blob: 5db6a57b80151dd7e9c48bd841f45a50096efd01 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Nicola Pero - Fri Mar 9 19:39:15 CET 2001 */
#include "../../objc-obj-c++-shared/TestsuiteObject.m"
#import <objc/objc.h>
/* Test that using the same name for different things makes no
problem */
@interface TestClass : TestsuiteObject
int test;
+ (int) test;
- (int) test;
@implementation TestClass
+ (int) test
return 1;
- (int) test
/* 0 + 2 as `test' is implicitly initialized to zero */
return test + 2;
int main (void)
if ([TestClass test] != 1)
abort ();
if ([[[TestClass alloc] init] test] != 2)
abort ();
return 0;