blob: 73745893c69828613180caaa501bceb07cfbae62 [file] [log] [blame]
module m
use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc
implicit none (type, external)
integer :: v
subroutine foo (); end
integer function omp_get_thread_num (); end
integer function omp_get_num_threads (); end
integer function omp_get_cancellation (); end
integer(c_int) function omp_target_is_present(ptr, device_num) bind(c)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_int
type(c_ptr), value :: ptr
integer(c_int), value :: device_num
end interface
subroutine f1(a)
integer :: a(0:)
integer :: i, j
!$omp simd order(concurrent)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp loop
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
subroutine f2 (a)
integer :: a(0:)
integer :: i, j
!$omp do simd order(concurrent)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp loop
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
subroutine f3 (a)
integer :: a(0:)
integer :: i, j
!$omp do order(concurrent)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp loop
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
subroutine f4 (a)
integer, target :: a(0:)
integer :: i, j
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp parallel
call foo ()
!$omp end parallel
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp simd
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp loop
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp critical ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end critical
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp ordered simd ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end ordered
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
v = v + 1
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic read ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
a(i) = v
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic write ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
v = a(i)
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_thread_num () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_thread_num\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_num_threads () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_num_threads\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_target_is_present (c_loc (a(i)), 0) ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_target_is_present\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop order(concurrent) bind(parallel)
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_cancellation () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_cancellation\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
subroutine f5 (a)
integer, target :: a(0:)
integer :: i, j
!$omp parallel
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp parallel
call foo ()
!$omp end parallel
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp simd
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp loop
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp critical ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end critical
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp ordered simd ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end ordered
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
v = v + 1
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic read ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
a(i) = v
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic write ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
v = a(i)
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp master ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end master
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp masked ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end masked
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp scope ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end scope
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_thread_num () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_thread_num\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_num_threads () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_num_threads\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_target_is_present (c_loc(a(i)), 0) ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_target_is_present\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_cancellation () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_cancellation\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp end parallel
subroutine f6 (a)
integer, target :: a(0:)
integer :: i, j
!$omp master
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp parallel
call foo ()
!$omp end parallel
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp simd
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp loop
do j = 0, 63
a(64 * i + j) = i + j
end do
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp critical ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end critical
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp ordered simd ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
call foo ()
!$omp end ordered
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
v = v + 1
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic read ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
a(i) = v
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
!$omp atomic write ! { dg-error "OpenMP constructs other than 'parallel', 'loop' or 'simd' may not be nested inside a 'loop' region" }
v = a(i)
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_thread_num () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_thread_num\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_num_threads () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_num_threads\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_target_is_present (c_loc(a(i)), 0) ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_target_is_present\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp loop
do i = 0, 63
a(i) = a(i) + omp_get_cancellation () ! { dg-error "OpenMP runtime API call '\[^\n\r]*omp_get_cancellation\[^\n\r]*' in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" }
end do
!$omp end master
end module