blob: 95c784627fa5ec657c9a70b78ce6213c2e48687f [file] [log] [blame]
REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=dip1000
struct Cache
ubyte[1] v;
ubyte[] set(ubyte[1] v) return
return this.v[] = v[];
struct OnlyResult
private this(Values)(scope ref Values values)
this.s = values;
string s;
auto only(Values)(Values vv)
return OnlyResult(vv);
void test() @nogc @safe pure
auto callWrappedOops(scope string dArgs) {
string callWrappedImpl() {
return dArgs;
struct Constant
int* member;
this(Repeat!(int*) grid) @safe
foreach(ref x; grid)
member = x;
foreach(ref x; grid)
x = member;
int* foo(return scope Repeat!(int*) grid) @safe
foreach(ref x; grid)
x = member;
foreach(ref x; grid)
return x;
return null;
alias Repeat(T...) = T;
struct C
void* u;
this(this) @safe
struct S
C c;
void foo(scope S s) @safe
void bar(scope S s) @safe
struct D
int pos;
char* p;
void test(scope ref D d) @safe
D[] da;
da ~= D(d.pos, null);
void withEscapes()
static D get() @safe;
with (get())
int f1_20682(return scope ref D d) @safe
return d.pos;
ref int f2_20682(return ref scope D d) @safe
return d.pos;
void test_20682(scope ref D d) @safe
int[] a;
a ~= f1_20682(d);
a ~= f2_20682(d);
a ~= cast(int) d.p;
// Phobos failure
void formattedWrite(immutable char[2] args) @safe
scope immutable char[] val = args;
void ctfeRead(const ubyte[2] array) @safe
short result;
foreach_reverse (b; array)
result = cast(short) ((result << 8) | b);
foreach (b; array)
result = cast(short) ((result << 8) | b);
void demangle() @safe
static struct DotSplitter
const(char)[] s;
@property bool empty() const { return !s.length; }
@property const(char)[] front() const return
immutable i = indexOfDot();
return s;
void popFront() {}
private ptrdiff_t indexOfDot() const
return -1;
foreach (comp; DotSplitter(""))
const copy = comp;
void fileCtor() @safe
static struct S
int i;
// static S get()
// {
// return S();
// }
with (S())
int* ptr = &i;
// Missing test coverage
int*[4] testArray() @safe
return typeof(return).init;
void testForeach(T)(const(T)[] ts)
static int g;
g++; // force impure for
foreach (c; ts)
foreach_reverse(c0; ts)
foreach(c1; ts)
void main21209()
char[10] cs;
float[10] fs;