blob: 9f5042a4ece1ece603b32802af47029f863d6d86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// <>.
#include "rust-tyty-call.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-struct-field.h"
#include "rust-hir-path-probe.h"
#include "rust-substitution-mapper.h"
#include "rust-hir-trait-resolve.h"
#include "rust-hir-dot-operator.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-pattern.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-expr.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-stmt.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-item.h"
#include "rust-type-util.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace Resolver {
TypeCheckExpr::TypeCheckExpr () : TypeCheckBase (), infered (nullptr) {}
// Perform type checking on expr. Also runs type unification algorithm.
// Returns the unified type of expr
TyTy::BaseType *
TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (HIR::Expr *expr)
TypeCheckExpr resolver;
expr->accept_vis (resolver);
if (resolver.infered == nullptr)
return new TyTy::ErrorType (expr->get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
auto ref = expr->get_mappings ().get_hirid ();
resolver.infered->set_ref (ref);
resolver.context->insert_type (expr->get_mappings (), resolver.infered);
return resolver.infered;
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::TupleIndexExpr &expr)
auto resolved = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_tuple_expr ().get ());
if (resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
rust_error_at (expr.get_tuple_expr ()->get_locus (),
"failed to resolve TupleIndexExpr receiver");
// FIXME does this require autoderef here?
if (resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF)
TyTy::ReferenceType *r = static_cast<TyTy::ReferenceType *> (resolved);
resolved = r->get_base ();
bool is_valid_type = resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ADT
|| resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::TUPLE;
if (!is_valid_type)
rust_error_at (expr.get_tuple_expr ()->get_locus (),
"Expected Tuple or ADT got: %s",
resolved->as_string ().c_str ());
if (resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::TUPLE)
TyTy::TupleType *tuple = static_cast<TyTy::TupleType *> (resolved);
TupleIndex index = expr.get_tuple_index ();
if ((size_t) index >= tuple->num_fields ())
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), "unknown field at index %i", index);
auto field_tyty = tuple->get_field ((size_t) index);
if (field_tyty == nullptr)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"failed to lookup field type at index %i", index);
infered = field_tyty;
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (resolved);
rust_assert (!adt->is_enum ());
rust_assert (adt->number_of_variants () == 1);
TyTy::VariantDef *variant = adt->get_variants ().at (0);
TupleIndex index = expr.get_tuple_index ();
if ((size_t) index >= variant->num_fields ())
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), "unknown field at index %i", index);
auto field_tyty = variant->get_field_at_index ((size_t) index);
if (field_tyty == nullptr)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"failed to lookup field type at index %i", index);
infered = field_tyty->get_field_type ();
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::TupleExpr &expr)
if (expr.is_unit ())
auto unit_node_id = resolver->get_unit_type_node_id ();
if (!context->lookup_builtin (unit_node_id, &infered))
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"failed to lookup builtin unit type");
std::vector<TyTy::TyVar> fields;
for (auto &elem : expr.get_tuple_elems ())
auto field_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (elem.get ());
fields.push_back (TyTy::TyVar (field_ty->get_ref ()));
infered = new TyTy::TupleType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
expr.get_locus (), fields);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::ReturnExpr &expr)
if (!context->have_function_context ())
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0572,
"return statement outside of function body");
infered = new TyTy::ErrorType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
auto fn_return_tyty = context->peek_return_type ();
location_t expr_locus = expr.has_return_expr ()
? expr.get_expr ()->get_locus ()
: expr.get_locus ();
TyTy::BaseType *expr_ty
= expr.has_return_expr ()
? TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_expr ().get ())
: TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
coercion_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (fn_return_tyty),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (expr_ty, expr_locus), expr.get_locus ());
infered = new TyTy::NeverType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::CallExpr &expr)
TyTy::BaseType *function_tyty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_fnexpr ().get ());
rust_debug_loc (expr.get_locus (), "resolved_call_expr to: {%s}",
function_tyty->get_name ().c_str ());
TyTy::VariantDef &variant = TyTy::VariantDef::get_error_node ();
if (function_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ADT)
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (function_tyty);
if (adt->is_enum ())
// lookup variant id
HirId variant_id;
bool ok = context->lookup_variant_definition (
expr.get_fnexpr ()->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &variant_id);
rust_assert (ok);
TyTy::VariantDef *lookup_variant = nullptr;
ok = adt->lookup_variant_by_id (variant_id, &lookup_variant);
rust_assert (ok);
variant = *lookup_variant;
rust_assert (adt->number_of_variants () == 1);
variant = *adt->get_variants ().at (0);
= TyTy::TypeCheckCallExpr::go (function_tyty, expr, variant, context);
bool resolved_fn_trait_call
= resolve_fn_trait_call (expr, function_tyty, &infered);
if (resolved_fn_trait_call)
bool valid_tyty = function_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF
|| function_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FNPTR;
if (!valid_tyty)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"Failed to resolve expression of function call");
infered = TyTy::TypeCheckCallExpr::go (function_tyty, expr, variant, context);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::AssignmentExpr &expr)
infered = TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
auto lhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_lhs ().get ());
auto rhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_rhs ().get ());
coercion_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (lhs, expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (rhs, expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::CompoundAssignmentExpr &expr)
infered = TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
auto lhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_lhs ().get ());
auto rhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_rhs ().get ());
// we dont care about the result of the unify from a compound assignment
// since this is a unit-type expr
coercion_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (lhs, expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (rhs, expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
auto lang_item_type
= Analysis::RustLangItem::CompoundAssignmentOperatorToLangItem (
expr.get_expr_type ());
bool operator_overloaded
= resolve_operator_overload (lang_item_type, expr, lhs, rhs);
if (operator_overloaded)
bool valid_lhs = validate_arithmetic_type (lhs, expr.get_expr_type ());
bool valid_rhs = validate_arithmetic_type (rhs, expr.get_expr_type ());
bool valid = valid_lhs && valid_rhs;
if (!valid)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"cannot apply this operator to types %s and %s",
lhs->as_string ().c_str (), rhs->as_string ().c_str ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::LiteralExpr &expr)
infered = resolve_literal (expr.get_mappings (), expr.get_literal (),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::ArithmeticOrLogicalExpr &expr)
auto lhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_lhs ().get ());
auto rhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_rhs ().get ());
auto lang_item_type
= Analysis::RustLangItem::OperatorToLangItem (expr.get_expr_type ());
bool operator_overloaded
= resolve_operator_overload (lang_item_type, expr, lhs, rhs);
if (operator_overloaded)
bool valid_lhs = validate_arithmetic_type (lhs, expr.get_expr_type ());
bool valid_rhs = validate_arithmetic_type (rhs, expr.get_expr_type ());
bool valid = valid_lhs && valid_rhs;
if (!valid)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"cannot apply this operator to types %s and %s",
lhs->as_string ().c_str (), rhs->as_string ().c_str ());
switch (expr.get_expr_type ())
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::LEFT_SHIFT:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::RIGHT_SHIFT: {
TyTy::TyWithLocation from (rhs, expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ());
TyTy::TyWithLocation to (lhs, expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ());
infered = cast_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), from, to,
expr.get_locus ());
default: {
infered = unify_site (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (lhs, expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (rhs, expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::ComparisonExpr &expr)
auto lhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_lhs ().get ());
auto rhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_rhs ().get ());
unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (lhs, expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (rhs, expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
bool ok = context->lookup_builtin ("bool", &infered);
rust_assert (ok);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::LazyBooleanExpr &expr)
auto lhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_lhs ().get ());
auto rhs = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_rhs ().get ());
// we expect the lhs and rhs must be bools at this point
TyTy::BaseType *boolean_node = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_builtin ("bool", &boolean_node);
rust_assert (ok);
// verify the lhs and rhs before unifying together
lhs = unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (boolean_node,
expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (lhs, expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
rhs = unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (boolean_node,
expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (rhs, expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
= unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (lhs, expr.get_lhs ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (rhs, expr.get_rhs ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::NegationExpr &expr)
auto negated_expr_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_expr ().get ());
// check for operator overload
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::NegationOperatorToLangItem (
expr.get_expr_type ());
bool operator_overloaded
= resolve_operator_overload (lang_item_type, expr, negated_expr_ty,
if (operator_overloaded)
switch (expr.get_expr_type ())
case NegationOperator::NEGATE: {
bool valid
= (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INT)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::UINT)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FLOAT)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ISIZE)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::USIZE)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER
&& (((TyTy::InferType *) negated_expr_ty)->get_infer_kind ()
== TyTy::InferType::INTEGRAL))
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER
&& (((TyTy::InferType *) negated_expr_ty)->get_infer_kind ()
== TyTy::InferType::FLOAT));
if (!valid)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), "cannot apply unary - to %s",
negated_expr_ty->as_string ().c_str ());
case NegationOperator::NOT: {
bool valid
= (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::BOOL)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INT)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::UINT)
|| (negated_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER
&& (((TyTy::InferType *) negated_expr_ty)->get_infer_kind ()
== TyTy::InferType::INTEGRAL));
if (!valid)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), "cannot apply unary %<!%> to %s",
negated_expr_ty->as_string ().c_str ());
infered = negated_expr_ty->clone ();
infered->append_reference (negated_expr_ty->get_ref ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::IfExpr &expr)
TyTy::BaseType *bool_ty = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_builtin ("bool", &bool_ty);
rust_assert (ok);
TyTy::BaseType *cond_type
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_if_condition ().get ());
unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), TyTy::TyWithLocation (bool_ty),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (cond_type,
expr.get_if_condition ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_if_block ().get ());
infered = TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::IfExprConseqElse &expr)
TyTy::BaseType *bool_ty = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_builtin ("bool", &bool_ty);
rust_assert (ok);
TyTy::BaseType *cond_type
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_if_condition ().get ());
unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), TyTy::TyWithLocation (bool_ty),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (cond_type,
expr.get_if_condition ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
auto if_blk_resolved = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_if_block ().get ());
auto else_blk_resolved
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_else_block ().get ());
if (if_blk_resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::NEVER)
infered = else_blk_resolved;
else if (else_blk_resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::NEVER)
infered = if_blk_resolved;
infered = unify_site (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (if_blk_resolved,
expr.get_if_block ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (else_blk_resolved,
expr.get_else_block ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::IfLetExpr &expr)
// this needs to perform a least upper bound coercion on the blocks and then
// unify the scruintee and arms
TyTy::BaseType *scrutinee_tyty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_scrutinee_expr ().get ());
for (auto &pattern : expr.get_patterns ())
TyTy::BaseType *kase_arm_ty
= TypeCheckPattern::Resolve (pattern.get (), scrutinee_tyty);
unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (scrutinee_tyty),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (kase_arm_ty, pattern->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_if_block ().get ());
infered = TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::IfLetExprConseqElse &expr)
TyTy::BaseType *scrutinee_tyty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_scrutinee_expr ().get ());
for (auto &pattern : expr.get_patterns ())
TyTy::BaseType *kase_arm_ty
= TypeCheckPattern::Resolve (pattern.get (), scrutinee_tyty);
unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (scrutinee_tyty),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (kase_arm_ty, pattern->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
auto if_blk_resolved = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_if_block ().get ());
auto else_blk_resolved
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_else_block ().get ());
if (if_blk_resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::NEVER)
infered = else_blk_resolved;
else if (else_blk_resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::NEVER)
infered = if_blk_resolved;
infered = unify_site (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (if_blk_resolved,
expr.get_if_block ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (else_blk_resolved,
expr.get_else_block ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::UnsafeBlockExpr &expr)
infered = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_block_expr ().get ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::BlockExpr &expr)
if (expr.has_label ())
context->push_new_loop_context (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
expr.get_locus ());
for (auto &s : expr.get_statements ())
if (!s->is_item ())
TypeCheckStmt::Resolve (s.get ());
for (auto &s : expr.get_statements ())
if (s->is_item ())
auto resolved = TypeCheckStmt::Resolve (s.get ());
if (resolved == nullptr)
rust_error_at (s->get_locus (), "failure to resolve type");
if (s->is_unit_check_needed () && !resolved->is_unit ())
auto unit
= TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (s->get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
= unify_site (s->get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (unit),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (resolved), s->get_locus ());
if (expr.has_expr ())
infered = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_final_expr ().get ())->clone ();
else if (expr.is_tail_reachable ())
= TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
else if (expr.has_label ())
TyTy::BaseType *loop_context_type = context->pop_loop_context ();
bool loop_context_type_infered
= (loop_context_type->get_kind () != TyTy::TypeKind::INFER)
|| ((loop_context_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER)
&& (((TyTy::InferType *) loop_context_type)->get_infer_kind ()
!= TyTy::InferType::GENERAL));
infered = loop_context_type_infered ? loop_context_type
: TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
// FIXME this seems wrong
infered = new TyTy::NeverType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::RangeFromToExpr &expr)
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::RANGE;
DefId respective_lang_item_id = UNKNOWN_DEFID;
bool lang_item_defined
= mappings->lookup_lang_item (lang_item_type, &respective_lang_item_id);
// we need to have it maybe
if (!lang_item_defined)
rust_internal_error_at (
expr.get_locus (), "unable to find relevant lang item: %s",
Analysis::RustLangItem::ToString (lang_item_type).c_str ());
// look it up and it _must_ be a struct definition
HIR::Item *item = mappings->lookup_defid (respective_lang_item_id);
rust_assert (item != nullptr);
TyTy::BaseType *item_type = nullptr;
bool ok
= context->lookup_type (item->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &item_type);
rust_assert (ok);
rust_assert (item_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ADT);
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (item_type);
// this is a single generic item lets assert that
rust_assert (adt->get_num_substitutions () == 1);
// resolve the range expressions and these types must unify then we use that
// type to substitute into the ADT
TyTy::BaseType *from_ty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_from_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *to_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_to_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *unified = unify_site (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (from_ty, expr.get_from_expr ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (to_ty, expr.get_to_expr ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
// substitute it in
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionArg> subst_mappings;
const TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping *param_ref = &adt->get_substs ().at (0);
subst_mappings.push_back (TyTy::SubstitutionArg (param_ref, unified));
TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings subst (
subst_mappings, {}, adt->get_substitution_arguments ().get_regions (),
expr.get_locus ());
infered = SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (adt, subst);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::RangeFromExpr &expr)
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::RANGE_FROM;
DefId respective_lang_item_id = UNKNOWN_DEFID;
bool lang_item_defined
= mappings->lookup_lang_item (lang_item_type, &respective_lang_item_id);
// we need to have it maybe
if (!lang_item_defined)
rust_internal_error_at (
expr.get_locus (), "unable to find relevant lang item: %s",
Analysis::RustLangItem::ToString (lang_item_type).c_str ());
// look it up and it _must_ be a struct definition
HIR::Item *item = mappings->lookup_defid (respective_lang_item_id);
rust_assert (item != nullptr);
TyTy::BaseType *item_type = nullptr;
bool ok
= context->lookup_type (item->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &item_type);
rust_assert (ok);
rust_assert (item_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ADT);
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (item_type);
// this is a single generic item lets assert that
rust_assert (adt->get_num_substitutions () == 1);
// resolve the range expressions and these types must unify then we use that
// type to substitute into the ADT
TyTy::BaseType *from_ty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_from_expr ().get ());
// substitute it in
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionArg> subst_mappings;
const TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping *param_ref = &adt->get_substs ().at (0);
subst_mappings.push_back (TyTy::SubstitutionArg (param_ref, from_ty));
TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings subst (
subst_mappings, {}, adt->get_substitution_arguments ().get_regions (),
expr.get_locus ());
infered = SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (adt, subst);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::RangeToExpr &expr)
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::RANGE_TO;
DefId respective_lang_item_id = UNKNOWN_DEFID;
bool lang_item_defined
= mappings->lookup_lang_item (lang_item_type, &respective_lang_item_id);
// we need to have it maybe
if (!lang_item_defined)
rust_internal_error_at (
expr.get_locus (), "unable to find relevant lang item: %s",
Analysis::RustLangItem::ToString (lang_item_type).c_str ());
// look it up and it _must_ be a struct definition
HIR::Item *item = mappings->lookup_defid (respective_lang_item_id);
rust_assert (item != nullptr);
TyTy::BaseType *item_type = nullptr;
bool ok
= context->lookup_type (item->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &item_type);
rust_assert (ok);
rust_assert (item_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ADT);
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (item_type);
// this is a single generic item lets assert that
rust_assert (adt->get_num_substitutions () == 1);
// resolve the range expressions and these types must unify then we use that
// type to substitute into the ADT
TyTy::BaseType *from_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_to_expr ().get ());
// substitute it in
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionArg> subst_mappings;
const TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping *param_ref = &adt->get_substs ().at (0);
subst_mappings.push_back (TyTy::SubstitutionArg (param_ref, from_ty));
TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings subst (
subst_mappings, {}, adt->get_substitution_arguments ().get_regions (),
expr.get_locus ());
infered = SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (adt, subst);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::RangeFullExpr &expr)
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::RANGE_FULL;
DefId respective_lang_item_id = UNKNOWN_DEFID;
bool lang_item_defined
= mappings->lookup_lang_item (lang_item_type, &respective_lang_item_id);
// we need to have it maybe
if (!lang_item_defined)
rust_internal_error_at (
expr.get_locus (), "unable to find relevant lang item: %s",
Analysis::RustLangItem::ToString (lang_item_type).c_str ());
// look it up and it _must_ be a struct definition
HIR::Item *item = mappings->lookup_defid (respective_lang_item_id);
rust_assert (item != nullptr);
TyTy::BaseType *item_type = nullptr;
bool ok
= context->lookup_type (item->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &item_type);
rust_assert (ok);
rust_assert (item_type->is_unit ());
infered = item_type;
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::RangeFromToInclExpr &expr)
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::RANGE_INCLUSIVE;
DefId respective_lang_item_id = UNKNOWN_DEFID;
bool lang_item_defined
= mappings->lookup_lang_item (lang_item_type, &respective_lang_item_id);
// we need to have it maybe
if (!lang_item_defined)
rust_internal_error_at (
expr.get_locus (), "unable to find relevant lang item: %s",
Analysis::RustLangItem::ToString (lang_item_type).c_str ());
// look it up and it _must_ be a struct definition
HIR::Item *item = mappings->lookup_defid (respective_lang_item_id);
rust_assert (item != nullptr);
TyTy::BaseType *item_type = nullptr;
bool ok
= context->lookup_type (item->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &item_type);
rust_assert (ok);
rust_assert (item_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ADT);
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (item_type);
// this is a single generic item lets assert that
rust_assert (adt->get_num_substitutions () == 1);
// resolve the range expressions and these types must unify then we use that
// type to substitute into the ADT
TyTy::BaseType *from_ty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_from_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *to_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_to_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *unified = unify_site (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (from_ty, expr.get_from_expr ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (to_ty, expr.get_to_expr ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
// substitute it in
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionArg> subst_mappings;
const TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping *param_ref = &adt->get_substs ().at (0);
subst_mappings.push_back (TyTy::SubstitutionArg (param_ref, unified));
TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings subst (
subst_mappings, {}, adt->get_substitution_arguments ().get_regions (),
expr.get_locus ());
infered = SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (adt, subst);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::ArrayIndexExpr &expr)
auto array_expr_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_array_expr ().get ());
if (array_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
auto index_expr_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_index_expr ().get ());
if (index_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
// first attempt to use direct array index logic
auto direct_array_expr_ty = array_expr_ty;
if (direct_array_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF)
// lets try and deref it since rust allows this
auto ref = static_cast<TyTy::ReferenceType *> (direct_array_expr_ty);
auto base = ref->get_base ();
if (base->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ARRAY)
direct_array_expr_ty = base;
TyTy::BaseType *size_ty;
bool ok = context->lookup_builtin ("usize", &size_ty);
rust_assert (ok);
bool maybe_simple_array_access = index_expr_ty->can_eq (size_ty, false);
if (maybe_simple_array_access
&& direct_array_expr_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ARRAY)
unify_site (expr.get_index_expr ()->get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (size_ty),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (index_expr_ty,
expr.get_index_expr ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
TyTy::ArrayType *array_type
= static_cast<TyTy::ArrayType *> (direct_array_expr_ty);
infered = array_type->get_element_type ()->clone ();
// is this a case of core::ops::index?
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::INDEX;
bool operator_overloaded
= resolve_operator_overload (lang_item_type, expr, array_expr_ty,
if (operator_overloaded)
// index and index mut always return a reference to the element
TyTy::BaseType *resolved = infered;
rust_assert (resolved->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF);
TyTy::ReferenceType *ref = static_cast<TyTy::ReferenceType *> (resolved);
infered = ref->get_base ()->clone ();
// error[E0277]: the type `[{integer}]` cannot be indexed by `u32`
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_locus ());
r.add_range (expr.get_array_expr ()->get_locus ());
r.add_range (expr.get_index_expr ()->get_locus ());
rust_error_at (r, ErrorCode::E0277,
"the type %<%s%> cannot be indexed by %<%s%>",
array_expr_ty->get_name ().c_str (),
index_expr_ty->get_name ().c_str ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::ArrayExpr &expr)
HIR::ArrayElems &elements = *expr.get_internal_elements ();
HIR::Expr *capacity_expr = nullptr;
TyTy::BaseType *element_type = nullptr;
switch (elements.get_array_expr_type ())
case HIR::ArrayElems::ArrayExprType::COPIED: {
HIR::ArrayElemsCopied &elems
= static_cast<HIR::ArrayElemsCopied &> (elements);
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (elems.get_elem_to_copy ().get ());
auto capacity_type
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (elems.get_num_copies_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *expected_ty = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_builtin ("usize", &expected_ty);
rust_assert (ok);
context->insert_type (elems.get_num_copies_expr ()->get_mappings (),
unify_site (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), TyTy::TyWithLocation (expected_ty),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (capacity_type,
elems.get_num_copies_expr ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
capacity_expr = elems.get_num_copies_expr ().get ();
case HIR::ArrayElems::ArrayExprType::VALUES: {
HIR::ArrayElemsValues &elems
= static_cast<HIR::ArrayElemsValues &> (elements);
std::vector<TyTy::BaseType *> types;
for (auto &elem : elems.get_values ())
types.push_back (TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (elem.get ()));
// this is a LUB
= TyTy::TyVar::get_implicit_infer_var (expr.get_locus ()).get_tyty ();
for (auto &type : types)
= unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (element_type),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (type, type->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate ();
Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, UNKNOWN_NODEID,
mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num),
std::string capacity_str = std::to_string (elems.get_num_elements ());
capacity_expr = new HIR::LiteralExpr (mapping, capacity_str,
// mark the type for this implicit node
TyTy::BaseType *expected_ty = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_builtin ("usize", &expected_ty);
rust_assert (ok);
context->insert_type (mapping, expected_ty);
infered = new TyTy::ArrayType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
expr.get_locus (), *capacity_expr,
TyTy::TyVar (element_type->get_ref ()));
// empty struct
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::StructExprStruct &struct_expr)
TyTy::BaseType *struct_path_ty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (&struct_expr.get_struct_name ());
if (struct_path_ty->get_kind () != TyTy::TypeKind::ADT)
rust_error_at (struct_expr.get_struct_name ().get_locus (),
"expected an ADT type for constructor");
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (struct_path_ty);
for (auto variant : adt->get_variants ())
if (!variant->get_fields ().empty ())
std::vector<std::string> field_names;
for (auto &field : variant->get_fields ())
field_names.push_back (field->get_name ());
Error missing_fields_error
= TypeCheckStructExpr::make_missing_field_error (
struct_expr.get_locus (), field_names,
struct_path_ty->get_name ());
// We might want to return or handle these in the future emit for now.
missing_fields_error.emit ();
infered = struct_path_ty;
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::StructExprStructFields &struct_expr)
infered = TypeCheckStructExpr::Resolve (&struct_expr);
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::GroupedExpr &expr)
infered = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_expr_in_parens ().get ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::FieldAccessExpr &expr)
auto struct_base = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_receiver_expr ().get ());
// FIXME does this require autoderef here?
if (struct_base->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF)
TyTy::ReferenceType *r = static_cast<TyTy::ReferenceType *> (struct_base);
struct_base = r->get_base ();
bool is_valid_type = struct_base->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ADT;
if (!is_valid_type)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"expected algebraic data type got: [%s]",
struct_base->as_string ().c_str ());
TyTy::ADTType *adt = static_cast<TyTy::ADTType *> (struct_base);
rust_assert (!adt->is_enum ());
rust_assert (adt->number_of_variants () == 1);
TyTy::VariantDef *vaiant = adt->get_variants ().at (0);
TyTy::StructFieldType *lookup = nullptr;
bool found = vaiant->lookup_field (expr.get_field_name ().as_string (),
&lookup, nullptr);
if (!found)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), "unknown field [%s] for type [%s]",
expr.get_field_name ().as_string ().c_str (),
adt->as_string ().c_str ());
infered = lookup->get_field_type ();
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::MethodCallExpr &expr)
auto receiver_tyty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_receiver ().get ());
if (receiver_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
rust_error_at (expr.get_receiver ()->get_locus (),
"failed to resolve receiver in MethodCallExpr");
context->insert_receiver (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), receiver_tyty);
rust_debug_loc (expr.get_locus (), "attempting to resolve method for %s",
receiver_tyty->debug_str ().c_str ());
auto candidates
= MethodResolver::Probe (receiver_tyty,
expr.get_method_name ().get_segment ());
if (candidates.empty ())
rich_location richloc (line_table, expr.get_method_name ().get_locus ());
richloc.add_fixit_replace ("method not found");
rust_error_at (
richloc, ErrorCode::E0599,
"no method named %qs found in the current scope",
expr.get_method_name ().get_segment ().as_string ().c_str ());
if (candidates.size () > 1)
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_method_name ().get_locus ());
std::string rich_msg
= "multiple " + expr.get_method_name ().get_segment ().as_string ()
+ " found";
for (auto &c : candidates)
r.add_range (;
r.add_fixit_replace (rich_msg.c_str ());
rust_error_at (
r, ErrorCode::E0592, "duplicate definitions with name %qs",
expr.get_method_name ().get_segment ().as_string ().c_str ());
auto candidate = *candidates.begin ();
rust_debug_loc (expr.get_method_name ().get_locus (),
"resolved method to: {%u} {%s} with [%lu] adjustments",
candidate.candidate.ty->get_ref (),
candidate.candidate.ty->debug_str ().c_str (),
(unsigned long) candidate.adjustments.size ());
// Get the adjusted self
Adjuster adj (receiver_tyty);
TyTy::BaseType *adjusted_self = adj.adjust_type (candidate.adjustments);
rust_debug ("receiver: %s adjusted self %s",
receiver_tyty->debug_str ().c_str (),
adjusted_self->debug_str ().c_str ());
// store the adjustments for code-generation to know what to do which must be
// stored onto the receiver to so as we don't trigger duplicate deref mappings
// ICE when an argument is a method call
HirId autoderef_mappings_id
= expr.get_receiver ()->get_mappings ().get_hirid ();
context->insert_autoderef_mappings (autoderef_mappings_id,
std::move (candidate.adjustments));
PathProbeCandidate &resolved_candidate = candidate.candidate;
TyTy::BaseType *lookup_tyty = candidate.candidate.ty;
NodeId resolved_node_id
= resolved_candidate.is_impl_candidate ()
? resolved_candidate.item.impl.impl_item->get_impl_mappings ()
.get_nodeid ()
: resolved_candidate.item.trait.item_ref->get_mappings ().get_nodeid ();
if (lookup_tyty->get_kind () != TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF)
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_method_name ().get_locus ());
r.add_range (;
rust_error_at (r, "associated impl item is not a method");
TyTy::BaseType *lookup = lookup_tyty;
TyTy::FnType *fn = static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (lookup);
if (!fn->is_method ())
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_method_name ().get_locus ());
r.add_range (;
rust_error_at (r, "associated function is not a method");
fn->prepare_higher_ranked_bounds ();
rust_debug_loc (expr.get_locus (), "resolved method call to: {%u} {%s}",
candidate.candidate.ty->get_ref (),
candidate.candidate.ty->debug_str ().c_str ());
if (resolved_candidate.is_impl_candidate ())
auto infer_arguments = TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings::empty ();
infer_arguments.get_mut_regions ()
= fn->get_used_arguments ().get_regions ();
HIR::ImplBlock &impl = *resolved_candidate.item.impl.parent;
TyTy::BaseType *impl_self_infer
= TypeCheckItem::ResolveImplBlockSelfWithInference (impl,
expr.get_locus (),
if (impl_self_infer->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_locus ());
r.add_range (impl.get_type ()->get_locus ());
rust_error_at (
r, "failed to resolve impl type for method call resolution");
if (!infer_arguments.is_empty ())
lookup = SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (lookup, infer_arguments);
lookup->debug ();
// apply any remaining generic arguments
if (expr.get_method_name ().has_generic_args ())
HIR::GenericArgs &args = expr.get_method_name ().get_generic_args ();
rust_debug_loc (args.get_locus (),
"applying generic arguments to method_call: {%s}",
lookup->debug_str ().c_str ());
= SubstMapper::Resolve (lookup, expr.get_method_name ().get_locus (),
if (lookup->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
else if (lookup->needs_generic_substitutions ())
rust_debug ("method needs inference: {%s}",
lookup->debug_str ().c_str ());
lookup = SubstMapper::InferSubst (lookup,
expr.get_method_name ().get_locus ());
rust_debug ("type-checking method_call: {%s}", lookup->debug_str ().c_str ());
TyTy::BaseType *function_ret_tyty
= TyTy::TypeCheckMethodCallExpr::go (static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (lookup),
expr, adjusted_self, context);
if (function_ret_tyty == nullptr
|| function_ret_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"failed to lookup type to MethodCallExpr");
// store the expected fntype
context->insert_type (expr.get_method_name ().get_mappings (), lookup);
// set up the resolved name on the path
if (resolver->get_name_scope ().decl_was_declared_here (resolved_node_id))
resolver->insert_resolved_name (expr.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
resolver->insert_resolved_misc (expr.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
// return the result of the function back
infered = function_ret_tyty;
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::LoopExpr &expr)
context->push_new_loop_context (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
expr.get_locus ());
TyTy::BaseType *block_expr
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_loop_block ().get ());
if (!block_expr->is_unit ())
rust_error_at (expr.get_loop_block ()->get_locus (),
"expected %<()%> got %s",
block_expr->as_string ().c_str ());
TyTy::BaseType *loop_context_type = context->pop_loop_context ();
bool loop_context_type_infered
= (loop_context_type->get_kind () != TyTy::TypeKind::INFER)
|| ((loop_context_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER)
&& (((TyTy::InferType *) loop_context_type)->get_infer_kind ()
!= TyTy::InferType::GENERAL));
= loop_context_type_infered
? loop_context_type
: TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::WhileLoopExpr &expr)
context->push_new_while_loop_context (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_predicate_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *block_expr
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_loop_block ().get ());
if (!block_expr->is_unit ())
rust_error_at (expr.get_loop_block ()->get_locus (),
"expected %<()%> got %s",
block_expr->as_string ().c_str ());
context->pop_loop_context ();
infered = TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::BreakExpr &expr)
if (!context->have_loop_context ())
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0268,
"%<break%> outside of a loop or labeled block");
if (expr.has_break_expr ())
TyTy::BaseType *break_expr_tyty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *loop_context = context->peek_loop_context ();
if (loop_context->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
rust_error_at (
expr.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0571,
"can only %<break%> with a value inside a %<loop%> block");
TyTy::BaseType *unified_ty
= unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (loop_context),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (break_expr_tyty,
expr.get_expr ()->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
context->swap_head_loop_context (unified_ty);
infered = new TyTy::NeverType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::ContinueExpr &expr)
if (!context->have_loop_context ())
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0268,
"%<continue%> outside of a loop");
infered = new TyTy::NeverType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::BorrowExpr &expr)
TyTy::BaseType *resolved_base
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_expr ().get ());
// In Rust this is valid because of DST's
// fn test() {
// let a:&str = "TEST 1";
// let b:&str = &"TEST 2";
// }
if (resolved_base->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF)
const TyTy::ReferenceType *ref
= static_cast<const TyTy::ReferenceType *> (resolved_base);
// this might end up being a more generic is_dyn object check but lets
// double check dyn traits type-layout first
if (ref->is_dyn_str_type ())
infered = resolved_base;
infered = new TyTy::ReferenceType (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyVar (resolved_base->get_ref ()),
expr.get_mut ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::DereferenceExpr &expr)
TyTy::BaseType *resolved_base
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_expr ().get ());
rust_debug_loc (expr.get_locus (), "attempting deref operator overload");
auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::DEREF;
bool operator_overloaded
= resolve_operator_overload (lang_item_type, expr, resolved_base, nullptr);
if (operator_overloaded)
// operator overloaded deref always refurns a reference type lets assert
// this
rust_assert (infered->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF);
resolved_base = infered;
bool is_valid_type = resolved_base->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF
|| resolved_base->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::POINTER;
if (!is_valid_type)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (), "expected reference type got %s",
resolved_base->as_string ().c_str ());
if (resolved_base->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::REF)
TyTy::ReferenceType *ref_base
= static_cast<TyTy::ReferenceType *> (resolved_base);
infered = ref_base->get_base ()->clone ();
TyTy::PointerType *ref_base
= static_cast<TyTy::PointerType *> (resolved_base);
infered = ref_base->get_base ()->clone ();
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::TypeCastExpr &expr)
TyTy::BaseType *expr_to_convert
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_casted_expr ().get ());
TyTy::BaseType *tyty_to_convert_to
= TypeCheckType::Resolve (expr.get_type_to_convert_to ().get ());
TyTy::TyWithLocation from (expr_to_convert,
expr.get_casted_expr ()->get_locus ());
TyTy::TyWithLocation to (tyty_to_convert_to,
expr.get_type_to_convert_to ()->get_locus ());
infered = cast_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), from, to,
expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::MatchExpr &expr)
// this needs to perform a least upper bound coercion on the blocks and then
// unify the scruintee and arms
TyTy::BaseType *scrutinee_tyty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_scrutinee_expr ().get ());
std::vector<TyTy::BaseType *> kase_block_tys;
for (auto &kase : expr.get_match_cases ())
// lets check the arms
HIR::MatchArm &kase_arm = kase.get_arm ();
for (auto &pattern : kase_arm.get_patterns ())
TyTy::BaseType *kase_arm_ty
= TypeCheckPattern::Resolve (pattern.get (), scrutinee_tyty);
if (kase_arm_ty->get_kind () == TyTy ::TypeKind::ERROR)
TyTy::BaseType *checked_kase = unify_site (
expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (scrutinee_tyty,
expr.get_scrutinee_expr ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (kase_arm_ty, pattern->get_locus ()),
expr.get_locus ());
if (checked_kase->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
// check the kase type
TyTy::BaseType *kase_block_ty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (kase.get_expr ().get ());
kase_block_tys.push_back (kase_block_ty);
if (kase_block_tys.size () == 0)
= TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
// this is a LUB
infered = (0);
for (size_t i = 1; i < kase_block_tys.size (); i++)
TyTy::BaseType *kase_ty = (i);
infered = unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (infered),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (kase_ty), expr.get_locus ());
TypeCheckExpr::visit (HIR::ClosureExpr &expr)
TypeCheckContextItem current_context = context->peek_context ();
TyTy::FnType *current_context_fndecl = current_context.get_context_type ();
HirId ref = expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid ();
DefId id = expr.get_mappings ().get_defid ();
RustIdent ident{current_context_fndecl->get_ident ().path, expr.get_locus ()};
// get from parent context
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> subst_refs
= current_context_fndecl->clone_substs ();
std::vector<TyTy::TyVar> parameter_types;
for (auto &p : expr.get_params ())
TyTy::BaseType *param_tyty = nullptr;
if (p.has_type_given ())
param_tyty = TypeCheckType::Resolve (p.get_type ().get ());
param_tyty = ClosureParamInfer::Resolve (p.get_pattern ().get ());
TyTy::TyVar param_ty (param_tyty->get_ref ());
parameter_types.push_back (param_ty);
TypeCheckPattern::Resolve (p.get_pattern ().get (), param_ty.get_tyty ());
// we generate an implicit hirid for the closure args
HirId implicit_args_id = mappings->get_next_hir_id ();
TyTy::TupleType *closure_args
= new TyTy::TupleType (implicit_args_id, expr.get_locus (),
context->insert_implicit_type (closure_args);
location_t result_type_locus = expr.has_return_type ()
? expr.get_return_type ()->get_locus ()
: expr.get_locus ();
TyTy::TyVar result_type
= expr.has_return_type ()
? TyTy::TyVar (
TypeCheckType::Resolve (expr.get_return_type ().get ())->get_ref ())
: TyTy::TyVar::get_implicit_infer_var (expr.get_locus ());
// resolve the block
location_t closure_expr_locus = expr.get_expr ()->get_locus ();
TyTy::BaseType *closure_expr_ty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (expr.get_expr ().get ());
coercion_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (result_type.get_tyty (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (closure_expr_ty, closure_expr_locus),
expr.get_locus ());
// generate the closure type
NodeId closure_node_id = expr.get_mappings ().get_nodeid ();
const std::set<NodeId> &captures = resolver->get_captures (closure_node_id);
infered = new TyTy::ClosureType (ref, id, ident, closure_args, result_type,
subst_refs, captures);
// all closures automatically inherit the appropriate fn trait. Lets just
// assume FnOnce for now. I think this is based on the return type of the
// closure
Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType lang_item_type
= Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::FN_ONCE;
DefId respective_lang_item_id = UNKNOWN_DEFID;
bool lang_item_defined
= mappings->lookup_lang_item (lang_item_type, &respective_lang_item_id);
if (!lang_item_defined)
// we need to have a unified way or error'ing when we are missing lang
// items that is useful
rust_fatal_error (
expr.get_locus (), "unable to find lang item: %<%s%>",
Analysis::RustLangItem::ToString (lang_item_type).c_str ());
rust_assert (lang_item_defined);
// these lang items are always traits
HIR::Item *item = mappings->lookup_defid (respective_lang_item_id);
rust_assert (item->get_item_kind () == HIR::Item::ItemKind::Trait);
HIR::Trait *trait_item = static_cast<HIR::Trait *> (item);
TraitReference *trait = TraitResolver::Resolve (*trait_item);
rust_assert (!trait->is_error ());
TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate predicate (*trait, BoundPolarity::RegularBound,
expr.get_locus ());
// resolve the trait bound where the <(Args)> are the parameter tuple type
HIR::GenericArgs args = HIR::GenericArgs::create_empty (expr.get_locus ());
// lets generate an implicit Type so that it resolves to the implict tuple
// type we have created
auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate ();
Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, expr.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
implicit_args_id, UNKNOWN_LOCAL_DEFID);
HIR::TupleType *implicit_tuple
= new HIR::TupleType (mapping,
{} // we dont need to fill this out because it will
// auto resolve because the hir id's match
expr.get_locus ());
args.get_type_args ().push_back (std::unique_ptr<HIR::Type> (implicit_tuple));
// apply the arguments
predicate.apply_generic_arguments (&args, false);
// finally inherit the trait bound
infered->inherit_bounds ({predicate});
TypeCheckExpr::resolve_operator_overload (
Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType lang_item_type, HIR::OperatorExprMeta expr,
TyTy::BaseType *lhs, TyTy::BaseType *rhs)
// look up lang item for arithmetic type
std::string associated_item_name
= Analysis::RustLangItem::ToString (lang_item_type);
DefId respective_lang_item_id = UNKNOWN_DEFID;
bool lang_item_defined
= mappings->lookup_lang_item (lang_item_type, &respective_lang_item_id);
// probe for the lang-item
if (!lang_item_defined)
return false;
// we might be in a static or const context and unknown is fine
TypeCheckContextItem current_context = TypeCheckContextItem::get_error ();
if (context->have_function_context ())
current_context = context->peek_context ();
auto segment = HIR::PathIdentSegment (associated_item_name);
auto candidates = MethodResolver::Probe (lhs, segment);
// remove any recursive candidates
std::set<MethodCandidate> resolved_candidates;
for (auto &c : candidates)
const TyTy::BaseType *candidate_type = c.candidate.ty;
rust_assert (candidate_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF);
const TyTy::FnType &fn
= *static_cast<const TyTy::FnType *> (candidate_type);
DefId current_fn_defid = current_context.get_defid ();
bool recursive_candidated = fn.get_id () == current_fn_defid;
if (!recursive_candidated)
resolved_candidates.insert (c);
std::vector<TyTy::BaseType *> select_args = {};
if (rhs != nullptr)
select_args = {rhs};
auto selected_candidates
= MethodResolver::Select (resolved_candidates, lhs, select_args);
bool have_implementation_for_lang_item = selected_candidates.size () > 0;
if (!have_implementation_for_lang_item)
return false;
if (selected_candidates.size () > 1)
// mutliple candidates
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_locus ());
for (auto &c : resolved_candidates)
r.add_range (;
rust_error_at (
r, "multiple candidates found for possible operator overload");
return false;
// Get the adjusted self
MethodCandidate candidate = *selected_candidates.begin ();
Adjuster adj (lhs);
TyTy::BaseType *adjusted_self = adj.adjust_type (candidate.adjustments);
// store the adjustments for code-generation to know what to do
context->insert_autoderef_mappings (expr.get_lvalue_mappings ().get_hirid (),
std::move (candidate.adjustments));
// now its just like a method-call-expr
context->insert_receiver (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), lhs);
PathProbeCandidate &resolved_candidate = candidate.candidate;
TyTy::BaseType *lookup_tyty = candidate.candidate.ty;
NodeId resolved_node_id
= resolved_candidate.is_impl_candidate ()
? resolved_candidate.item.impl.impl_item->get_impl_mappings ()
.get_nodeid ()
: resolved_candidate.item.trait.item_ref->get_mappings ().get_nodeid ();
rust_assert (lookup_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF);
TyTy::BaseType *lookup = lookup_tyty;
TyTy::FnType *fn = static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (lookup);
rust_assert (fn->is_method ());
rust_debug ("is_impl_item_candidate: %s",
resolved_candidate.is_impl_candidate () ? "true" : "false");
if (resolved_candidate.is_impl_candidate ())
auto infer_arguments = TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings::error ();
HIR::ImplBlock &impl = *resolved_candidate.item.impl.parent;
TyTy::BaseType *impl_self_infer
= TypeCheckItem::ResolveImplBlockSelfWithInference (impl,
expr.get_locus (),
if (impl_self_infer->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
return false;
if (!infer_arguments.is_empty ())
lookup = SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (lookup, infer_arguments);
// in the case where we resolve to a trait bound we have to be careful we are
// able to do so there is a case where we are currently resolving the deref
// operator overload function which is generic and this might resolve to the
// trait item of deref which is not valid as its just another recursive case
if (current_context.get_type () == TypeCheckContextItem::ItemType::IMPL_ITEM)
auto &impl_item = current_context.get_impl_item ();
HIR::ImplBlock *parent = impl_item.first;
HIR::Function *fn = impl_item.second;
if (parent->has_trait_ref ()
&& fn->get_function_name ().as_string ().compare (
== 0)
TraitReference *trait_reference
= TraitResolver::Lookup (*parent->get_trait_ref ().get ());
if (!trait_reference->is_error ())
TyTy::BaseType *lookup = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_type (fn->get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
rust_assert (ok);
rust_assert (lookup->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF);
TyTy::FnType *fntype = static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (lookup);
rust_assert (fntype->is_method ());
bool is_lang_item_impl
= trait_reference->get_mappings ().get_defid ()
== respective_lang_item_id;
bool self_is_lang_item_self
= fntype->get_self_type ()->is_equal (*adjusted_self);
bool recursive_operator_overload
= is_lang_item_impl && self_is_lang_item_self;
if (recursive_operator_overload)
return false;
// we found a valid operator overload
fn->prepare_higher_ranked_bounds ();
rust_debug_loc (expr.get_locus (), "resolved operator overload to: {%u} {%s}",
candidate.candidate.ty->get_ref (),
candidate.candidate.ty->debug_str ().c_str ());
// handle generics
if (lookup->needs_generic_substitutions ())
lookup = SubstMapper::InferSubst (lookup, expr.get_locus ());
// type check the arguments if required
TyTy::FnType *type = static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (lookup);
rust_assert (type->num_params () > 0);
auto fnparam = type->param_at (0);
// typecheck the self
unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (fnparam.second),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (adjusted_self), expr.get_locus ());
if (rhs == nullptr)
rust_assert (type->num_params () == 1);
rust_assert (type->num_params () == 2);
auto fnparam = type->param_at (1);
unify_site (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (fnparam.second),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (rhs), expr.get_locus ());
rust_assert (lookup->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF);
fn = static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (lookup);
fn->monomorphize ();
// get the return type
TyTy::BaseType *function_ret_tyty
= type->get_return_type ()->monomorphized_clone ();
// store the expected fntype
context->insert_operator_overload (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), type);
// set up the resolved name on the path
resolver->insert_resolved_name (expr.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
// return the result of the function back
infered = function_ret_tyty;
return true;
TypeCheckExpr::resolve_possible_fn_trait_call_method_name (
TyTy::BaseType &receiver, TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate *associated_predicate)
// Question
// do we need to probe possible bounds here? I think not, i think when we
// support Fn traits they are explicitly specified
// the logic to map the FnTrait to their respective call trait-item is
// duplicated over in the backend/
for (auto &bound : receiver.get_specified_bounds ())
bool found_fn = bound.get_name ().compare ("Fn") == 0;
bool found_fn_mut = bound.get_name ().compare ("FnMut") == 0;
bool found_fn_once = bound.get_name ().compare ("FnOnce") == 0;
if (found_fn)
*associated_predicate = bound;
return HIR::PathIdentSegment ("call");
else if (found_fn_mut)
*associated_predicate = bound;
return HIR::PathIdentSegment ("call_mut");
else if (found_fn_once)
*associated_predicate = bound;
return HIR::PathIdentSegment ("call_once");
// nothing
*associated_predicate = TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate::error ();
return HIR::PathIdentSegment ("");
TypeCheckExpr::resolve_fn_trait_call (HIR::CallExpr &expr,
TyTy::BaseType *receiver_tyty,
TyTy::BaseType **result)
// we turn this into a method call expr
// TODO: add implicit self argument (?)
auto associated_predicate = TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate::error ();
HIR::PathIdentSegment method_name
= resolve_possible_fn_trait_call_method_name (*receiver_tyty,
if (method_name.is_error () || associated_predicate.is_error ())
return false;
auto candidates = MethodResolver::Probe (receiver_tyty, method_name);
if (candidates.empty ())
return false;
if (candidates.size () > 1)
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_locus ());
for (auto &c : candidates)
r.add_range (;
rust_error_at (
r, "multiple candidates found for function trait method call %<%s%>",
method_name.as_string ().c_str ());
return false;
if (receiver_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::CLOSURE)
const TyTy::ClosureType &closure
= static_cast<TyTy::ClosureType &> (*receiver_tyty);
closure.setup_fn_once_output ();
auto candidate = *candidates.begin ();
rust_debug_loc (expr.get_locus (),
"resolved call-expr to fn trait: {%u} {%s}",
candidate.candidate.ty->get_ref (),
candidate.candidate.ty->debug_str ().c_str ());
// Get the adjusted self
Adjuster adj (receiver_tyty);
TyTy::BaseType *adjusted_self = adj.adjust_type (candidate.adjustments);
// store the adjustments for code-generation to know what to do which must be
// stored onto the receiver to so as we don't trigger duplicate deref mappings
// ICE when an argument is a method call
HIR::Expr *fnexpr = expr.get_fnexpr ().get ();
HirId autoderef_mappings_id = fnexpr->get_mappings ().get_hirid ();
context->insert_autoderef_mappings (autoderef_mappings_id,
std::move (candidate.adjustments));
context->insert_receiver (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), receiver_tyty);
PathProbeCandidate &resolved_candidate = candidate.candidate;
TyTy::BaseType *lookup_tyty = candidate.candidate.ty;
NodeId resolved_node_id
= resolved_candidate.is_impl_candidate ()
? resolved_candidate.item.impl.impl_item->get_impl_mappings ()
.get_nodeid ()
: resolved_candidate.item.trait.item_ref->get_mappings ().get_nodeid ();
if (lookup_tyty->get_kind () != TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF)
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_locus ());
r.add_range (;
rust_error_at (r, "associated impl item is not a method");
return false;
TyTy::BaseType *lookup = lookup_tyty;
TyTy::FnType *fn = static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (lookup);
if (!fn->is_method ())
rich_location r (line_table, expr.get_locus ());
r.add_range (;
rust_error_at (r, "associated function is not a method");
return false;
// fn traits only support tuple argument passing so we need to implicitly set
// this up to get the same type checking we get in the rest of the pipeline
std::vector<TyTy::TyVar> call_args;
for (auto &arg : expr.get_arguments ())
TyTy::BaseType *a = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (arg.get ());
call_args.push_back (TyTy::TyVar (a->get_ref ()));
// crate implicit tuple
HirId implicit_arg_id = mappings->get_next_hir_id ();
Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (mappings->get_current_crate (), UNKNOWN_NODEID,
implicit_arg_id, UNKNOWN_LOCAL_DEFID);
TyTy::TupleType *tuple
= new TyTy::TupleType (implicit_arg_id, expr.get_locus (), call_args);
context->insert_implicit_type (implicit_arg_id, tuple);
std::vector<TyTy::Argument> args;
TyTy::Argument a (mapping, tuple,
expr.get_locus () /*FIXME is there a better location*/);
args.push_back (std::move (a));
TyTy::BaseType *function_ret_tyty
= TyTy::TypeCheckMethodCallExpr::go (fn, expr.get_mappings (), args,
expr.get_locus (), expr.get_locus (),
adjusted_self, context);
if (function_ret_tyty == nullptr
|| function_ret_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
rust_error_at (expr.get_locus (),
"failed check fn trait call-expr MethodCallExpr");
return false;
// store the expected fntype
context->insert_operator_overload (expr.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), fn);
// set up the resolved name on the path
resolver->insert_resolved_name (expr.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
// return the result of the function back
*result = function_ret_tyty;
return true;
TypeCheckExpr::validate_arithmetic_type (
const TyTy::BaseType *tyty, HIR::ArithmeticOrLogicalExpr::ExprType expr_type)
const TyTy::BaseType *type = tyty->destructure ();
// this will change later when traits are added
switch (expr_type)
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::ADD:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::SUBTRACT:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::MULTIPLY:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::DIVIDE:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::MODULUS:
return (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INT)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::UINT)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FLOAT)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::USIZE)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ISIZE)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER
&& (((const TyTy::InferType *) type)->get_infer_kind ()
== TyTy::InferType::INTEGRAL))
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER
&& (((const TyTy::InferType *) type)->get_infer_kind ()
== TyTy::InferType::FLOAT));
// integers or bools
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::BITWISE_AND:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::BITWISE_OR:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::BITWISE_XOR:
return (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INT)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::UINT)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::USIZE)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ISIZE)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::BOOL)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER
&& (((const TyTy::InferType *) type)->get_infer_kind ()
== TyTy::InferType::INTEGRAL));
// integers only
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::LEFT_SHIFT:
case ArithmeticOrLogicalOperator::RIGHT_SHIFT:
return (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INT)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::UINT)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::USIZE)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ISIZE)
|| (type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::INFER
&& (((const TyTy::InferType *) type)->get_infer_kind ()
== TyTy::InferType::INTEGRAL));
rust_unreachable ();
return false;
} // namespace Resolver
} // namespace Rust