blob: 3bd7167acbac0112fa1de61969cab782adffcd7b [file] [log] [blame]
/***************** AssignExp *******************/
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(15): Error: setting `length` in `@nogc` function `nogc3.testArrayLength` may cause a GC allocation
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(16): Error: setting `length` in `@nogc` function `nogc3.testArrayLength` may cause a GC allocation
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(17): Error: setting `length` in `@nogc` function `nogc3.testArrayLength` may cause a GC allocation
@nogc void testArrayLength(int[] a)
a.length = 3;
a.length += 1;
a.length -= 1;
/***************** CallExp *******************/
void barCall();
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(34): Error: `@nogc` function `nogc3.testCall` cannot call non-@nogc function pointer `fp`
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(35): Error: `@nogc` function `nogc3.testCall` cannot call non-@nogc function `nogc3.barCall`
@nogc void testCall()
auto fp = &barCall;
/****************** Closure ***********************/
@nogc void takeDelegate2(scope int delegate() dg) {}
@nogc void takeDelegate3( int delegate() dg) {}
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(52): Error: function `nogc3.testClosure1` is `@nogc` yet allocates closure for `testClosure1()` with the GC
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(55): `` closes over variable `x` at fail_compilation/nogc3.d(54)
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(64): Error: function `nogc3.testClosure3` is `@nogc` yet allocates closure for `testClosure3()` with the GC
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(67): `` closes over variable `x` at fail_compilation/nogc3.d(66)
@nogc auto testClosure1()
int x;
int bar() { return x; }
return &bar;
@nogc void testClosure2()
int x;
int bar() { return x; }
takeDelegate2(&bar); // no error
@nogc void testClosure3()
int x;
int bar() { return x; }
/****************** ErrorExp ***********************/
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(85): Error: array literal in `@nogc` function `nogc3.foo13702` may cause a GC allocation
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(86): Error: array literal in `@nogc` function `nogc3.foo13702` may cause a GC allocation
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(92): Error: array literal in `@nogc` function `nogc3.bar13702` may cause a GC allocation
fail_compilation/nogc3.d(91): Error: array literal in `@nogc` function `nogc3.bar13702` may cause a GC allocation
int[] foo13702(bool b) @nogc
if (b)
return [1]; // error
return 1 ~ [2]; // error
int[] bar13702(bool b) @nogc
if (b)
return [1]; // error <- no error report
auto aux = 1 ~ [2]; // error
return aux;