blob: b76c89dbd2707d27de17c32606409a096f12329b [file] [log] [blame]
template map(fun...)
auto map(R)(R r)
return MapResult!(fun, R)(r);
struct MapResult(alias fun, R)
R _input;
@property bool empty() { return _input.length == 0; }
@property auto front() { return fun(_input[0]); }
void popFront() { _input = _input[1..$]; }
class Foo
int baz() { return 1; }
void bar()
auto s = [1].map!(i => baz()); // compiles
auto r = [1].map!( // returns MapResult-1
// lambda1
i =>
[1].map!( // returns MapResult-2
// lambda2
j =>
); // compiles <- error
// When lambda1 is called in MapResult-1.front(), it was changed to
// TOKfunction in functionResolve. But in that time, MapResult-2 semantic3
// was not yet finished, then the lambda2 call in MapResult-2.front()
// could not access to enclosing scope frame to call baz().
// To fix the issue, MapResult-2 semantic3 should be finished during the
// lambda1 body analysis.
class Bar
int baz;
void bar()
auto s = [1].map!(i => baz); // compiles
auto r = [1].map!(
// lambda1
i =>
// lambda2
j =>
); // compiles <- error
struct ChunkByImpl(alias eq)
struct Group
int[] start;
int[] current;
void popFront()
// In here:
// SortedRange.pred == (a, b) => a @ test14978b()
// ChunkByImpl.eq == (a, b) => pred(a, b) @ SortedRange.groupBy()
// The context deduction should be:
// First pred is deduced to function pointer,
// and then, eq is also deduced to function pointer because pred is function pointer.
// Therefore, when ChunkByImpl is instantiated in groupBy(), its semantic3
// needs to be invoked to analyze ???
eq(start, current);
struct SortedRange(alias pred)
int[] input;
auto groupBy()
(a, b) => pred(a, b)
) r;
void test14973b()
(a, b) => a
) r;