blob: e7191f897690417ca11c3530fb3a2189b63dd671 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -D -Dd${RESULTS_DIR}/compilable -o-
// TEST_OUTPUT_FILE: extra-files/ddoc_markdown_headings.html
// OUTPUT_FILES: ${RESULTS_DIR}/compilable/ddoc_markdown_headings.html
# ATX-Style Headings
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
### headings
## with initial
# spaces
## heading with *emphasis*
## heading with trailing `#`'s #######
## heading with trailing literal ##'s
## heading with another trailing literal#
## heading with backslash-escaped trailing #\##
## Some empty headers:
### ###
# Not Headings
#hashtag not a heading because there's no space after the `#`
####### Not a heading because it has more than 6 `#`'s
\## Not a heading because of the preceeding backslash
module ddoc_markdown_headings;