blob: e6a0dd670df2d7a26b28117759e022760e90afdf [file] [log] [blame]
ref int frvv();
class A {}
class B : A {}
B restrictedfunc(in const(int)) @safe pure nothrow;
A relaxedfunc(in int);
void bug3797()
// Cannot convert if the return type or parameters are different
void function() vv;
void function(int) vi;
int function() iv;
const(int) function() cv;
immutable(int) function() xv;
static assert( is(typeof( vv = vv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = vi )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = cv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = xv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( vi = vi )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = cv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = cx )));
static assert(!is(typeof( iv = vv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( iv = vi )));
static assert( is(typeof( iv = iv )));
static assert( is(typeof( iv = cv )));
static assert( is(typeof( iv = xv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cv = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( cv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cv = vi )));
static assert( is(typeof( cv = cv )));
static assert( is(typeof( cv = xv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( xv = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( xv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( xv = vi )));
static assert( is(typeof( xv = cv )));
static assert( is(typeof( xv = xv )));
int* function() ipfunc;
const(int*) function() cipfunc;
static assert( is(typeof( cipfunc = ipfunc )) );
static assert(!is(typeof( ipfunc = cipfunc )) );
// functions with different linkages can't convert
extern(C) void function() cfunc;
extern(D) void function() dfunc;
static assert(!is(typeof( cfunc = dfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( dfunc = cfunc )));
// ref return can't convert to non-ref return
typeof(&frvv) rvv;
static assert(!is(typeof( rvv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( rvv = cv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( iv = rvv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cv = rvv )));
// variadic functions don't mix
void function(...) vf;
static assert(!is(typeof( vf = vv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = vf )));
// non-nothrow -> nothrow
void function() nothrow ntf;
static assert(!is(typeof( ntf = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( vv = ntf )));
// @safe <-> @trusted -> @system
void function() @system systemfunc;
void function() @trusted trustedfunc;
void function() @safe safefunc;
static assert( is(typeof( trustedfunc = safefunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( systemfunc = trustedfunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( systemfunc = safefunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( safefunc = trustedfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( trustedfunc = systemfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( safefunc = systemfunc )));
// pure -> non-pure
void function() nonpurefunc;
void function() pure purefunc;
static assert(!is(typeof( purefunc = nonpurefunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( nonpurefunc = purefunc )));
// Cannot convert parameter storage classes (except const to in and in to const)
void function(const(int)) constfunc;
void function(in int) infunc;
void function(out int) outfunc;
void function(ref int) reffunc;
void function(lazy int) lazyfunc;
static assert(is(typeof( infunc = constfunc )));
static assert(is(typeof( constfunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( infunc = outfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( infunc = reffunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( infunc = lazyfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( outfunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( outfunc = reffunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( outfunc = lazyfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( reffunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( reffunc = outfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( reffunc = lazyfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( lazyfunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( lazyfunc = outfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( lazyfunc = reffunc )));
// Test class covariance
A function() afunc;
B function() bfunc;
static assert( is(typeof( afunc = bfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( bfunc = afunc )));
// Test all the conversions at once
typeof(&restrictedfunc) prestrictedfunc;
typeof(&relaxedfunc) prelaxedfunc = prestrictedfunc;
void bug3797dg()
ref int frvv() { return *(new int); }
B restrictedfunc(in const(int)) @safe pure nothrow { return null; }
A relaxedfunc(in int) { return null; }
// Cannot convert if the return type or parameters are different
void delegate() vv;
void delegate(int) vi;
int delegate() iv;
const(int) delegate() cv;
immutable(int) delegate() xv;
static assert( is(typeof( vv = vv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = vi )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = cv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = xv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( vi = vi )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = cv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vi = cx )));
static assert(!is(typeof( iv = vv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( iv = vi )));
static assert( is(typeof( iv = iv )));
static assert( is(typeof( iv = cv )));
static assert( is(typeof( iv = xv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cv = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( cv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cv = vi )));
static assert( is(typeof( cv = cv )));
static assert( is(typeof( cv = xv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( xv = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( xv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( xv = vi )));
static assert( is(typeof( xv = cv )));
static assert( is(typeof( xv = xv )));
int* delegate() ipfunc;
const(int*) delegate() cipfunc;
static assert( is(typeof( cipfunc = ipfunc )) );
static assert(!is(typeof( ipfunc = cipfunc )) );
// delegates with different linkages can't convert
extern(C) void delegate() cfunc;
extern(D) void delegate() dfunc;
static assert(!is(typeof( cfunc = dfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( dfunc = cfunc )));
// ref return can't convert to non-ref return
typeof(&frvv) rvv;
static assert(!is(typeof( rvv = iv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( rvv = cv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( iv = rvv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cv = rvv )));
// variadic delegates don't mix
void delegate(...) vf;
static assert(!is(typeof( vf = vv )));
static assert(!is(typeof( vv = vf )));
// non-nothrow -> nothrow
void delegate() nothrow ntf;
static assert(!is(typeof( ntf = vv )));
static assert( is(typeof( vv = ntf )));
// @safe <-> @trusted -> @system
void delegate() @system systemfunc;
void delegate() @trusted trustedfunc;
void delegate() @safe safefunc;
static assert( is(typeof( trustedfunc = safefunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( systemfunc = trustedfunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( systemfunc = safefunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( safefunc = trustedfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( trustedfunc = systemfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( safefunc = systemfunc )));
// pure -> non-pure
void delegate() nonpurefunc;
void delegate() pure purefunc;
static assert(!is(typeof( purefunc = nonpurefunc )));
static assert( is(typeof( nonpurefunc = purefunc )));
// Cannot convert parameter storage classes (except const to in and in to const)
void delegate(const(int)) constfunc;
void delegate(in int) infunc;
void delegate(out int) outfunc;
void delegate(ref int) reffunc;
void delegate(lazy int) lazyfunc;
static assert(is(typeof( infunc = constfunc )));
static assert(is(typeof( constfunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( infunc = outfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( infunc = reffunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( infunc = lazyfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( outfunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( outfunc = reffunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( outfunc = lazyfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( reffunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( reffunc = outfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( reffunc = lazyfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( lazyfunc = infunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( lazyfunc = outfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( lazyfunc = reffunc )));
// Test class covariance
A delegate() afunc;
B delegate() bfunc;
static assert( is(typeof( afunc = bfunc )));
static assert(!is(typeof( bfunc = afunc )));
// Test all the conversions at once
typeof(&restrictedfunc) prestrictedfunc;
typeof(&relaxedfunc) prelaxedfunc = prestrictedfunc;
void bug3268()
auto a = &bug3268;
const b = a;
assert(a == a);
assert(a == b);
assert(b == b);
immutable c = cast(immutable)a;
assert(a == c);
assert(b == c);
assert(c == c);
static assert(is(typeof(*a) == typeof(*b)));
static assert(is(typeof(*a) == typeof(*c)));
void bug3268dg()
void bug3268x() {}
auto a = &bug3268x;
const b = a;
assert(a == a);
assert(a == b);
assert(b == b);
immutable c = cast(immutable)a;
assert(a == c);
assert(b == c);
assert(c == c);
void bug3833()
bool b;
void function() func;
void function() pure purefunc;
void function() nothrow nothrowfunc;
void function() @safe safefunc;
void function() @trusted trustedfunc;
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : purefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : nothrowfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : safefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : trustedfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? purefunc : nothrowfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? purefunc : safefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? purefunc : trustedfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? nothrowfunc : safefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? nothrowfunc : trustedfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? safefunc : trustedfunc ) == typeof( trustedfunc )));
auto arr = [func, purefunc, nothrowfunc, safefunc, trustedfunc];
static assert( is(typeof( arr ) == typeof(func)[]) );
void bug3833dg()
bool b;
void delegate() func;
void delegate() pure purefunc;
void delegate() nothrow nothrowfunc;
void delegate() @safe safefunc;
void delegate() @trusted trustedfunc;
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : purefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : nothrowfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : safefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? func : trustedfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? purefunc : nothrowfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? purefunc : safefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? purefunc : trustedfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? nothrowfunc : safefunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? nothrowfunc : trustedfunc ) == typeof( func )));
static assert( is(typeof( b ? safefunc : trustedfunc ) == typeof( trustedfunc )));
auto arr = [func, purefunc, nothrowfunc, safefunc, trustedfunc];
static assert( is(typeof( arr ) == typeof(func)[]) );
void bug4838()
void delegate() const dgc;
static assert(typeof(dgc).stringof == "void delegate() const");
void delegate() immutable dgi;
static assert(typeof(dgi).stringof == "void delegate() immutable");
void delegate() shared dgs;
static assert(typeof(dgs).stringof == "void delegate() shared");
void delegate() shared const dgsc;
static assert(typeof(dgsc).stringof == "void delegate() shared const");
void delegate() inout dgw;
static assert(typeof(dgw).stringof == "void delegate() inout");
void delegate() shared inout dgsw;
static assert(typeof(dgsw).stringof == "void delegate() shared inout");
void test8822()
struct S { void foo() const {} }
S s;
void delegate() const dg = &; // OK
void foo(void delegate() const dg){} // OK
struct Foo(T) {}
alias Foo!(void delegate() const) X; // NG -> OK
void main()
static assert(is(typeof(&main) P : U*, U));
auto x = cast(void*)&main;
const void * p = &main;
__gshared void function() gp = null;
__gshared void delegate() gp2 = null;