blob: 5a56141140889029c0b16cb54d25d9ca7737b028 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -D -Dd${RESULTS_DIR}/compilable -o-
// POST_SCRIPT: compilable/extra-files/
* Summary
* Description1
* Description2
* Description3
* Macros:
* WIKI = StdStream
* meemie
* See_Also:
* Things to see also.
* And more things.
module std.test;
/// A base class for stream exceptions.
class StreamException: Exception {
/** Construct a StreamException with given error message msg.
* Params:
* msg = the $(RED red) $(BLUE blue) $(GREEN green) $(YELLOW yellow).
* foo = next parameter which is a much longer
* message spanning multiple
* lines.
this(string msg, int foo) { super(msg); }
/********** stars ***************/
int stars;