blob: 8b3e5aa3873d3a98e78e820012b757b0822ba8eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Automatically generated by Digital Mars D Compiler
#pragma once
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define _d_dynamicArray CUSTOM_D_ARRAY_TYPE
/// Represents a D [] array
template<typename T>
struct _d_dynamicArray final
size_t length;
T *ptr;
_d_dynamicArray() : length(0), ptr(NULL) { }
_d_dynamicArray(size_t length_in, T *ptr_in)
: length(length_in), ptr(ptr_in) { }
T& operator[](const size_t idx) {
assert(idx < length);
return ptr[idx];
const T& operator[](const size_t idx) const {
assert(idx < length);
return ptr[idx];
enum : int32_t { Anon = 10 };
enum : bool { Anon2 = true };
static const char* const Anon3 = "wow";
enum class Enum
One = 0,
Two = 1,
extern const Enum constEnum;
enum class EnumDefaultType
One = 1,
Two = 2,
enum class EnumWithType : int8_t
One = 1,
Two = 2,
AnonOne = 1,
AnonTwo = 2,
enum : int64_t
AnonWithTypeOne = 1LL,
AnonWithTypeTwo = 2LL,
namespace EnumWithStringType
static const char* const One = "1";
static const char* const Two = "2";
namespace EnumWStringType
static const char16_t* const One = u"1";
namespace EnumDStringType
static const char32_t* const One = U"1";
namespace EnumWithImplicitType
static const char* const One = "1";
static const char* const Two = "2";
static const char* const AnonWithStringOne = "1";
static const char* const AnonWithStringTwo = "2";
enum : int32_t { AnonMixedOne = 1 };
enum : int64_t { AnonMixedTwo = 2LL };
static const char* const AnonMixedA = "a";
enum class STC
a = 1,
b = 2,
static STC const STC_D = (STC)3;
struct Foo final
int32_t i;
Foo() :
Foo(int32_t i) :
namespace MyEnum
static Foo const A = Foo(42);
static Foo const B = Foo(84);
static /* MyEnum */ Foo const test = Foo(42);
struct FooCpp final
int32_t i;
FooCpp() :
FooCpp(int32_t i) :
namespace MyEnumCpp
static FooCpp const A = FooCpp(42);
static FooCpp const B = FooCpp(84);
static /* MyEnum */ Foo const testCpp = Foo(42);
extern const bool e_b;
enum class opaque;
enum class typedOpaque : int64_t;
enum Anon = 10;
extern(C++) enum Anon2 = true;
extern(C++) enum Anon3 = "wow";
enum Enum
extern(C++) __gshared const(Enum) constEnum;
enum EnumDefaultType : int
One = 1,
Two = 2
enum EnumWithType : byte
One = 1,
Two = 2
AnonOne = 1,
AnonTwo = 2
enum : long
AnonWithTypeOne = 1,
AnonWithTypeTwo = 2
enum EnumWithStringType : string
One = "1",
Two = "2"
enum EnumWStringType : wstring
One = "1"
enum EnumDStringType : dstring
One = "1"
enum EnumWithImplicitType
One = "1",
Two = "2"
enum : string
AnonWithStringOne = "1",
AnonWithStringTwo = "2"
AnonMixedOne = 1,
long AnonMixedTwo = 2,
string AnonMixedA = "a"
enum STC
a = 1,
b = 2,
extern(C++) enum STC_D = STC.a | STC.b;
struct Foo { int i; }
enum MyEnum { A = Foo(42), B = Foo(84) }
extern(C++) enum test = MyEnum.A;
extern(C++) struct FooCpp { int i; }
enum MyEnumCpp { A = FooCpp(42), B = FooCpp(84) }
extern(C++) enum testCpp = MyEnum.A;
// currently unsupported enums
extern(C++) enum b = [1, 2, 3];
extern(C++) enum c = [2: 3];
extern(C) void foo();
extern(C++) enum d = &foo;
__gshared immutable bool e_b;
extern(C++) enum e = &e_b;
enum opaque;
enum typedOpaque : long;
enum arrayOpaque : int[4]; // Cannot be exported to C++
extern(D) enum hidden_d = 42; // Linkage prevents being exported to C++