blob: 3f27cb990b0209b9d977e5cde1e6327050e1bc54 [file] [log] [blame]
* Defines declarations of various attributes.
* The term 'attribute' refers to things that can apply to a larger scope than a single declaration.
* Among them are:
* - Alignment (`align(8)`)
* - User defined attributes (`@UDA`)
* - Function Attributes (`@safe`)
* - Storage classes (`static`, `__gshared`)
* - Mixin declarations (`mixin("int x;")`)
* - Conditional compilation (`static if`, `static foreach`)
* - Linkage (`extern(C)`)
* - Anonymous structs / unions
* - Protection (`private`, `public`)
* - Deprecated declarations (`@deprecated`)
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _attrib.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.attrib;
import dmd.aggregate;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.cond;
import dmd.declaration;
import dmd.dmodule;
import dmd.dscope;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.dsymbolsem : dsymbolSemantic;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.expressionsem;
import dmd.func;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.hdrgen : visibilityToBuffer;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.objc; // for objc.addSymbols
import dmd.common.outbuffer;
import dmd.root.array; // for each
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.visitor;
* Abstract attribute applied to Dsymbol's used as a common
* ancestor for storage classes (StorageClassDeclaration),
* linkage (LinkageDeclaration) and others.
extern (C++) abstract class AttribDeclaration : Dsymbol
Dsymbols* decl; /// Dsymbol's affected by this AttribDeclaration
extern (D) this(Dsymbols* decl)
this.decl = decl;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, ident);
this.decl = decl;
Dsymbols* include(Scope* sc)
if (errors)
return null;
return decl;
* Create a new scope if one or more given attributes
* are different from the sc's.
* If the returned scope != sc, the caller should pop
* the scope after it used.
extern (D) static Scope* createNewScope(Scope* sc, StorageClass stc, LINK linkage,
CPPMANGLE cppmangle, Visibility visibility, int explicitVisibility,
AlignDeclaration aligndecl, PragmaDeclaration inlining)
Scope* sc2 = sc;
if (stc != ||
linkage != sc.linkage ||
cppmangle != sc.cppmangle ||
explicitVisibility != sc.explicitVisibility ||
visibility != sc.visibility ||
aligndecl !is sc.aligndecl ||
inlining != sc.inlining)
// create new one for changes
sc2 = sc.copy(); = stc;
sc2.linkage = linkage;
sc2.cppmangle = cppmangle;
sc2.visibility = visibility;
sc2.explicitVisibility = explicitVisibility;
sc2.aligndecl = aligndecl;
sc2.inlining = inlining;
return sc2;
* A hook point to supply scope for members.
* addMember, setScope, importAll, semantic, semantic2 and semantic3 will use this.
Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
return sc;
override void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
Dsymbols* d = include(sc);
if (d)
Scope* sc2 = newScope(sc);
d.foreachDsymbol( s => s.addMember(sc2, sds) );
if (sc2 != sc)
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
Dsymbols* d = include(sc);
//printf("\tAttribDeclaration::setScope '%s', d = %p\n",toChars(), d);
if (d)
Scope* sc2 = newScope(sc);
d.foreachDsymbol( s => s.setScope(sc2) );
if (sc2 != sc)
override void importAll(Scope* sc)
Dsymbols* d = include(sc);
//printf("\tAttribDeclaration::importAll '%s', d = %p\n", toChars(), d);
if (d)
Scope* sc2 = newScope(sc);
d.foreachDsymbol( s => s.importAll(sc2) );
if (sc2 != sc)
override void addComment(const(char)* comment)
//printf("AttribDeclaration::addComment %s\n", comment);
if (comment)
include(null).foreachDsymbol( s => s.addComment(comment) );
override const(char)* kind() const
return "attribute";
override bool oneMember(Dsymbol* ps, Identifier ident)
Dsymbols* d = include(null);
return Dsymbol.oneMembers(d, ps, ident);
override void setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration ad, ref FieldState fieldState, bool isunion)
include(null).foreachDsymbol( s => s.setFieldOffset(ad, fieldState, isunion) );
override final bool hasPointers()
return include(null).foreachDsymbol( (s) { return s.hasPointers(); } ) != 0;
override final bool hasStaticCtorOrDtor()
return include(null).foreachDsymbol( (s) { return s.hasStaticCtorOrDtor(); } ) != 0;
override final void checkCtorConstInit()
include(null).foreachDsymbol( s => s.checkCtorConstInit() );
override final void addLocalClass(ClassDeclarations* aclasses)
include(null).foreachDsymbol( s => s.addLocalClass(aclasses) );
override final void addObjcSymbols(ClassDeclarations* classes, ClassDeclarations* categories)
objc.addSymbols(this, classes, categories);
override final inout(AttribDeclaration) isAttribDeclaration() inout pure @safe
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Storage classes applied to Dsymbols, e.g. `const int i;`
* <stc> <decl...>
extern (C++) class StorageClassDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
StorageClass stc;
extern (D) this(StorageClass stc, Dsymbols* decl)
super(decl); = stc;
override StorageClassDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new StorageClassDeclaration(stc, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
StorageClass scstc =;
/* These sets of storage classes are mutually exclusive,
* so choose the innermost or most recent one.
if (stc & (STC.auto_ | STC.scope_ | STC.static_ | STC.extern_ | STC.manifest))
scstc &= ~(STC.auto_ | STC.scope_ | STC.static_ | STC.extern_ | STC.manifest);
if (stc & (STC.auto_ | STC.scope_ | STC.static_ | STC.manifest | STC.gshared))
scstc &= ~(STC.auto_ | STC.scope_ | STC.static_ | STC.manifest | STC.gshared);
if (stc & (STC.const_ | STC.immutable_ | STC.manifest))
scstc &= ~(STC.const_ | STC.immutable_ | STC.manifest);
if (stc & (STC.gshared | STC.shared_))
scstc &= ~(STC.gshared | STC.shared_);
if (stc & ( | STC.trusted | STC.system))
scstc &= ~( | STC.trusted | STC.system);
scstc |= stc;
//printf("scstc = x%llx\n", scstc);
return createNewScope(sc, scstc, sc.linkage, sc.cppmangle,
sc.visibility, sc.explicitVisibility, sc.aligndecl, sc.inlining);
override final bool oneMember(Dsymbol* ps, Identifier ident)
bool t = Dsymbol.oneMembers(decl, ps, ident);
if (t && *ps)
/* This is to deal with the following case:
* struct Tick {
* template to(T) { const T to() { ... } }
* }
* For eponymous function templates, the 'const' needs to get attached to 'to'
* before the semantic analysis of 'to', so that template overloading based on the
* 'this' pointer can be successful.
FuncDeclaration fd = (*ps).isFuncDeclaration();
if (fd)
/* Use storage_class2 instead of storage_class otherwise when we do .di generation
* we'll wind up with 'const const' rather than 'const'.
/* Don't think we need to worry about mutually exclusive storage classes here
fd.storage_class2 |= stc;
return t;
override void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
Dsymbols* d = include(sc);
if (d)
Scope* sc2 = newScope(sc);
d.foreachDsymbol( (s)
//printf("\taddMember %s to %s\n", s.toChars(), sds.toChars());
// STC.local needs to be attached before the member is added to the scope (because it influences the parent symbol)
if (auto decl = s.isDeclaration())
decl.storage_class |= stc & STC.local;
if (auto sdecl = s.isStorageClassDeclaration()) // TODO: why is this not enough to deal with the nested case?
{ |= stc & STC.local;
s.addMember(sc2, sds);
if (sc2 != sc)
override inout(StorageClassDeclaration) isStorageClassDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Deprecation with an additional message applied to Dsymbols,
* e.g. `deprecated("Superseeded by foo") int bar;`.
* (Note that `deprecated int bar;` is currently represented as a
* StorageClassDeclaration with STC.deprecated_)
* `deprecated(<msg>) <decl...>`
extern (C++) final class DeprecatedDeclaration : StorageClassDeclaration
Expression msg; /// deprecation message
const(char)* msgstr; /// cached string representation of msg
extern (D) this(Expression msg, Dsymbols* decl)
super(STC.deprecated_, decl);
this.msg = msg;
override DeprecatedDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new DeprecatedDeclaration(msg.syntaxCopy(), Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
* Provides a new scope with `STC.deprecated_` and `Scope.depdecl` set
* Calls `StorageClassDeclaration.newScope` (as it must be called or copied
* in any function overriding `newScope`), then set the `Scope`'s depdecl.
* Returns:
* Always a new scope, to use for this `DeprecatedDeclaration`'s members.
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
auto scx = super.newScope(sc);
// The enclosing scope is deprecated as well
if (scx == sc)
scx = sc.push();
scx.depdecl = this;
return scx;
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
//printf("DeprecatedDeclaration::setScope() %p\n", this);
if (decl)
Dsymbol.setScope(sc); // for forward reference
return AttribDeclaration.setScope(sc);
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Linkage attribute applied to Dsymbols, e.g.
* `extern(C) void foo()`.
* `extern(<linkage>) <decl...>`
extern (C++) final class LinkDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
LINK linkage; /// either explicitly set or `default_`
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, LINK linkage, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
//printf("LinkDeclaration(linkage = %d, decl = %p)\n", linkage, decl);
this.linkage = linkage;
static LinkDeclaration create(const ref Loc loc, LINK p, Dsymbols* decl)
return new LinkDeclaration(loc, p, decl);
override LinkDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new LinkDeclaration(loc, linkage, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
return createNewScope(sc,, this.linkage, sc.cppmangle, sc.visibility, sc.explicitVisibility,
sc.aligndecl, sc.inlining);
override const(char)* toChars() const
return toString().ptr;
extern(D) override const(char)[] toString() const
return "extern ()";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Attribute declaring whether an external aggregate should be mangled as
* a struct or class in C++, e.g. `extern(C++, struct) class C { ... }`.
* This is required for correct name mangling on MSVC targets,
* see cppmanglewin.d for details.
* `extern(C++, <cppmangle>) <decl...>`
extern (C++) final class CPPMangleDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
CPPMANGLE cppmangle;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, CPPMANGLE cppmangle, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
//printf("CPPMangleDeclaration(cppmangle = %d, decl = %p)\n", cppmangle, decl);
this.cppmangle = cppmangle;
override CPPMangleDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new CPPMangleDeclaration(loc, cppmangle, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
return createNewScope(sc,, LINK.cpp, cppmangle, sc.visibility, sc.explicitVisibility,
sc.aligndecl, sc.inlining);
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
if (decl)
Dsymbol.setScope(sc); // for forward reference
return AttribDeclaration.setScope(sc);
override const(char)* toChars() const
return toString().ptr;
extern(D) override const(char)[] toString() const
return "extern ()";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* A node to represent an `extern(C++)` namespace attribute
* There are two ways to declarate a symbol as member of a namespace:
* `Nspace` and `CPPNamespaceDeclaration`.
* The former creates a scope for the symbol, and inject them in the
* parent scope at the same time.
* The later, this class, has no semantic implications and is only
* used for mangling.
* Additionally, this class allows one to use reserved identifiers
* (D keywords) in the namespace.
* A `CPPNamespaceDeclaration` can be created from an `Identifier`
* (already resolved) or from an `Expression`, which is CTFE-ed
* and can be either a `TupleExp`, in which can additional
* `CPPNamespaceDeclaration` nodes are created, or a `StringExp`.
* Note that this class, like `Nspace`, matches only one identifier
* part of a namespace. For the namespace `"foo::bar"`,
* the will be a `CPPNamespaceDeclaration` with its `ident`
* set to `"bar"`, and its `namespace` field pointing to another
* `CPPNamespaceDeclaration` with its `ident` set to `"foo"`.
extern (C++) final class CPPNamespaceDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
/// CTFE-able expression, resolving to `TupleExp` or `StringExp`
Expression exp;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, ident, decl);
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression exp, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
this.exp = exp;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Expression exp, Dsymbols* decl,
CPPNamespaceDeclaration parent)
super(loc, ident, decl);
this.exp = exp;
this.cppnamespace = parent;
override CPPNamespaceDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new CPPNamespaceDeclaration(
this.loc, this.ident, this.exp, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(this.decl), this.cppnamespace);
* Returns:
* A copy of the parent scope, with `this` as `namespace` and C++ linkage
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
auto scx = sc.copy();
scx.linkage = LINK.cpp;
scx.namespace = this;
return scx;
override const(char)* toChars() const
return toString().ptr;
extern(D) override const(char)[] toString() const
return "extern (C++, `namespace`)";
override void accept(Visitor v)
override inout(CPPNamespaceDeclaration) isCPPNamespaceDeclaration() inout { return this; }
* Visibility declaration for Dsymbols, e.g. `public int i;`
* `<visibility> <decl...>` or
* `package(<pkg_identifiers>) <decl...>` if `pkg_identifiers !is null`
extern (C++) final class VisibilityDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
Visibility visibility; /// the visibility
Identifier[] pkg_identifiers; /// identifiers for `package(` or null
* Params:
* loc = source location of attribute token
* visibility = visibility attribute data
* decl = declarations which are affected by this visibility attribute
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Visibility visibility, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
this.visibility = visibility;
//printf("decl = %p\n", decl);
* Params:
* loc = source location of attribute token
* pkg_identifiers = list of identifiers for a qualified package name
* decl = declarations which are affected by this visibility attribute
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier[] pkg_identifiers, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
this.visibility.kind = Visibility.Kind.package_;
this.pkg_identifiers = pkg_identifiers;
if (pkg_identifiers.length > 0)
Dsymbol tmp;
Package.resolve(pkg_identifiers, &tmp, null);
visibility.pkg = tmp ? tmp.isPackage() : null;
override VisibilityDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
if (visibility.kind == Visibility.Kind.package_)
return new VisibilityDeclaration(this.loc, pkg_identifiers, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
return new VisibilityDeclaration(this.loc, visibility, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
if (pkg_identifiers)
dsymbolSemantic(this, sc);
return createNewScope(sc,, sc.linkage, sc.cppmangle, this.visibility, 1, sc.aligndecl, sc.inlining);
override void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
if (pkg_identifiers)
Dsymbol tmp;
Package.resolve(pkg_identifiers, &tmp, null);
visibility.pkg = tmp ? tmp.isPackage() : null;
pkg_identifiers = null;
if (visibility.kind == Visibility.Kind.package_ && visibility.pkg && sc._module)
Module m = sc._module;
// While isAncestorPackageOf does an equality check, the fix for issue 17441 adds a check to see if
// each package's .isModule() properites are equal.
// Properties generated from `package(foo)` i.e. visibility.pkg have .isModule() == null.
// This breaks package declarations of the package in question if they are declared in
// the same package.d file, which _do_ have a module associated with them, and hence a non-null
// isModule()
if (!m.isPackage() || !visibility.pkg.ident.equals(m.isPackage().ident))
Package pkg = m.parent ? m.parent.isPackage() : null;
if (!pkg || !visibility.pkg.isAncestorPackageOf(pkg))
error("does not bind to one of ancestor packages of module `%s`", m.toPrettyChars(true));
return AttribDeclaration.addMember(sc, sds);
override const(char)* kind() const
return "visibility attribute";
override const(char)* toPrettyChars(bool)
assert(visibility.kind > Visibility.Kind.undefined);
OutBuffer buf;
visibilityToBuffer(&buf, visibility);
return buf.extractChars();
override inout(VisibilityDeclaration) isVisibilityDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Alignment attribute for aggregates, members and variables.
* `align(<ealign>) <decl...>` or
* `align <decl...>` if `ealign` is null
extern (C++) final class AlignDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
Expressions* exps; /// Expression(s) yielding the desired alignment,
/// the largest value wins
/// the actual alignment is Unknown until it's either set to the value of `ealign`
/// or the default if `ealign` is null ( / an error ocurred)
structalign_t salign;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression exp, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
if (exp)
exps = new Expressions();
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expressions* exps, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
this.exps = exps;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, structalign_t salign, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
this.salign = salign;
override AlignDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new AlignDeclaration(loc,
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
return createNewScope(sc,, sc.linkage, sc.cppmangle, sc.visibility, sc.explicitVisibility, this, sc.inlining);
override void accept(Visitor v)
* An anonymous struct/union (defined by `isunion`).
extern (C++) final class AnonDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
bool isunion; /// whether it's a union
int sem; /// 1 if successful semantic()
uint anonoffset; /// offset of anonymous struct
uint anonstructsize; /// size of anonymous struct
uint anonalignsize; /// size of anonymous struct for alignment purposes
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, bool isunion, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, null, decl);
this.isunion = isunion;
override AnonDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new AnonDeclaration(loc, isunion, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
if (decl)
return AttribDeclaration.setScope(sc);
override void setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration ad, ref FieldState fieldState, bool isunion)
//printf("\tAnonDeclaration::setFieldOffset %s %p\n", isunion ? "union" : "struct", this);
if (decl)
/* This works by treating an AnonDeclaration as an aggregate 'member',
* so in order to place that member we need to compute the member's
* size and alignment.
size_t fieldstart = ad.fields.dim;
/* Hackishly hijack ad's structsize and alignsize fields
* for use in our fake anon aggregate member.
uint savestructsize = ad.structsize;
uint savealignsize = ad.alignsize;
ad.structsize = 0;
ad.alignsize = 0;
FieldState fs;
decl.foreachDsymbol( (s)
s.setFieldOffset(ad, fs, this.isunion);
if (this.isunion)
fs.offset = 0;
* If the fields in this.members had been already
* added in ad.fields, just update *poffset for the subsequent
* field offset calculation.
if (fieldstart == ad.fields.dim)
ad.structsize = savestructsize;
ad.alignsize = savealignsize;
fieldState.offset = ad.structsize;
anonstructsize = ad.structsize;
anonalignsize = ad.alignsize;
ad.structsize = savestructsize;
ad.alignsize = savealignsize;
// 0 sized structs are set to 1 byte
if (anonstructsize == 0)
anonstructsize = 1;
anonalignsize = 1;
auto alignment = _scope.alignment();
/* Given the anon 'member's size and alignment,
* go ahead and place it.
anonoffset = AggregateDeclaration.placeField(
anonstructsize, anonalignsize, alignment,
&ad.structsize, &ad.alignsize,
// Add to the anon fields the base offset of this anonymous aggregate
//printf("anon fields, anonoffset = %d\n", anonoffset);
foreach (const i; fieldstart .. ad.fields.dim)
VarDeclaration v = ad.fields[i];
//printf("\t[%d] %s %d\n", i, v.toChars(), v.offset);
v.offset += anonoffset;
override const(char)* kind() const
return (isunion ? "anonymous union" : "anonymous struct");
override inout(AnonDeclaration) isAnonDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Pragma applied to Dsymbols, e.g. `pragma(inline, true) void foo`,
* but not PragmaStatement's like `pragma(msg, "hello");`.
* pragma(<ident>, <args>)
extern (C++) final class PragmaDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
Expressions* args; /// parameters of this pragma
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Expressions* args, Dsymbols* decl)
super(loc, ident, decl);
this.args = args;
override PragmaDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
//printf("PragmaDeclaration::syntaxCopy(%s)\n", toChars());
return new PragmaDeclaration(loc, ident, Expression.arraySyntaxCopy(args), Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
if (ident == Id.Pinline)
// We keep track of this pragma inside scopes,
// then it's evaluated on demand in function semantic
return createNewScope(sc,, sc.linkage, sc.cppmangle, sc.visibility, sc.explicitVisibility, sc.aligndecl, this);
return sc;
override const(char)* kind() const
return "pragma";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* A conditional compilation declaration, used for `version`
* / `debug` and specialized for `static if`.
* <condition> { <decl...> } else { <elsedecl> }
extern (C++) class ConditionalDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
Condition condition; /// condition deciding whether decl or elsedecl applies
Dsymbols* elsedecl; /// array of Dsymbol's for else block
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Condition condition, Dsymbols* decl, Dsymbols* elsedecl)
super(loc, null, decl);
this.condition = condition;
this.elsedecl = elsedecl;
override ConditionalDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new ConditionalDeclaration(loc, condition.syntaxCopy(), Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl), Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(elsedecl));
override final bool oneMember(Dsymbol* ps, Identifier ident)
//printf("ConditionalDeclaration::oneMember(), inc = %d\n",;
if ( != Include.notComputed)
Dsymbols* d = condition.include(null) ? decl : elsedecl;
return Dsymbol.oneMembers(d, ps, ident);
bool res = (Dsymbol.oneMembers(decl, ps, ident) && *ps is null && Dsymbol.oneMembers(elsedecl, ps, ident) && *ps is null);
*ps = null;
return res;
// Decide if 'then' or 'else' code should be included
override Dsymbols* include(Scope* sc)
//printf("ConditionalDeclaration::include(sc = %p) scope = %p\n", sc, _scope);
if (errors)
return null;
return condition.include(_scope ? _scope : sc) ? decl : elsedecl;
override final void addComment(const(char)* comment)
/* Because addComment is called by the parser, if we called
* include() it would define a version before it was used.
* But it's no problem to drill down to both decl and elsedecl,
* so that's the workaround.
if (comment)
decl .foreachDsymbol( s => s.addComment(comment) );
elsedecl.foreachDsymbol( s => s.addComment(comment) );
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
include(sc).foreachDsymbol( s => s.setScope(sc) );
override void accept(Visitor v)
* `<scopesym> {
* static if (<condition>) { <decl> } else { <elsedecl> }
* }`
extern (C++) final class StaticIfDeclaration : ConditionalDeclaration
ScopeDsymbol scopesym; /// enclosing symbol (e.g. module) where symbols will be inserted
private bool addisdone = false; /// true if members have been added to scope
private bool onStack = false; /// true if a call to `include` is currently active
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Condition condition, Dsymbols* decl, Dsymbols* elsedecl)
super(loc, condition, decl, elsedecl);
override StaticIfDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new StaticIfDeclaration(loc, condition.syntaxCopy(), Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl), Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(elsedecl));
* Different from other AttribDeclaration subclasses, include() call requires
* the completion of addMember and setScope phases.
override Dsymbols* include(Scope* sc)
//printf("StaticIfDeclaration::include(sc = %p) scope = %p\n", sc, _scope);
if (errors || onStack)
return null;
onStack = true;
scope(exit) onStack = false;
if (sc && == Include.notComputed)
assert(scopesym); // addMember is already done
assert(_scope); // setScope is already done
Dsymbols* d = ConditionalDeclaration.include(_scope);
if (d && !addisdone)
// Add members lazily.
d.foreachDsymbol( s => s.addMember(_scope, scopesym) );
// Set the member scopes lazily.
d.foreachDsymbol( s => s.setScope(_scope) );
addisdone = true;
return d;
return ConditionalDeclaration.include(sc);
override void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
//printf("StaticIfDeclaration::addMember() '%s'\n", toChars());
/* This is deferred until the condition evaluated later (by the include() call),
* so that expressions in the condition can refer to declarations
* in the same scope, such as:
* template Foo(int i)
* {
* const int j = i + 1;
* static if (j == 3)
* const int k;
* }
this.scopesym = sds;
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
// do not evaluate condition before semantic pass
// But do set the scope, in case we need it for forward referencing
override void importAll(Scope* sc)
// do not evaluate condition before semantic pass
override const(char)* kind() const
return "static if";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Static foreach at declaration scope, like:
* static foreach (i; [0, 1, 2]){ }
extern (C++) final class StaticForeachDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
StaticForeach sfe; /// contains `static foreach` expansion logic
ScopeDsymbol scopesym; /// cached enclosing scope (mimics `static if` declaration)
`include` can be called multiple times, but a `static foreach`
should be expanded at most once. Achieved by caching the result
of the first call. We need both `cached` and `cache`, because
`null` is a valid value for `cache`.
bool onStack = false;
bool cached = false;
Dsymbols* cache = null;
extern (D) this(StaticForeach sfe, Dsymbols* decl)
super(sfe.loc, null, decl);
this.sfe = sfe;
override StaticForeachDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
return new StaticForeachDeclaration(
override bool oneMember(Dsymbol* ps, Identifier ident)
// Required to support IFTI on a template that contains a
// `static foreach` declaration. `super.oneMember` calls
// include with a `null` scope. As `static foreach` requires
// the scope for expansion, `oneMember` can only return a
// precise result once `static foreach` has been expanded.
if (cached)
return super.oneMember(ps, ident);
*ps = null; // a `static foreach` declaration may in general expand to multiple symbols
return false;
override Dsymbols* include(Scope* sc)
if (errors || onStack)
return null;
if (cached)
return cache;
onStack = true;
scope(exit) onStack = false;
if (_scope)
sfe.prepare(_scope); // lower static foreach aggregate
if (!sfe.ready())
return null; // TODO: ok?
// expand static foreach
import dmd.statementsem: makeTupleForeach;
Dsymbols* d = makeTupleForeach(_scope, true, true, sfe.aggrfe, decl, sfe.needExpansion).decl;
if (d) // process generated declarations
// Add members lazily.
d.foreachDsymbol( s => s.addMember(_scope, scopesym) );
// Set the member scopes lazily.
d.foreachDsymbol( s => s.setScope(_scope) );
cached = true;
cache = d;
return d;
override void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
// used only for caching the enclosing symbol
this.scopesym = sds;
override void addComment(const(char)* comment)
// do nothing
// change this to give semantics to documentation comments on static foreach declarations
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
// do not evaluate condition before semantic pass
// But do set the scope, in case we need it for forward referencing
override void importAll(Scope* sc)
// do not evaluate aggregate before semantic pass
override const(char)* kind() const
return "static foreach";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Collection of declarations that stores foreach index variables in a
* local symbol table. Other symbols declared within are forwarded to
* another scope, like:
* static foreach (i; 0 .. 10) // loop variables for different indices do not conflict.
* { // this body is expanded into 10 ForwardingAttribDeclarations, where `i` has storage class STC.local
* mixin("enum x" ~ to!string(i) ~ " = i"); // ok, can access current loop variable
* }
* static foreach (i; 0.. 10)
* {
* pragma(msg, mixin("x" ~ to!string(i))); // ok, all 10 symbols are visible as they were forwarded to the global scope
* }
* static assert (!is(typeof(i))); // loop index variable is not visible outside of the static foreach loop
* A StaticForeachDeclaration generates one
* ForwardingAttribDeclaration for each expansion of its body. The
* AST of the ForwardingAttribDeclaration contains both the `static
* foreach` variables and the respective copy of the `static foreach`
* body. The functionality is achieved by using a
* ForwardingScopeDsymbol as the parent symbol for the generated
* declarations.
extern(C++) final class ForwardingAttribDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
ForwardingScopeDsymbol sym = null;
this(Dsymbols* decl)
sym = new ForwardingScopeDsymbol();
sym.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
* Use the ForwardingScopeDsymbol as the parent symbol for members.
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
return sc.push(sym);
* Lazily initializes the scope to forward to.
override void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
sym.parent = sds;
return super.addMember(sc, sym);
override inout(ForwardingAttribDeclaration) isForwardingAttribDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Mixin declarations, like:
* mixin("int x");
extern (C++) final class CompileDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
Expressions* exps;
ScopeDsymbol scopesym;
bool compiled;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expressions* exps)
super(loc, null, null);
//printf("CompileDeclaration(loc = %d)\n", loc.linnum);
this.exps = exps;
override CompileDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
//printf("CompileDeclaration::syntaxCopy('%s')\n", toChars());
return new CompileDeclaration(loc, Expression.arraySyntaxCopy(exps));
override void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
//printf("CompileDeclaration::addMember(sc = %p, sds = %p, memnum = %d)\n", sc, sds, memnum);
this.scopesym = sds;
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
override const(char)* kind() const
return "mixin";
override inout(CompileDeclaration) isCompileDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* User defined attributes look like:
* @foo(args, ...)
* @(args, ...)
extern (C++) final class UserAttributeDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
Expressions* atts;
extern (D) this(Expressions* atts, Dsymbols* decl)
this.atts = atts;
override UserAttributeDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
//printf("UserAttributeDeclaration::syntaxCopy('%s')\n", toChars());
return new UserAttributeDeclaration(Expression.arraySyntaxCopy(this.atts), Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
override Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)
Scope* sc2 = sc;
if (atts && atts.dim)
// create new one for changes
sc2 = sc.copy();
sc2.userAttribDecl = this;
return sc2;
override void setScope(Scope* sc)
//printf("UserAttributeDeclaration::setScope() %p\n", this);
if (decl)
Dsymbol.setScope(sc); // for forward reference of UDAs
return AttribDeclaration.setScope(sc);
extern (D) static Expressions* concat(Expressions* udas1, Expressions* udas2)
Expressions* udas;
if (!udas1 || udas1.dim == 0)
udas = udas2;
else if (!udas2 || udas2.dim == 0)
udas = udas1;
/* Create a new tuple that combines them
* (do not append to left operand, as this is a copy-on-write operation)
udas = new Expressions(2);
(*udas)[0] = new TupleExp(Loc.initial, udas1);
(*udas)[1] = new TupleExp(Loc.initial, udas2);
return udas;
Expressions* getAttributes()
if (auto sc = _scope)
_scope = null;
arrayExpressionSemantic(atts.peekSlice(), sc);
auto exps = new Expressions();
if (userAttribDecl && userAttribDecl !is this)
exps.push(new TupleExp(Loc.initial, userAttribDecl.getAttributes()));
if (atts && atts.dim)
exps.push(new TupleExp(Loc.initial, atts));
return exps;
override const(char)* kind() const
return "UserAttribute";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Check if the provided expression references `core.attribute.gnuAbiTag`
* This should be called after semantic has been run on the expression.
* Semantic on UDA happens in semantic2 (see `dmd.semantic2`).
* Params:
* e = Expression to check (usually from `UserAttributeDeclaration.atts`)
* Returns:
* `true` if the expression references the compiler-recognized `gnuAbiTag`
static bool isGNUABITag(Expression e)
if (global.params.cplusplus < CppStdRevision.cpp11)
return false;
auto ts = e.type ? e.type.isTypeStruct() : null;
if (!ts)
return false;
if (ts.sym.ident != Id.udaGNUAbiTag || !ts.sym.parent)
return false;
// Can only be defined in druntime
Module m = ts.sym.parent.isModule();
if (!m || !m.isCoreModule(Id.attribute))
return false;
return true;
* Called from a symbol's semantic to check if `gnuAbiTag` UDA
* can be applied to them
* Directly emits an error if the UDA doesn't work with this symbol
* Params:
* sym = symbol to check for `gnuAbiTag`
* linkage = Linkage of the symbol ( or
static void checkGNUABITag(Dsymbol sym, LINK linkage)
if (global.params.cplusplus < CppStdRevision.cpp11)
foreachUdaNoSemantic(sym, (exp) {
if (isGNUABITag(exp))
if (sym.isCPPNamespaceDeclaration() || sym.isNspace())
exp.error("`@%s` cannot be applied to namespaces", Id.udaGNUAbiTag.toChars());
sym.errors = true;
else if (linkage != LINK.cpp)
exp.error("`@%s` can only apply to C++ symbols", Id.udaGNUAbiTag.toChars());
sym.errors = true;
// Only one `@gnuAbiTag` is allowed by semantic2
return 1; // break
return 0; // continue
* Returns `true` if the given symbol is a symbol declared in
* `core.attribute` and has the given identifier.
* This is used to determine if a symbol is a UDA declared in
* `core.attribute`.
* Params:
* sym = the symbol to check
* ident = the name of the expected UDA
bool isCoreUda(Dsymbol sym, Identifier ident)
if (sym.ident != ident || !sym.parent)
return false;
auto _module = sym.parent.isModule();
return _module && _module.isCoreModule(Id.attribute);
* Iterates the UDAs attached to the given symbol.
* Params:
* sym = the symbol to get the UDAs from
* sc = scope to use for semantic analysis of UDAs
* dg = called once for each UDA
* Returns:
* If `dg` returns `!= 0`, stops the iteration and returns that value.
* Otherwise, returns 0.
int foreachUda(Dsymbol sym, Scope* sc, int delegate(Expression) dg)
if (!sym.userAttribDecl)
return 0;
auto udas = sym.userAttribDecl.getAttributes();
arrayExpressionSemantic(udas.peekSlice(), sc, true);
return udas.each!((uda) {
if (!uda.isTupleExp())
return 0;
auto exps = uda.isTupleExp().exps;
return exps.each!((e) {
if (auto result = dg(e))
return result;
return 0;
* Iterates the UDAs attached to the given symbol, without performing semantic
* analysis.
* Use this function instead of `foreachUda` if semantic analysis of `sym` is
* still in progress.
* Params:
* sym = the symbol to get the UDAs from
* dg = called once for each UDA
* Returns:
* If `dg` returns `!= 0`, stops the iteration and returns that value.
* Otherwise, returns 0.
int foreachUdaNoSemantic(Dsymbol sym, int delegate(Expression) dg)
if (sym.userAttribDecl is null || sym.userAttribDecl.atts is null)
return 0;
foreach (exp; *sym.userAttribDecl.atts)
if (auto result = dg(exp))
return result;
return 0;