blob: ed5f3440689e14729a9420b15be275c033c824c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-fno-rtti" }
// { dg-shouldfail "expressions depend on TypeInfo" }
int* testInExp(int key, int[int] aa)
return key in aa; // { dg-error "requires .object.TypeInfo. and cannot be used with .-fno-rtti." }
bool testAAEqual(int[string] aa1, int[string] aa2)
return aa1 == aa2; // { dg-error "requires .object.TypeInfo. and cannot be used with .-fno-rtti." }
string testConcat(string a, string b)
return a ~ b; // { dg-error "requires .object.TypeInfo. and cannot be used with .-fno-rtti." }