blob: f4d68e7dc8c6ef13bbeb3ad2c90924012c878926 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRED_ARGS: -d -preview=dip1000 -o- -X -Xf-
// EXTRA_FILES: imports/jsonimport1.d imports/jsonimport2.d imports/jsonimport3.d imports/jsonimport4.d
// TRANSFORM_OUTPUT: sanitize_json
// TEST_OUTPUT_FILE: extra-files/json.json
module json;
shared static this() {}
static this() {}
shared static ~this() {}
static ~this() {}
template X(T)
shared static this() {}
static this() {}
shared static ~this() {}
static ~this() {}
alias SSCDX = X!int;
class SSCDClass
shared static this() {}
static this() {}
shared static ~this() {}
static ~this() {}
#line 17
alias int myInt;
myInt x; //
struct Foo(T) { T t; }
class Bar(int T) { int t = T; }
interface Baz(T...) { T[0] t() const; } //
template P(alias T) {}
class Bar2 : Bar!1, Baz!(int, 2, null) {
this() {}
~this() {} //
static foo() {}
protected abstract Foo!int baz();
override int t() const { return 0; }
class Bar3 : Bar2 {
private int val;
this(int i) { val = i; }
protected override Foo!int baz() { return Foo!int(val); }
struct Foo2 {
Bar2 bar2;
union U {
struct {
short s;
int i;
Object o;
struct Foo3(bool b) {
version(D_Ddoc) {
/// Doc 1
void method1();
static if (b) {
/// Doc 2
void method2();
} else {
/// Doc 3
void method3();
/// Doc 4
void method4();
+ Documentation test
@trusted myInt bar(ref uint blah, Bar2 foo = new Bar3(7)) //
return -1;
@property int outer() nothrow
in {
out(result) {
assert(result == 18);
do {
int x = 8;
int inner(void* v) nothrow
int y = 2;
return x + y;
int z = inner(null);
return x + z;
/** Issue 9484 - selective and renamed imports */
import imports.jsonimport1 : target1, target2;
import imports.jsonimport2 : alias1 = target1, alias2 = target2;
import imports.jsonimport3 : alias3 = target1, alias4 = target2, target3;
import imports.jsonimport4;
struct S
/** Issue 9480 - Template name should be stripped of parameters */
this(T)(T t) { }
/** Issue 9755 - Protection not emitted properly for Templates. */
private struct S1_9755(T) { }
package struct S2_9755(T) { }
class C_9755
protected static class CI_9755(T) { }
/** Issue 10011 - init property is wrong for object initializer. */
const Object c_10011 = new Object();
enum Numbers
one = 2,
two = 3,
four = 4,
template IncludeConstraint(T) if (T == string) {}
static foreach(enum i; 0..3)
mixin("int a" ~ i.stringof ~ " = 1;");
alias Seq(T...) = T;
static foreach(int i, alias a; Seq!(a0, a1, a2))
mixin("alias b" ~ i.stringof ~ " = a;");
// return ref, return scope, return ref scope
ref int foo(return ref int a) @safe
return a;
int* foo(return scope int* a) @safe
return a;
ref int* foo(scope return ref int* a) @safe
return a;
struct SafeS
ref SafeS foo() return
return this;
SafeS foo2() return scope
return this;
ref SafeS foo3() return scope
static SafeS s; return s;
int* p;
extern int vlinkageDefault;
extern(D) int vlinkageD;
extern(C) int vlinakgeC;
extern(C++) __gshared int vlinkageCpp;
extern(Windows) int vlinkageWindows;
extern(Objective-C) int vlinkageObjc;
extern(System) int vlinkageSystem;
extern int flinkageDefault();
extern(D) int flinkageD();
extern(C) int linakgeC();
extern(C++) int flinkageCpp();
extern(Windows) int flinkageWindows();
extern(Objective-C) int flinkageObjc();
extern(System) int flinkageSystem();
mixin template test18211(int n)
static foreach (i; 0 .. n>10 ? 10 : n)
mixin("enum x" ~ cast(char)('0' + i));
static if (true) {}
alias F = size_t function (size_t a);