blob: b0e1b120c9cfd390c049f6d2240a16e4991db9d6 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/fail117.d(37): Error: expression `foo.mixin MGettor!(a) geta;
` is `void` and has no value
fail_compilation/fail117.d(38): Error: expression `foo.mixin MGettor!(b) getb;
` is `void` and has no value
// mixin make dmd break
//import std.stdio;
template MGettor(alias Fld)
typeof(Fld) opCall()
return Fld;
class Foo
int a = 1,
b = 2;
mixin MGettor!(a) geta;
mixin MGettor!(b) getb;
void main()
auto foo = new Foo;
int a = foo.geta;
int b = foo.getb;