blob: 3ab0982c6f3c80508c35f442d2c7abd5bb102491 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Nicola Pero - Tue Mar 6 23:05:53 CET 2001 */
#include <objc/objc.h>
/* Tests creating a root class and a subclass with a class accessor
methods and a subclass overriding the superclass' implementation,
and using self to call another method of itself */
@interface RootClass
Class isa;
@implementation RootClass
+ initialize { return self; }
static int class_variable = 0;
@interface SubClass : RootClass
+ (void) setState: (int)number;
+ (int) state;
@implementation SubClass
+ (void) setState: (int)number
class_variable = number;
+ (int) state
return class_variable;
@interface SubSubClass : SubClass
+ (int) shift;
@implementation SubSubClass
+ (int) state
return class_variable + [self shift];
+ (int) shift
return 1;
#include "class-tests-1.h"
#include "class-tests-2.h"
int main (void)
Class class, sub_class;
test_class_with_superclass ("SubClass", "RootClass");
test_that_class_has_class_method ("SubClass", @selector (setState:));
test_that_class_has_class_method ("SubClass", @selector (state));
test_class_with_superclass ("SubSubClass", "SubClass");
test_that_class_has_class_method ("SubSubClass", @selector (setState:));
test_that_class_has_class_method ("SubSubClass", @selector (state));
test_that_class_has_class_method ("SubSubClass", @selector (shift));
class = objc_getClass ("SubClass");
test_accessor_method (class, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1);
sub_class = objc_getClass ("SubSubClass");
class_variable = 0;
test_accessor_method (sub_class, 1, -1, 0, 1, 2);
return 0;