}))) {
foreach my $command (sort(@{$command_categories{$category}->{$type}})) {
print OUT ' '.sprintf('%-25s', '"'.$command.'"')." => '$type',\n";
# set no_paragraph flag for all the line and block commands
push @{$flags_hashes{'no_paragraph'}}, $command
if ($category eq 'line' or $category eq 'block');
print OUT ");\n\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "# flag hashes\n";
# for those flags, the information of multi category commands is
# duplicated. So, for example, item_LINE has the formatted_line flag
# associated, it will be associated to item.
my %converter_flag = (
'formatted_line' => 1,
'formattable_line' => 1,
foreach my $hash_flag (sort(keys(%flags_hashes))) {
# happens for 'txiinternalvalue', which is in internal category but also
# has the brace flag set. This information cannot be kept, this command
# will not appear in brace commands.
next if ($command_categories{$hash_flag});
print OUT "our %${hash_flag}_commands = (\n";
foreach my $command (sort(@{$flags_hashes{$hash_flag}})) {
print OUT ' '.sprintf('%-25s', '"'.$command.'"')." => 1,\n";
if ($multi_category_commands{$command}
and $converter_flag{$hash_flag}) {
print OUT ' '.sprintf('%-25s', '"'.$multi_category_commands{$command}
.'"')." => 1,\n";
print OUT ");\n\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT '# @-commands max number of arguments. Not set for all commands,
# in general it only matters if > 1, as commands with 0 args
# are in specific categories, and default handling of commands
# ignore commas as argument delimiter, which corresponds to commands
# with 1 argument. Mostly used in Parser.
our %commands_args_number = (
foreach my $args_command (sort(keys(%command_args_nr))) {
my $args_nr = $command_args_nr{$args_command};
print OUT ' '.sprintf('%-25s', '"'.$args_command.'"')." => $args_nr,\n";
print OUT ");\n\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "# indices\n";
print OUT "our %index_names = (\n";
foreach my $index_name (sort(keys(%index_in_code))) {
my $in_code = $index_in_code{$index_name};
print OUT "'$index_name' => {'in_code' => $in_code},\n";
print OUT ");\n\n";
# add code that sets %default_index_commands for index commands based
# on %index_names
print OUT 'foreach my $index (keys(%index_names)) {
$index_names{$index}->{"name"} = $index;
our %default_index_commands;
foreach my $index_name (keys (%index_names)) {
my $one_letter_prefix = substr($index_name, 0, 1);
foreach my $prefix ($index_name, $one_letter_prefix) {
$default_index_commands{$prefix."index"} = $index_name;
print OUT "1;\n";