blob: 3cf1d1cd0e2763cb863a39f31d25200fc3262cd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do run }
// PRMS Id: 5286
// Bug: g++ forgets side-effects of object in call to nonexistent destructor.
#include <new>
int r;
template <class T> struct A {
T *p;
int i;
A() { i = 0; p = (T*) new char[sizeof (T)]; new (p + i++) T; }
~A() { p[--i].~T(); r = i; }
int main()
{ A<int> a; }
int* p = (int*) new char[sizeof (int)];
new (p + r++) int;
typedef int I;
return r;