blob: e648a56d896ee1691ebc449f107d453f9b477225 [file] [log] [blame]
Basic properties and usage mentioned in the DIP:
alias noreturn = typeof(*null);
pragma(msg, noreturn);
static assert(!is(noreturn == void));
// Fails
// static assert(is( typeof([]) == noreturn[] ));
// static assert(is( typeof([][0]) == noreturn ));
static assert(is( typeof(assert(0)) == noreturn ));
static assert(is( typeof(throw new Exception("")) == noreturn ));
static assert(is(noreturn == noreturn));
static assert(!is(noreturn == const noreturn));
static assert(is(noreturn : const noreturn));
static assert(!is(noreturn == int));
static assert(is(noreturn : int));
// Covariance
static assert(is(noreturn[] : int[]));
static assert(is(noreturn* : int*));
static assert(is(noreturn function() : int function()));
static assert(is(noreturn delegate() : int delegate()));
// Reject inverse conversions
static assert(!is(int[] : noreturn[]));
static assert(!is(int* : noreturn*));
static assert(!is(int function() : noreturn function()));
static assert(!is(int delegate() : noreturn delegate()));
static assert(noreturn.mangleof == "Nn"); // Changed from b due to conflicts with bool
static assert(noreturn.sizeof == 0);
static assert(noreturn.alignof == 0);
static assert((noreturn*).sizeof == (int*).sizeof);
static assert((noreturn[]).sizeof == (int[]).sizeof);
static assert(is(typeof(noreturn.init) == noreturn));
static assert(is(typeof((const noreturn).init) == const noreturn));
static assert(is(typeof((immutable noreturn).init) == immutable noreturn));
static assert(is(typeof((shared noreturn).init) == shared noreturn));
version (DigitalMars)
noreturn exits(int* p)
*p = 3;
assert(false); // *p could be valid
noreturn exit();
noreturn pureexits() @nogc nothrow pure @safe { assert(0); }
noreturn callpureexits() { pureexits(); }
noreturn returnExits()
return pureexits();
void alsoExits()
return assert(0);
int thisAlsoExits()
return assert(0);
void cast_()
noreturn n;
int i = n;
int test1(int i)
if (exit())
return i + 1;
return i - 1;
noreturn tlsNoreturn;
__gshared noreturn globalNoreturn;
template CreateTLS(A)
A a;
void* useTls()
alias Tnr = CreateTLS!noreturn;
void* a1 = &Tnr.a;
void* a2 = &tlsNoreturn;
void* a3 = &globalNoreturn;
return a1 < a2 ? a2 : a3;
noreturn testfn(noreturn function() fn)
noreturn testdg(noreturn delegate() dg)
noreturn func()
alias AliasSeq(T...) = T;
alias Types = AliasSeq!(bool, byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint,
long, ulong, char, wchar, dchar, float, double,
void noreturnImplicit()
Testing both ways because, although the underlying table
is symmetrical the code that calls into it may be buggy.
int x = 2 + func();
int y = func() + 2;
foreach(T; Types)
T value;
auto x = value + throw new Exception("Hello");
auto y = (throw new Exception("wow")) + value;