blob: dc817b38458f0d9fb2fcdcac4a088b4b008f453a [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . I M A G E _ R --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with System.Double_Real;
with System.Float_Control;
with System.Img_Util; use System.Img_Util;
package body System.Image_R is
-- The following defines the maximum number of digits that we can convert
-- accurately. This is limited by the precision of the Num type, and also
-- by the number of digits that can be held in the Uns type, which is the
-- integer type we use as an intermediate in the computation. But, in both
-- cases, we can work with a double value in these types.
-- Note that in the following, the "-2" accounts for the space and one
-- extra digit, since we need the maximum number of 9's that can be
-- represented, e.g. for the 64-bit case, Long_Long_Unsigned'Width is
-- 21, since the maximum value (approx 1.8E+19) has 20 digits, but the
-- maximum number of 9's that can be represented is only 19.
Maxdigs : constant Natural := 2 * Natural'Min (Uns'Width - 2, Num'Digits);
Maxscaling : constant := 5000;
-- Max decimal scaling required during conversion of floating-point
-- numbers to decimal. This is used to defend against infinite
-- looping in the conversion, as can be caused by erroneous executions.
-- The largest exponent used on any current system is 2**16383, which
-- is approximately 10**4932, and the highest number of decimal digits
-- is about 35 for 128-bit floating-point formats, so 5000 leaves
-- enough room for scaling such values
package Double_Real is new System.Double_Real (Num);
use type Double_Real.Double_T;
subtype Double_T is Double_Real.Double_T;
-- The double floating-point type
function From_Unsigned is new Double_Real.From_Unsigned (Uns);
function To_Unsigned is new Double_Real.To_Unsigned (Uns);
-- Convert betwwen a double Num and a single Uns
function Is_Negative (V : Num) return Boolean;
-- Return True if V is negative for the purpose of the output, i.e. return
-- True for negative zeros only if Signed_Zeros is True.
-- Image_Fixed_Point --
procedure Image_Fixed_Point
(V : Num;
S : in out String;
P : out Natural;
Aft : Natural)
pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
-- Output space at start if non-negative
if V >= 0.0 then
S (1) := ' ';
P := 1;
P := 0;
end if;
Set_Image_Real (V, S, P, 1, Aft, 0);
end Image_Fixed_Point;
-- Image_Floating_Point --
procedure Image_Floating_Point
(V : Num;
S : in out String;
P : out Natural;
Digs : Natural)
pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
-- Decide whether a blank should be prepended before the call to
-- Set_Image_Real. We generate a blank for positive values, and
-- also for positive zeros. For negative zeros, we generate a
-- blank only if Signed_Zeros is False (the RM only permits the
-- output of -0.0 when Signed_Zeros is True). We do not generate
-- a blank for positive infinity, since we output an explicit +.
if not Is_Negative (V) and then V <= Num'Last then
pragma Annotate (CodePeer, False_Positive, "condition predetermined",
"CodePeer analysis ignores NaN and Inf values");
pragma Assert (S'Last > 1);
-- The caller is responsible for S to be large enough for all
-- Image_Floating_Point operation.
S (1) := ' ';
P := 1;
P := 0;
end if;
Set_Image_Real (V, S, P, 1, Digs - 1, 3);
end Image_Floating_Point;
-- Is_Negative --
function Is_Negative (V : Num) return Boolean is
if V < 0.0 then
return True;
elsif V > 0.0 then
return False;
elsif not Num'Signed_Zeros then
return False;
return Num'Copy_Sign (1.0, V) < 0.0;
end if;
end Is_Negative;
-- Set_Image_Real --
procedure Set_Image_Real
(V : Num;
S : in out String;
P : in out Natural;
Fore : Natural;
Aft : Natural;
Exp : Natural)
Powten : constant array (0 .. Maxpow) of Double_T;
pragma Import (Ada, Powten);
for Powten'Address use Powten_Address;
NFrac : constant Natural := Natural'Max (Aft, 1);
-- Number of digits after the decimal point
Digs : String (1 .. 3 + Maxdigs);
-- Array used to hold digits of converted integer value
Ndigs : Natural;
-- Number of digits stored in Digs (and also subscript of last digit)
Scale : Integer := 0;
-- Exponent such that the result is Digs (1 .. NDigs) * 10**(-Scale)
X : Double_T;
-- Current absolute value of the input after scaling
procedure Adjust_Scale (S : Natural);
-- Adjusts the value in X by multiplying or dividing by a power of
-- ten so that it is in the range 10**(S-1) <= X < 10**S. Scale is
-- adjusted to reflect the power of ten used to divide the result,
-- i.e. one is added to the scale value for each multiplication by
-- 10.0 and one is subtracted for each division by 10.0.
-- Adjust_Scale --
procedure Adjust_Scale (S : Natural) is
Lo, Mid, Hi : Natural;
XP : Double_T;
-- Cases where scaling up is required
if X < Powten (S - 1) then
-- What we are looking for is a power of ten to multiply X by
-- so that the result lies within the required range.
XP := X * Powten (Maxpow);
exit when XP >= Powten (S - 1) or else Scale > Maxscaling;
X := XP;
Scale := Scale + Maxpow;
end loop;
-- The following exception is only raised in case of erroneous
-- execution, where a number was considered valid but still
-- fails to scale up. One situation where this can happen is
-- when a system which is supposed to be IEEE-compliant, but
-- has been reconfigured to flush denormals to zero.
if Scale > Maxscaling then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- Here we know that we must multiply by at least 10**1 and that
-- 10**Maxpow takes us too far: binary search to find right one.
-- Because of roundoff errors, it is possible for the value
-- of XP to be just outside of the interval when Lo >= Hi. In
-- that case we adjust explicitly by a factor of 10. This
-- can only happen with a value that is very close to an
-- exact power of 10.
Lo := 1;
Hi := Maxpow;
Mid := (Lo + Hi) / 2;
XP := X * Powten (Mid);
if XP < Powten (S - 1) then
if Lo >= Hi then
Mid := Mid + 1;
XP := XP * 10.0;
Lo := Mid + 1;
end if;
elsif XP >= Powten (S) then
if Lo >= Hi then
Mid := Mid - 1;
XP := XP / 10.0;
Hi := Mid - 1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
X := XP;
Scale := Scale + Mid;
-- Cases where scaling down is required
elsif X >= Powten (S) then
-- What we are looking for is a power of ten to divide X by
-- so that the result lies within the required range.
XP := X / Powten (Maxpow);
exit when XP < Powten (S) or else Scale < -Maxscaling;
X := XP;
Scale := Scale - Maxpow;
end loop;
-- The following exception is only raised in case of erroneous
-- execution, where a number was considered valid but still
-- fails to scale up. One situation where this can happen is
-- when a system which is supposed to be IEEE-compliant, but
-- has been reconfigured to flush denormals to zero.
if Scale < -Maxscaling then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- Here we know that we must divide by at least 10**1 and that
-- 10**Maxpow takes us too far, binary search to find right one.
Lo := 1;
Hi := Maxpow;
Mid := (Lo + Hi) / 2;
XP := X / Powten (Mid);
if XP < Powten (S - 1) then
if Lo >= Hi then
XP := XP * 10.0;
Mid := Mid - 1;
Hi := Mid - 1;
end if;
elsif XP >= Powten (S) then
if Lo >= Hi then
XP := XP / 10.0;
Mid := Mid + 1;
Lo := Mid + 1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
X := XP;
Scale := Scale - Mid;
-- Here we are already scaled right
end if;
end Adjust_Scale;
-- Start of processing for Set_Image_Real
-- We call the floating-point processor reset routine so we can be sure
-- that the processor is properly set for conversions. This is notably
-- needed on Windows, where calls to the operating system randomly reset
-- the processor into 64-bit mode.
if Num'Machine_Mantissa = 64 then
end if;
-- Deal with invalid values first
if not V'Valid then
-- Note that we're taking our chances here, as V might be
-- an invalid bit pattern resulting from erroneous execution
-- (caused by using uninitialized variables for example).
-- No matter what, we'll at least get reasonable behavior,
-- converting to infinity or some other value, or causing an
-- exception to be raised is fine.
-- If the following two tests succeed, then we definitely have
-- an infinite value, so we print +Inf or -Inf.
if V > Num'Last then
pragma Annotate (CodePeer, False_Positive, "dead code",
"CodePeer analysis ignores NaN and Inf values");
pragma Annotate (CodePeer, False_Positive, "test always true",
"CodePeer analysis ignores NaN and Inf values");
Set_Floating_Invalid_Value (Infinity, S, P, Fore, Aft, Exp);
elsif V < Num'First then
Set_Floating_Invalid_Value (Minus_Infinity, S, P, Fore, Aft, Exp);
-- In all other cases we print NaN
Set_Floating_Invalid_Value (Not_A_Number, S, P, Fore, Aft, Exp);
end if;
end if;
-- Set the first character like Image
Digs (1) := (if Is_Negative (V) then '-' else ' ');
Ndigs := 1;
X := Double_Real.To_Double (abs (V));
-- If X is zero, we are done
if X = 0.0 then
Digs (2) := '0';
Ndigs := 2;
-- Otherwise, scale X and convert it to an integer
-- In exponent notation, we need exactly NFrac + 1 digits and always
-- round the last one.
if Exp > 0 then
Adjust_Scale (Natural'Min (NFrac + 1, Maxdigs));
X := X + 0.5;
-- In straight notation, we compute the maximum number of digits and
-- compare how many of them will be put after the decimal point with
-- Nfrac, in order to find out whether we need to round the last one
-- here or whether the rounding is performed by Set_Decimal_Digits.
Adjust_Scale (Maxdigs);
if Scale <= NFrac then
X := X + 0.5;
end if;
end if;
-- If X fits in an Uns, do the conversion directly. Note that this is
-- always the case for the Image attribute.
if X <= Num (Uns'Last) then
Set_Image_Unsigned (To_Unsigned (X), Digs, Ndigs);
-- Otherwise, do the conversion in two steps
else pragma Assert (X <= 10.0 ** Num'Digits * Num (Uns'Last));
Y : constant Uns := To_Unsigned (X / Powten (Num'Digits));
Buf : String (1 .. Num'Digits);
Len : Natural;
Set_Image_Unsigned (Y, Digs, Ndigs);
X := X - From_Unsigned (Y) * Powten (Num'Digits);
Len := 0;
Set_Image_Unsigned (To_Unsigned (X), Buf, Len);
for J in 1 .. Num'Digits - Len loop
Digs (Ndigs + J) := '0';
end loop;
for J in 1 .. Len loop
Digs (Ndigs + Num'Digits - Len + J) := Buf (J);
end loop;
Ndigs := Ndigs + Num'Digits;
end if;
end if;
Set_Decimal_Digits (Digs, Ndigs, S, P, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
end Set_Image_Real;
end System.Image_R;