blob: 9e3ee6a8170aef6ea3374d6eaa2d24df00c1e11c [file] [log] [blame]
template TypeTuple(T...) { alias TypeTuple = T; }
bool startsWith(string s, string m) { return s[0 .. m.length] == m; }
void main()
enum string castPrefix = "cast(" ~ size_t.stringof ~ ")";
// TypeSArray
static assert((int[10]).stringof == "int[10]", T.stringof);
int[] arr;
// IndexExp
// index == IntegerExp
static assert((arr[ 4 ]).stringof == "arr[4]");
static assert((arr[ 4U ]).stringof == "arr[4]");
static assert((arr[ 4L ]).stringof == "arr[4]");
static assert((arr[ 4LU]).stringof == "arr[4]");
// index == UAddExp
static assert((arr[+4 ]).stringof == "arr[4]");
static assert((arr[+4U ]).stringof == "arr[4]");
static assert((arr[+4L ]).stringof == "arr[4]");
static assert((arr[+4LU]).stringof == "arr[4]");
// index == NegExp
static assert((arr[-4 ]).stringof == "arr[" ~ castPrefix ~ "-4]");
static assert((arr[-4U ]).stringof == "arr[4294967292]");
static assert((arr[int.min] ).stringof == "arr[" ~ castPrefix ~ "-2147483648]");
static if (is(size_t == ulong))
static assert((arr[-4L ]).stringof == "arr[" ~ castPrefix ~ "-4L]");
static assert((arr[-4LU]).stringof == "arr[-4LU]");
// IntegerLiteral needs suffix if the value is greater than long.max
static assert((arr[long.max + 0]).stringof == "arr[9223372036854775807]");
static assert((arr[long.max + 1]).stringof == "arr[" ~ castPrefix ~ "(9223372036854775807L + 1L)]");
foreach (Int; TypeTuple!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong))
enum Int p4 = +4;
enum string result1 = (arr[p4]).stringof;
static assert(result1 == "arr[4]");
enum string result2 = (arr[cast(Int)+4]).stringof;
static assert(result2 == "arr[4]");
foreach (Int; TypeTuple!(byte, short, int, long))
// keep "cast(Type)" in the string representation
enum Int m4 = -4;
static if (is(typeof({ size_t x = m4; })))
enum string result1 = (arr[m4]).stringof;
static assert(result1.startsWith("arr[" ~ castPrefix));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, arr[m4]));
enum string result2 = (arr[cast(Int)-4]).stringof;
static assert(result2.startsWith("arr[" ~ castPrefix));
// SliceExp
// lwr,upr == IntegerExp
static assert((arr[4 .. 8 ]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");
static assert((arr[4U .. 8U ]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");
static assert((arr[4L .. 8L ]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");
static assert((arr[4LU .. 8LU]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");
// lwr,upr == UAddExp
static assert((arr[+4 .. +8 ]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");
static assert((arr[+4U .. +8U ]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");
static assert((arr[+4L .. +8L ]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");
static assert((arr[+4LU .. +8LU]).stringof == "arr[4..8]");