blob: 6a461a50366928256cf8a90d2da8075f63a7ae73 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++17_only } }
// { dg-options "-fconcepts" }
typedef concept int CINT; // { dg-error "'concept' cannot appear in a typedef declaration" }
void f(concept int); // { dg-error "a parameter cannot be declared 'concept'" }
template<typename T>
concept int f2() { return 0; } // { dg-error "return type" }
concept bool f3(); // { dg-error "14:concept .f3. has no definition" }
struct X
template<typename T>
concept int f4() { return 0; } // { dg-error "cannot be a member" }
concept f5 = true; // { dg-error "declared 'concept'" }
template<typename T>
static concept f6 = true; // { dg-error "declared 'concept'" }
static concept bool x; // { dg-error "declared 'concept'" }
// { dg-error "uninitialized 'const" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
concept int x2; // { dg-error "declared 'concept'" }
concept ~X(); // { dg-error "a destructor cannot be 'concept'" }
concept X(); // { dg-error "a constructor cannot be 'concept'" }
concept bool X2; // { dg-error "non-template variable" }
template<typename T>
concept bool X3; // { dg-error "has no initializer" }
struct S {
template<typename T>
static concept bool C1 = true; // { dg-error "static data member" }