blob: 5da6a4eb7b000d707f263c514048f19b61f91739 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-additional-options "-Wuninitialized -O0" }
! PR fortran/93464
! Contributed by G. Steinmetz
! Did before ICE in gfc_omp_check_optional_argument
! Additionally, check for uninitialized warnings. There are
! none with -O (cf. original testcase file 'pr93464.f90').
! For -O0, see below:
program p
character :: c(2) = 'a'
character, allocatable :: z(:)
! { dg-note {'z' declared here} {} { target *-*-* } .-1 }
!$acc parallel
! { dg-warning {'z\.dim\[0\]\.ubound' may be used uninitialized} {} { target *-*-* } .-1 }
! { dg-warning {'z\.dim\[0\]\.lbound' may be used uninitialized} {} { target *-*-* } .-2 }
!$omp target
! Remark: As run-time check, required either 'c' being allocated or if(allocated(c)':
z = c
!$acc end parallel
!$omp end target
print *, z