blob: 0eeca0ee23a83a39b689549a40f7d672ce9fe4ed [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
subroutine test(b,c,d)
implicit none
integer, value, target :: b
integer, pointer :: c
integer, allocatable, target :: d
integer, target :: a(5)
!$omp target is_device_ptr(a) ! { dg-error "Non-dummy object .a. in IS_DEVICE_PTR clause" }
!$omp end target
!$omp target is_device_ptr(b) ! { dg-error "VALUE object .b. in IS_DEVICE_PTR clause" }
!$omp end target
!$omp target is_device_ptr(c) ! { dg-error "POINTER object .c. in IS_DEVICE_PTR clause" }
!$omp end target
!$omp target is_device_ptr(d) ! { dg-error "ALLOCATABLE object .d. in IS_DEVICE_PTR clause" }
!$omp end target
!$omp target data map(a) use_device_addr(a) ! Should be okay
!$omp end target data
!$omp target data map(c) use_device_ptr(c) ! Should be okay
!$omp end target data
end subroutine test