blob: 02764585e4184efda02579b90208c529f9b45045 [file] [log] [blame]
! Test IO of arrays of integers in derived types
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-std=legacy" }
program main
character* 10000 :: buf1, buf2
type xyz
integer :: x, y(3), z
end type xyz
type (xyz) :: foo(4)
do i=1,ubound(foo,1)
foo(i)%x = 100*i
do j=1,3
foo(i)%y(j) = 100*i + 10*j
foo(i)%z = 100*i+40
write (buf1, '(20i4)') foo
write (buf2, '(20i4)') (foo(i)%x, (foo(i)%y(j), j=1,3), foo(i)%z, i=1,4)
if ( STOP 1
end program main