blob: e4580e38b89a57a2ef402422f9f9a57f57081cda [file] [log] [blame]
module m
integer t;
!$omp threadprivate(t)
subroutine f1
use m
implicit none
integer :: i
!$omp simd order(concurrent) ! { dg-message "note: enclosing region" } */
do i = 1, 64
t = t + 1 ! { dg-error "threadprivate variable 't' used in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" } */
end do
subroutine f2
use m
implicit none
integer :: i
!$omp do simd order(concurrent) ! { dg-message "note: enclosing region" } */
do i = 1, 64
t = t + 1 ! { dg-error "threadprivate variable 't' used in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" } */
end do
subroutine f3
use m
implicit none
integer :: i
!$omp do order(concurrent) ! { dg-message "note: enclosing region" } */
do i = 1, 64
t = t + 1 ! { dg-error "threadprivate variable 't' used in a region with 'order\\(concurrent\\)' clause" } */
end do