blob: 2f10e834d9dd9ff826e716a44105d15a89e4907f [file] [log] [blame]
* The base class for a D symbol, which can be a module, variable, function, enum, etc.
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _dsymbol.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.dsymbol;
import core.stdc.stdarg;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.stdc.string;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import dmd.aggregate;
import dmd.aliasthis;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.attrib;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.ast_node;
import dmd.gluelayer;
import dmd.dclass;
import dmd.declaration;
import dmd.denum;
import dmd.dimport;
import dmd.dmodule;
import dmd.dversion;
import dmd.dscope;
import dmd.dstruct;
import dmd.dsymbolsem;
import dmd.dtemplate;
import dmd.errors;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.expressionsem;
import dmd.func;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.init;
import dmd.lexer;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.nspace;
import dmd.opover;
import dmd.root.aav;
import dmd.root.rmem;
import dmd.root.rootobject;
import dmd.root.speller;
import dmd.root.string;
import dmd.statement;
import dmd.staticassert;
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.visitor;
* Calls dg(Dsymbol *sym) for each Dsymbol.
* If dg returns !=0, stops and returns that value else returns 0.
* Params:
* symbols = Dsymbols
* dg = delegate to call for each Dsymbol
* Returns:
* last value returned by dg()
* See_Also: $(REF each, dmd, root, array)
int foreachDsymbol(Dsymbols* symbols, scope int delegate(Dsymbol) dg)
if (symbols)
/* Do not use foreach, as the size of the array may expand during iteration
for (size_t i = 0; i < symbols.dim; ++i)
Dsymbol s = (*symbols)[i];
const result = dg(s);
if (result)
return result;
return 0;
* Calls dg(Dsymbol *sym) for each Dsymbol.
* Params:
* symbols = Dsymbols
* dg = delegate to call for each Dsymbol
* See_Also: $(REF each, dmd, root, array)
void foreachDsymbol(Dsymbols* symbols, scope void delegate(Dsymbol) dg)
if (symbols)
/* Do not use foreach, as the size of the array may expand during iteration
for (size_t i = 0; i < symbols.dim; ++i)
Dsymbol s = (*symbols)[i];
struct Ungag
uint oldgag;
extern (D) this(uint old) nothrow
this.oldgag = old;
extern (C++) ~this() nothrow
global.gag = oldgag;
struct Visibility
enum Kind : ubyte
none, // no access
Kind kind;
Package pkg;
extern (D):
this(Visibility.Kind kind) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
this.kind = kind;
* Checks if `this` is less or more visible than `other`
* Params:
* other = Visibility to compare `this` to.
* Returns:
* A value `< 0` if `this` is less visible than `other`,
* a value `> 0` if `this` is more visible than `other`,
* and `0` if they are at the same level.
* Note that `package` visibility with different packages
* will also return `0`.
int opCmp(const Visibility other) const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return this.kind - other.kind;
assert(Visibility(Visibility.Kind.public_) > Visibility(Visibility.Kind.private_));
assert(Visibility(Visibility.Kind.private_) < Visibility(Visibility.Kind.protected_));
assert(Visibility(Visibility.Kind.package_) >= Visibility(Visibility.Kind.package_));
* Checks if `this` is absolutely identical visibility attribute to `other`
bool opEquals(ref const Visibility other) const
if (this.kind == other.kind)
if (this.kind == Visibility.Kind.package_)
return this.pkg == other.pkg;
return true;
return false;
enum PASS : ubyte
initial, // initial state
semantic, // semantic() started
semanticdone, // semantic() done
semantic2, // semantic2() started
semantic2done, // semantic2() done
semantic3, // semantic3() started
semantic3done, // semantic3() done
inline, // inline started
inlinedone, // inline done
obj, // toObjFile() run
// Search options
enum : int
IgnoreNone = 0x00, // default
IgnorePrivateImports = 0x01, // don't search private imports
IgnoreErrors = 0x02, // don't give error messages
IgnoreAmbiguous = 0x04, // return NULL if ambiguous
SearchLocalsOnly = 0x08, // only look at locals (don't search imports)
SearchImportsOnly = 0x10, // only look in imports
SearchUnqualifiedModule = 0x20, // the module scope search is unqualified,
// meaning don't search imports in that scope,
// because qualified module searches search
// their imports
IgnoreSymbolVisibility = 0x80, // also find private and package protected symbols
TagNameSpace = 0x100, // search ImportC tag symbol table
* Struct/Class/Union field state.
* Used for transitory information when setting field offsets, such
* as bit fields.
struct FieldState
uint offset; /// byte offset for next field
uint fieldOffset; /// byte offset for the start of the bit field
uint fieldSize; /// byte size of field
uint fieldAlign; /// byte alignment of field
uint bitOffset; /// bit offset for field
bool inFlight; /// bit field is in flight
// 99.9% of Dsymbols don't have attributes (at least in druntime and Phobos),
// so save memory by grouping them into a separate struct
private struct DsymbolAttributes
/// C++ namespace this symbol belongs to
CPPNamespaceDeclaration cppnamespace;
/// customized deprecation message
DeprecatedDeclaration depdecl_;
/// user defined attributes
UserAttributeDeclaration userAttribDecl;
extern (C++) class Dsymbol : ASTNode
Identifier ident;
Dsymbol parent;
Symbol* csym; // symbol for code generator
const Loc loc; // where defined
Scope* _scope; // !=null means context to use for semantic()
const(char)* prettystring; // cached value of toPrettyChars()
private DsymbolAttributes* atts; /// attached attribute declarations
bool errors; // this symbol failed to pass semantic()
PASS semanticRun = PASS.initial;
ushort localNum; /// perturb mangled name to avoid collisions with those in FuncDeclaration.localsymtab
final extern (D) this() nothrow
//printf("Dsymbol::Dsymbol(%p)\n", this);
loc = Loc(null, 0, 0);
final extern (D) this(Identifier ident) nothrow
//printf("Dsymbol::Dsymbol(%p, ident)\n", this);
this.loc = Loc(null, 0, 0);
this.ident = ident;
final extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) nothrow
//printf("Dsymbol::Dsymbol(%p, ident)\n", this);
this.loc = loc;
this.ident = ident;
static Dsymbol create(Identifier ident) nothrow
return new Dsymbol(ident);
override const(char)* toChars() const
return ident ? ident.toChars() : "__anonymous";
// Getters / setters for fields stored in `DsymbolAttributes`
final nothrow pure @safe
private ref DsymbolAttributes getAtts()
if (!atts)
atts = new DsymbolAttributes();
return *atts;
inout(DeprecatedDeclaration) depdecl() inout { return atts ? atts.depdecl_ : null; }
inout(CPPNamespaceDeclaration) cppnamespace() inout { return atts ? atts.cppnamespace : null; }
inout(UserAttributeDeclaration) userAttribDecl() inout { return atts ? atts.userAttribDecl : null; }
DeprecatedDeclaration depdecl(DeprecatedDeclaration dd)
if (!dd && !atts)
return null;
return getAtts().depdecl_ = dd;
CPPNamespaceDeclaration cppnamespace(CPPNamespaceDeclaration ns)
if (!ns && !atts)
return null;
return getAtts().cppnamespace = ns;
UserAttributeDeclaration userAttribDecl(UserAttributeDeclaration uad)
if (!uad && !atts)
return null;
return getAtts().userAttribDecl = uad;
// helper to print fully qualified (template) arguments
const(char)* toPrettyCharsHelper()
return toChars();
final const(Loc) getLoc()
if (!loc.isValid()) // avoid bug 5861.
if (const m = getModule())
return Loc(m.srcfile.toChars(), 0, 0);
return loc;
final const(char)* locToChars()
return getLoc().toChars();
override bool equals(const RootObject o) const
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.dsymbol)
return false;
auto s = cast(Dsymbol)o;
// Overload sets don't have an ident
// Function-local declarations may have identical names
// if they are declared in different scopes
if (s && ident && s.ident && ident.equals(s.ident) && localNum == s.localNum)
return true;
return false;
final bool isAnonymous() const
return ident is null || ident.isAnonymous;
extern(D) private const(char)[] prettyFormatHelper()
const cstr = toPrettyChars();
return '`' ~ cstr.toDString() ~ "`\0";
static if (__VERSION__ < 2092)
final void error(const ref Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
.verror(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
final void error(const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
const loc = getLoc();
.verror(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
final void deprecation(const ref Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
.vdeprecation(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
final void deprecation(const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
const loc = getLoc();
.vdeprecation(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
pragma(printf) final void error(const ref Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
.verror(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
pragma(printf) final void error(const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
const loc = getLoc();
.verror(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
pragma(printf) final void deprecation(const ref Loc loc, const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
.vdeprecation(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
pragma(printf) final void deprecation(const(char)* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
const loc = getLoc();
.vdeprecation(loc, format, ap, kind(), prettyFormatHelper().ptr);
final bool checkDeprecated(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc)
if (global.params.useDeprecated ==
return false;
if (!this.isDeprecated())
return false;
// Don't complain if we're inside a deprecated symbol's scope
if (sc.isDeprecated())
return false;
// Don't complain if we're inside a template constraint
if (sc.flags & SCOPE.constraint)
return false;
const(char)* message = null;
for (Dsymbol p = this; p; p = p.parent)
message = p.depdecl ? p.depdecl.getMessage() : null;
if (message)
if (message)
deprecation(loc, "is deprecated - %s", message);
deprecation(loc, "is deprecated");
if (auto ti = sc.parent ? sc.parent.isInstantiated() : null)
else if (auto ti = sc.parent ? sc.parent.isTemplateInstance() : null)
return true;
* Determine which Module a Dsymbol is in.
final Module getModule()
if (TemplateInstance ti = isInstantiated())
return ti.tempdecl.getModule();
Dsymbol s = this;
while (s)
//printf("\ts = %s '%s'\n", s.kind(), s.toPrettyChars());
Module m = s.isModule();
if (m)
return m;
s = s.parent;
return null;
* Does this Dsymbol come from a C file?
* Returns:
* true if it does
final bool isCsymbol()
if (Module m = getModule())
return m.filetype == FileType.c;
return false;
* Determine which Module a Dsymbol is in, as far as access rights go.
final Module getAccessModule()
if (TemplateInstance ti = isInstantiated())
return ti.tempdecl.getAccessModule();
Dsymbol s = this;
while (s)
//printf("\ts = %s '%s'\n", s.kind(), s.toPrettyChars());
Module m = s.isModule();
if (m)
return m;
TemplateInstance ti = s.isTemplateInstance();
if (ti && ti.enclosing)
/* Because of local template instantiation, the parent isn't where the access
* rights come from - it's the template declaration
s = ti.tempdecl;
s = s.parent;
return null;
* `pastMixin` returns the enclosing symbol if this is a template mixin.
* `pastMixinAndNspace` does likewise, additionally skipping over Nspaces that
* are mangleOnly.
* See also `parent`, `toParent` and `toParent2`.
final inout(Dsymbol) pastMixin() inout
//printf("Dsymbol::pastMixin() %s\n", toChars());
if (!isTemplateMixin() && !isForwardingAttribDeclaration() && !isForwardingScopeDsymbol())
return this;
if (!parent)
return null;
return parent.pastMixin();
* `parent` field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
* `toParent()` returns a logically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
* It skips over TemplateMixin's.
* `toParent2()` returns an enclosing scope symbol this is living at runtime.
* It skips over both TemplateInstance's and TemplateMixin's.
* It's used when looking for the 'this' pointer of the enclosing function/class.
* `toParentDecl()` similar to `toParent2()` but always follows the template declaration scope
* instead of the instantiation scope.
* `toParentLocal()` similar to `toParentDecl()` but follows the instantiation scope
* if a template declaration is non-local i.e. global or static.
* Examples:
* ---
* module mod;
* template Foo(alias a) { mixin Bar!(); }
* mixin template Bar() {
* public { // VisibilityDeclaration
* void baz() { a = 2; }
* }
* }
* void test() {
* int v = 1;
* alias foo = Foo!(v);
* foo.baz();
* assert(v == 2);
* }
* // s == FuncDeclaration('mod.test.Foo!().Bar!().baz()')
* // s.parent == TemplateMixin('mod.test.Foo!().Bar!()')
* // s.toParent() == TemplateInstance('mod.test.Foo!()')
* // s.toParent2() == FuncDeclaration('mod.test')
* // s.toParentDecl() == Module('mod')
* // s.toParentLocal() == FuncDeclaration('mod.test')
* ---
final inout(Dsymbol) toParent() inout
return parent ? parent.pastMixin() : null;
/// ditto
final inout(Dsymbol) toParent2() inout
if (!parent || !parent.isTemplateInstance && !parent.isForwardingAttribDeclaration() && !parent.isForwardingScopeDsymbol())
return parent;
return parent.toParent2;
/// ditto
final inout(Dsymbol) toParentDecl() inout
return toParentDeclImpl(false);
/// ditto
final inout(Dsymbol) toParentLocal() inout
return toParentDeclImpl(true);
private inout(Dsymbol) toParentDeclImpl(bool localOnly) inout
auto p = toParent();
if (!p || !p.isTemplateInstance())
return p;
auto ti = p.isTemplateInstance();
if (ti.tempdecl && (!localOnly || !(cast(TemplateDeclaration)ti.tempdecl).isstatic))
return ti.tempdecl.toParentDeclImpl(localOnly);
return parent.toParentDeclImpl(localOnly);
* Returns the declaration scope scope of `this` unless any of the symbols
* `p1` or `p2` resides in its enclosing instantiation scope then the
* latter is returned.
final Dsymbol toParentP(Dsymbol p1, Dsymbol p2 = null)
return followInstantiationContext(p1, p2) ? toParent2() : toParentLocal();
final inout(TemplateInstance) isInstantiated() inout
if (!parent)
return null;
auto ti = parent.isTemplateInstance();
if (ti && !ti.isTemplateMixin())
return ti;
return parent.isInstantiated();
* Returns true if any of the symbols `p1` or `p2` resides in the enclosing
* instantiation scope of `this`.
final bool followInstantiationContext(Dsymbol p1, Dsymbol p2 = null)
static bool has2This(Dsymbol s)
if (auto f = s.isFuncDeclaration())
return f.hasDualContext();
if (auto ad = s.isAggregateDeclaration())
return ad.vthis2 !is null;
return false;
if (has2This(this))
auto outer = toParent();
while (outer)
auto ti = outer.isTemplateInstance();
if (!ti)
foreach (oarg; *ti.tiargs)
auto sa = getDsymbol(oarg);
if (!sa)
sa = sa.toAlias().toParent2();
if (!sa)
if (sa == p1)
return true;
else if (p2 && sa == p2)
return true;
outer = ti.tempdecl.toParent();
return false;
return false;
// Check if this function is a member of a template which has only been
// instantiated speculatively, eg from inside is(typeof()).
// Return the speculative template instance it is part of,
// or NULL if not speculative.
final inout(TemplateInstance) isSpeculative() inout
if (!parent)
return null;
auto ti = parent.isTemplateInstance();
if (ti && ti.gagged)
return ti;
if (!parent.toParent())
return null;
return parent.isSpeculative();
final Ungag ungagSpeculative() const
uint oldgag = global.gag;
if (global.gag && !isSpeculative() && !toParent2().isFuncDeclaration())
global.gag = 0;
return Ungag(oldgag);
// kludge for template.isSymbol()
override final DYNCAST dyncast() const
return DYNCAST.dsymbol;
* Do syntax copy of an array of Dsymbol's.
extern (D) static Dsymbols* arraySyntaxCopy(Dsymbols* a)
Dsymbols* b = null;
if (a)
b = a.copy();
for (size_t i = 0; i < b.dim; i++)
(*b)[i] = (*b)[i].syntaxCopy(null);
return b;
Identifier getIdent()
return ident;
const(char)* toPrettyChars(bool QualifyTypes = false)
if (prettystring && !QualifyTypes)
return prettystring;
//printf("Dsymbol::toPrettyChars() '%s'\n", toChars());
if (!parent)
auto s = toChars();
if (!QualifyTypes)
prettystring = s;
return s;
// Computer number of components
size_t complength = 0;
for (Dsymbol p = this; p; p = p.parent)
// Allocate temporary array comp[]
alias T = const(char)[];
auto compptr = cast(T*)Mem.check(malloc(complength * T.sizeof));
auto comp = compptr[0 .. complength];
// Fill in comp[] and compute length of final result
size_t length = 0;
int i;
for (Dsymbol p = this; p; p = p.parent)
const s = QualifyTypes ? p.toPrettyCharsHelper() : p.toChars();
const len = strlen(s);
comp[i] = s[0 .. len];
length += len + 1;
auto s = cast(char*)mem.xmalloc_noscan(length);
auto q = s + length - 1;
*q = 0;
foreach (j; 0 .. complength)
const t = comp[j].ptr;
const len = comp[j].length;
q -= len;
memcpy(q, t, len);
if (q == s)
*--q = '.';
if (!QualifyTypes)
prettystring = s;
return s;
const(char)* kind() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return "symbol";
* If this symbol is really an alias for another,
* return that other.
* If needed, semantic() is invoked due to resolve forward reference.
Dsymbol toAlias()
return this;
* Resolve recursive tuple expansion in eponymous template.
Dsymbol toAlias2()
return toAlias();
void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
//printf("Dsymbol::addMember('%s')\n", toChars());
//printf("Dsymbol::addMember(this = %p, '%s' scopesym = '%s')\n", this, toChars(), sds.toChars());
//printf("Dsymbol::addMember(this = %p, '%s' sds = %p, sds.symtab = %p)\n", this, toChars(), sds, sds.symtab);
parent = sds;
if (isAnonymous()) // no name, so can't add it to symbol table
if (!sds.symtabInsert(this)) // if name is already defined
if (isAliasDeclaration() && !_scope)
Dsymbol s2 = sds.symtabLookup(this,ident);
* If we are trying to add an import to the symbol table
* that has already been introduced, then keep the one with
* larger visibility. This is fine for imports because if
* we have multiple imports of the same file, if a single one
* is public then the symbol is reachable.
if (auto i1 = isImport())
if (auto i2 = s2.isImport())
if (sc.explicitVisibility && sc.visibility > i2.visibility)
// If using C tag/prototype/forward declaration rules
if (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile && !this.isImport())
if (handleTagSymbols(*sc, this, s2, sds))
if (handleSymbolRedeclarations(*sc, this, s2, sds))
sds.multiplyDefined(Loc.initial, this, s2); // ImportC doesn't allow overloading
errors = true;
if (!s2.overloadInsert(this))
sds.multiplyDefined(Loc.initial, this, s2);
errors = true;
if (sds.isAggregateDeclaration() || sds.isEnumDeclaration())
if (ident == Id.__sizeof ||
!(sc && sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile) && (ident == Id.__xalignof || ident == Id._mangleof))
error("`.%s` property cannot be redefined", ident.toChars());
errors = true;
* Set scope for future semantic analysis so we can
* deal better with forward references.
void setScope(Scope* sc)
//printf("Dsymbol::setScope() %p %s, %p stc = %llx\n", this, toChars(), sc,;
if (!sc.nofree)
sc.setNoFree(); // may need it even after semantic() finishes
_scope = sc;
if (sc.depdecl)
depdecl = sc.depdecl;
if (!userAttribDecl)
userAttribDecl = sc.userAttribDecl;
void importAll(Scope* sc)
* Search for ident as member of s.
* Params:
* loc = location to print for error messages
* ident = identifier to search for
* flags = IgnoreXXXX
* Returns:
* null if not found
Dsymbol search(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = IgnoreNone)
//printf("Dsymbol::search(this=%p,%s, ident='%s')\n", this, toChars(), ident.toChars());
return null;
extern (D) final Dsymbol search_correct(Identifier ident)
* Search for symbol with correct spelling.
extern (D) Dsymbol symbol_search_fp(const(char)[] seed, out int cost)
/* If not in the lexer's string table, it certainly isn't in the symbol table.
* Doing this first is a lot faster.
if (!seed.length)
return null;
Identifier id = Identifier.lookup(seed);
if (!id)
return null;
cost = 0; // all the same cost
Dsymbol s = this;
return, id, IgnoreErrors);
if (global.gag)
return null; // don't do it for speculative compiles; too time consuming
// search for exact name first
if (auto s = search(Loc.initial, ident, IgnoreErrors))
return s;
return speller!symbol_search_fp(ident.toString());
* Search for identifier id as a member of `this`.
* `id` may be a template instance.
* Params:
* loc = location to print the error messages
* sc = the scope where the symbol is located
* id = the id of the symbol
* flags = the search flags which can be `SearchLocalsOnly` or `IgnorePrivateImports`
* Returns:
* symbol found, NULL if not
extern (D) final Dsymbol searchX(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc, RootObject id, int flags)
//printf("Dsymbol::searchX(this=%p,%s, ident='%s')\n", this, toChars(), ident.toChars());
Dsymbol s = toAlias();
Dsymbol sm;
if (Declaration d = s.isDeclaration())
if (d.inuse)
.error(loc, "circular reference to `%s`", d.toPrettyChars());
return null;
switch (id.dyncast())
case DYNCAST.identifier:
sm =, cast(Identifier)id, flags);
case DYNCAST.dsymbol:
// It's a template instance
//printf("\ttemplate instance id\n");
Dsymbol st = cast(Dsymbol)id;
TemplateInstance ti = st.isTemplateInstance();
sm =,;
if (!sm)
return null;
sm = sm.toAlias();
TemplateDeclaration td = sm.isTemplateDeclaration();
if (!td)
.error(loc, "`%s.%s` is not a template, it is a %s", s.toPrettyChars(),, sm.kind());
return null;
ti.tempdecl = td;
if (!ti.semanticRun)
sm = ti.toAlias();
case DYNCAST.type:
case DYNCAST.expression:
return sm;
bool overloadInsert(Dsymbol s)
//printf("Dsymbol::overloadInsert('%s')\n", s.toChars());
return false;
* Returns:
* SIZE_INVALID when the size cannot be determined
uinteger_t size(const ref Loc loc)
error("symbol `%s` has no size", toChars());
bool isforwardRef()
return false;
// is a 'this' required to access the member
inout(AggregateDeclaration) isThis() inout
return null;
// is Dsymbol exported?
bool isExport() const
return false;
// is Dsymbol imported?
bool isImportedSymbol() const
return false;
// is Dsymbol deprecated?
bool isDeprecated() @safe @nogc pure nothrow const
return false;
bool isOverloadable() const
return false;
// is this a LabelDsymbol()?
LabelDsymbol isLabel()
return null;
/// Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParent() is that.
final inout(AggregateDeclaration) isMember() inout
//printf("Dsymbol::isMember() %s\n", toChars());
auto p = toParent();
//printf("parent is %s %s\n", p.kind(), p.toChars());
return p ? p.isAggregateDeclaration() : null;
/// Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParent2() is that.
final inout(AggregateDeclaration) isMember2() inout
//printf("Dsymbol::isMember2() '%s'\n", toChars());
auto p = toParent2();
//printf("parent is %s %s\n", p.kind(), p.toChars());
return p ? p.isAggregateDeclaration() : null;
/// Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParentDecl() is that.
final inout(AggregateDeclaration) isMemberDecl() inout
//printf("Dsymbol::isMemberDecl() '%s'\n", toChars());
auto p = toParentDecl();
//printf("parent is %s %s\n", p.kind(), p.toChars());
return p ? p.isAggregateDeclaration() : null;
/// Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParentLocal() is that.
final inout(AggregateDeclaration) isMemberLocal() inout
//printf("Dsymbol::isMemberLocal() '%s'\n", toChars());
auto p = toParentLocal();
//printf("parent is %s %s\n", p.kind(), p.toChars());
return p ? p.isAggregateDeclaration() : null;
// is this a member of a ClassDeclaration?
final ClassDeclaration isClassMember()
auto ad = isMember();
return ad ? ad.isClassDeclaration() : null;
// is this a type?
Type getType()
return null;
// need a 'this' pointer?
bool needThis()
return false;
Visibility visible() pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return Visibility(Visibility.Kind.public_);
* Copy the syntax.
* Used for template instantiations.
* If s is NULL, allocate the new object, otherwise fill it in.
Dsymbol syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
printf("%s %s\n", kind(), toChars());
* Determine if this symbol is only one.
* Returns:
* false, *ps = NULL: There are 2 or more symbols
* true, *ps = NULL: There are zero symbols
* true, *ps = symbol: The one and only one symbol
bool oneMember(Dsymbol* ps, Identifier ident)
*ps = this;
return true;
* Same as Dsymbol::oneMember(), but look at an array of Dsymbols.
extern (D) static bool oneMembers(Dsymbols* members, Dsymbol* ps, Identifier ident)
//printf("Dsymbol::oneMembers() %d\n", members ? members.dim : 0);
Dsymbol s = null;
if (!members)
*ps = null;
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < members.dim; i++)
Dsymbol sx = (*members)[i];
bool x = sx.oneMember(ps, ident);
//printf("\t[%d] kind %s = %d, s = %p\n", i, sx.kind(), x, *ps);
if (!x)
//printf("\tfalse 1\n");
assert(*ps is null);
return false;
if (*ps)
if (!(*ps).ident || !(*ps).ident.equals(ident))
if (!s)
s = *ps;
else if (s.isOverloadable() && (*ps).isOverloadable())
// keep head of overload set
FuncDeclaration f1 = s.isFuncDeclaration();
FuncDeclaration f2 = (*ps).isFuncDeclaration();
if (f1 && f2)
for (; f1 != f2; f1 = f1.overnext0)
if (f1.overnext0 is null)
f1.overnext0 = f2;
else // more than one symbol
*ps = null;
//printf("\tfalse 2\n");
return false;
*ps = s; // s is the one symbol, null if none
return true;
void setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration ad, ref FieldState fieldState, bool isunion)
* Is Dsymbol a variable that contains pointers?
bool hasPointers()
//printf("Dsymbol::hasPointers() %s\n", toChars());
return false;
bool hasStaticCtorOrDtor()
//printf("Dsymbol::hasStaticCtorOrDtor() %s\n", toChars());
return false;
void addLocalClass(ClassDeclarations*)
void addObjcSymbols(ClassDeclarations* classes, ClassDeclarations* categories)
void checkCtorConstInit()
* Add documentation comment to Dsymbol.
* Ignore NULL comments.
void addComment(const(char)* comment)
if (!comment || !*comment)
//printf("addComment '%s' to Dsymbol %p '%s'\n", comment, this, toChars());
void* h = cast(void*)this; // just the pointer is the key
auto p = h in commentHashTable;
if (!p)
commentHashTable[h] = comment;
if (strcmp(*p, comment) != 0)
// Concatenate the two
*p = Lexer.combineComments((*p).toDString(), comment.toDString(), true);
/// get documentation comment for this Dsymbol
final const(char)* comment()
//printf("getcomment: %p '%s'\n", this, this.toChars());
if (auto p = cast(void*)this in commentHashTable)
//printf("comment: '%s'\n", *p);
return *p;
return null;
/* Shell around addComment() to avoid disruption for the moment */
final void comment(const(char)* comment) { addComment(comment); }
private extern (D) __gshared const(char)*[void*] commentHashTable;
* Get ddoc unittest associated with this symbol.
* (only use this with ddoc)
* Returns: ddoc unittest, null if none
final UnitTestDeclaration ddocUnittest()
if (auto p = cast(void*)this in ddocUnittestHashTable)
return *p;
return null;
* Set ddoc unittest associated with this symbol.
final void ddocUnittest(UnitTestDeclaration utd)
ddocUnittestHashTable[cast(void*)this] = utd;
private extern (D) __gshared UnitTestDeclaration[void*] ddocUnittestHashTable;
* Returns true if this symbol is defined in a non-root module without instantiation.
final bool inNonRoot()
Dsymbol s = parent;
for (; s; s = s.toParent())
if (auto ti = s.isTemplateInstance())
return false;
if (auto m = s.isModule())
if (!m.isRoot())
return true;
return false;
* Deinitializes the global state of the compiler.
* This can be used to restore the state set by `_init` to its original
* state.
static void deinitialize()
commentHashTable = commentHashTable.init;
ddocUnittestHashTable = ddocUnittestHashTable.init;
override void accept(Visitor v)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc:
// Eliminate need for dynamic_cast
inout(Package) isPackage() inout { return null; }
inout(Module) isModule() inout { return null; }
inout(EnumMember) isEnumMember() inout { return null; }
inout(TemplateDeclaration) isTemplateDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(TemplateInstance) isTemplateInstance() inout { return null; }
inout(TemplateMixin) isTemplateMixin() inout { return null; }
inout(ForwardingAttribDeclaration) isForwardingAttribDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(Nspace) isNspace() inout { return null; }
inout(Declaration) isDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(StorageClassDeclaration) isStorageClassDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(ExpressionDsymbol) isExpressionDsymbol() inout { return null; }
inout(AliasAssign) isAliasAssign() inout { return null; }
inout(ThisDeclaration) isThisDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(BitFieldDeclaration) isBitFieldDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(TypeInfoDeclaration) isTypeInfoDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(TupleDeclaration) isTupleDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(AliasDeclaration) isAliasDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(AggregateDeclaration) isAggregateDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(FuncDeclaration) isFuncDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(FuncAliasDeclaration) isFuncAliasDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(OverDeclaration) isOverDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(FuncLiteralDeclaration) isFuncLiteralDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(CtorDeclaration) isCtorDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(PostBlitDeclaration) isPostBlitDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(DtorDeclaration) isDtorDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(StaticCtorDeclaration) isStaticCtorDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(StaticDtorDeclaration) isStaticDtorDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(SharedStaticCtorDeclaration) isSharedStaticCtorDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(SharedStaticDtorDeclaration) isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(InvariantDeclaration) isInvariantDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(UnitTestDeclaration) isUnitTestDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(NewDeclaration) isNewDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(VarDeclaration) isVarDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(VersionSymbol) isVersionSymbol() inout { return null; }
inout(DebugSymbol) isDebugSymbol() inout { return null; }
inout(ClassDeclaration) isClassDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(StructDeclaration) isStructDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(UnionDeclaration) isUnionDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(InterfaceDeclaration) isInterfaceDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(ScopeDsymbol) isScopeDsymbol() inout { return null; }
inout(ForwardingScopeDsymbol) isForwardingScopeDsymbol() inout { return null; }
inout(WithScopeSymbol) isWithScopeSymbol() inout { return null; }
inout(ArrayScopeSymbol) isArrayScopeSymbol() inout { return null; }
inout(Import) isImport() inout { return null; }
inout(EnumDeclaration) isEnumDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(SymbolDeclaration) isSymbolDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(AttribDeclaration) isAttribDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(AnonDeclaration) isAnonDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(CPPNamespaceDeclaration) isCPPNamespaceDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(VisibilityDeclaration) isVisibilityDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(OverloadSet) isOverloadSet() inout { return null; }
inout(CompileDeclaration) isCompileDeclaration() inout { return null; }
inout(StaticAssert) isStaticAssert() inout { return null; }
* Dsymbol that generates a scope
extern (C++) class ScopeDsymbol : Dsymbol
Dsymbols* members; // all Dsymbol's in this scope
DsymbolTable symtab; // members[] sorted into table
uint endlinnum; // the linnumber of the statement after the scope (0 if unknown)
/// symbols whose members have been imported, i.e. imported modules and template mixins
Dsymbols* importedScopes;
Visibility.Kind* visibilities; // array of Visibility.Kind, one for each import
import dmd.root.bitarray;
BitArray accessiblePackages, privateAccessiblePackages;// whitelists of accessible (imported) packages
final extern (D) this() nothrow
final extern (D) this(Identifier ident) nothrow
final extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) nothrow
super(loc, ident);
override ScopeDsymbol syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
//printf("ScopeDsymbol::syntaxCopy('%s')\n", toChars());
ScopeDsymbol sds = s ? cast(ScopeDsymbol)s : new ScopeDsymbol(ident);
sds.comment = comment;
sds.members = arraySyntaxCopy(members);
sds.endlinnum = endlinnum;
return sds;
* This function is #1 on the list of functions that eat cpu time.
* Be very, very careful about slowing it down.
override Dsymbol search(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = SearchLocalsOnly)
//printf("%s.ScopeDsymbol::search(ident='%s', flags=x%x)\n", toChars(), ident.toChars(), flags);
//if (strcmp(ident.toChars(),"c") == 0) *(char*)0=0;
// Look in symbols declared in this module
if (symtab && !(flags & SearchImportsOnly))
//printf(" look in locals\n");
auto s1 = symtab.lookup(ident);
if (s1)
//printf("\tfound in locals = '%s.%s'\n",toChars(),s1.toChars());
return s1;
//printf(" not found in locals\n");
// Look in imported scopes
if (!importedScopes)
return null;
//printf(" look in imports\n");
Dsymbol s = null;
OverloadSet a = null;
// Look in imported modules
for (size_t i = 0; i < importedScopes.dim; i++)
// If private import, don't search it
if ((flags & IgnorePrivateImports) && visibilities[i] == Visibility.Kind.private_)
int sflags = flags & (IgnoreErrors | IgnoreAmbiguous); // remember these in recursive searches
Dsymbol ss = (*importedScopes)[i];
//printf("\tscanning import '%s', visibilities = %d, isModule = %p, isImport = %p\n", ss.toChars(), visibilities[i], ss.isModule(), ss.isImport());
if (ss.isModule())
if (flags & SearchLocalsOnly)
else // mixin template
if (flags & SearchImportsOnly)
sflags |= SearchLocalsOnly;
/* Don't find private members if ss is a module
Dsymbol s2 =, ident, sflags | (ss.isModule() ? IgnorePrivateImports : IgnoreNone));
import dmd.access : symbolIsVisible;
if (!s2 || !(flags & IgnoreSymbolVisibility) && !symbolIsVisible(this, s2))
if (!s)
s = s2;
if (s && s.isOverloadSet())
a = mergeOverloadSet(ident, a, s);
else if (s2 && s != s2)
if (s.toAlias() == s2.toAlias() || s.getType() == s2.getType() && s.getType())
/* After following aliases, we found the same
* symbol, so it's not an ambiguity. But if one
* alias is deprecated or less accessible, prefer
* the other.
if (s.isDeprecated() || s.visible() < s2.visible() && s2.visible().kind != Visibility.Kind.none)
s = s2;
/* Two imports of the same module should be regarded as
* the same.
Import i1 = s.isImport();
Import i2 = s2.isImport();
if (!(i1 && i2 && (i1.mod == i2.mod || (!i1.parent.isImport() && !i2.parent.isImport() && i1.ident.equals(i2.ident)))))
* Public selective import adds AliasDeclaration in module.
* To make an overload set, resolve aliases in here and
* get actual overload roots which accessible via s and s2.
s = s.toAlias();
s2 = s2.toAlias();
/* If both s2 and s are overloadable (though we only
* need to check s once)
auto so2 = s2.isOverloadSet();
if ((so2 || s2.isOverloadable()) && (a || s.isOverloadable()))
if (symbolIsVisible(this, s2))
a = mergeOverloadSet(ident, a, s2);
if (!symbolIsVisible(this, s))
s = s2;
/* Two different overflow sets can have the same members
auto so = s.isOverloadSet();
if (so && so2)
if (so.a.length == so2.a.length)
foreach (j; 0 .. so.a.length)
if (so.a[j] !is so2.a[j])
goto L1;
continue; // the same
{ } // different
if (flags & IgnoreAmbiguous) // if return NULL on ambiguity
return null;
/* If two imports from C import files, pick first one, as C has global name space
if (s.isCsymbol() && s2.isCsymbol())
if (!(flags & IgnoreErrors))
ScopeDsymbol.multiplyDefined(loc, s, s2);
if (s)
/* Build special symbol if we had multiple finds
if (a)
if (!s.isOverloadSet())
a = mergeOverloadSet(ident, a, s);
s = a;
//printf("\tfound in imports %s.%s\n", toChars(), s.toChars());
return s;
//printf(" not found in imports\n");
return null;
extern (D) private OverloadSet mergeOverloadSet(Identifier ident, OverloadSet os, Dsymbol s)
if (!os)
os = new OverloadSet(ident);
os.parent = this;
if (OverloadSet os2 = s.isOverloadSet())
// Merge the cross-module overload set 'os2' into 'os'
if (os.a.dim == 0)
memcpy(os.a.tdata(), os2.a.tdata(), (os.a[0]).sizeof * os2.a.dim);
for (size_t i = 0; i < os2.a.dim; i++)
os = mergeOverloadSet(ident, os, os2.a[i]);
/* Don't add to os[] if s is alias of previous sym
for (size_t j = 0; j < os.a.dim; j++)
Dsymbol s2 = os.a[j];
if (s.toAlias() == s2.toAlias())
if (s2.isDeprecated() || (s2.visible() < s.visible() && s.visible().kind != Visibility.Kind.none))
os.a[j] = s;
goto Lcontinue;
return os;
void importScope(Dsymbol s, Visibility visibility) nothrow
//printf("%s.ScopeDsymbol::importScope(%s, %d)\n", toChars(), s.toChars(), visibility);
// No circular or redundant import's
if (s != this)
if (!importedScopes)
importedScopes = new Dsymbols();
for (size_t i = 0; i < importedScopes.dim; i++)
Dsymbol ss = (*importedScopes)[i];
if (ss == s) // if already imported
if (visibility.kind > visibilities[i])
visibilities[i] = visibility.kind; // upgrade access
visibilities = cast(Visibility.Kind*)mem.xrealloc(visibilities, importedScopes.dim * (visibilities[0]).sizeof);
visibilities[importedScopes.dim - 1] = visibility.kind;
* Returns: the symbols whose members have been imported, i.e. imported modules
* and template mixins.
* See_Also: importScope
extern (D) final Dsymbols* getImportedScopes() nothrow @nogc @safe pure
return importedScopes;
* Returns: the array of visibilities associated with each imported scope. The
* length of the array matches the imported scopes array.
* See_Also: getImportedScopes
extern (D) final Visibility.Kind[] getImportVisibilities() nothrow @nogc @safe pure
if (!importedScopes)
return null;
return (() @trusted => visibilities[0 .. importedScopes.dim])();
extern (D) final void addAccessiblePackage(Package p, Visibility visibility) nothrow
auto pary = visibility.kind == Visibility.Kind.private_ ? &privateAccessiblePackages : &accessiblePackages;
if (pary.length <= p.tag)
pary.length = p.tag + 1;
(*pary)[p.tag] = true;
bool isPackageAccessible(Package p, Visibility visibility, int flags = 0) nothrow
if (p.tag < accessiblePackages.length && accessiblePackages[p.tag] ||
visibility.kind == Visibility.Kind.private_ && p.tag < privateAccessiblePackages.length && privateAccessiblePackages[p.tag])
return true;
foreach (i, ss; importedScopes ? (*importedScopes)[] : null)
// only search visible scopes && imported modules should ignore private imports
if (visibility.kind <= visibilities[i] &&
ss.isScopeDsymbol.isPackageAccessible(p, visibility, IgnorePrivateImports))
return true;
return false;
override final bool isforwardRef() nothrow
return (members is null);
static void multiplyDefined(const ref Loc loc, Dsymbol s1, Dsymbol s2)
version (none)
printf("s1 = %p, '%s' kind = '%s', parent = %s\n", s1, s1.toChars(), s1.kind(), s1.parent ? s1.parent.toChars() : "");
printf("s2 = %p, '%s' kind = '%s', parent = %s\n", s2, s2.toChars(), s2.kind(), s2.parent ? s2.parent.toChars() : "");
if (loc.isValid())
.error(loc, "%s `%s` at %s conflicts with %s `%s` at %s",
s1.kind(), s1.toPrettyChars(), s1.locToChars(),
s2.kind(), s2.toPrettyChars(), s2.locToChars());
static if (0)
if (auto so = s1.isOverloadSet())
printf("first %p:\n", so);
foreach (s; so.a[])
printf(" %p %s `%s` at %s\n", s, s.kind(), s.toPrettyChars(), s.locToChars());
if (auto so = s2.isOverloadSet())
printf("second %p:\n", so);
foreach (s; so.a[])
printf(" %p %s `%s` at %s\n", s, s.kind(), s.toPrettyChars(), s.locToChars());
s1.error(s1.loc, "conflicts with %s `%s` at %s", s2.kind(), s2.toPrettyChars(), s2.locToChars());
override const(char)* kind() const
return "ScopeDsymbol";
* Look for member of the form:
* const(MemberInfo)[] getMembers(string);
* Returns NULL if not found
final FuncDeclaration findGetMembers()
Dsymbol s = search_function(this, Id.getmembers);
FuncDeclaration fdx = s ? s.isFuncDeclaration() : null;
version (none)
// Finish
__gshared TypeFunction tfgetmembers;
if (!tfgetmembers)
Scope sc;
auto parameters = new Parameters();
Parameters* p = new Parameter(STC.in_, Type.tchar.constOf().arrayOf(), null, null);
Type tret = null;
tfgetmembers = new TypeFunction(parameters, tret, VarArg.none, LINK.d);
tfgetmembers = cast(TypeFunction)tfgetmembers.dsymbolSemantic(Loc.initial, &sc);
if (fdx)
fdx = fdx.overloadExactMatch(tfgetmembers);
if (fdx && fdx.isVirtual())
fdx = null;
return fdx;
* Insert Dsymbol in table.
* Params:
* s = symbol to add
* Returns:
* null if already in table, `s` if inserted
Dsymbol symtabInsert(Dsymbol s) nothrow
return symtab.insert(s);
* Look up identifier in symbol table.
* Params:
* s = symbol
* id = identifier to look up
* Returns:
* Dsymbol if found, null if not
Dsymbol symtabLookup(Dsymbol s, Identifier id) nothrow
return symtab.lookup(id);
* Return true if any of the members are static ctors or static dtors, or if
* any members have members that are.
override bool hasStaticCtorOrDtor()
if (members)
for (size_t i = 0; i < members.dim; i++)
Dsymbol member = (*members)[i];
if (member.hasStaticCtorOrDtor())
return true;
return false;
extern (D) alias ForeachDg = int delegate(size_t idx, Dsymbol s);
* Expands attribute declarations in members in depth first
* order. Calls dg(size_t symidx, Dsymbol *sym) for each
* member.
* If dg returns !=0, stops and returns that value else returns 0.
* Use this function to avoid the O(N + N^2/2) complexity of
* calculating dim and calling N times getNth.
* Returns:
* last value returned by dg()
extern (D) static int _foreach(Scope* sc, Dsymbols* members, scope ForeachDg dg, size_t* pn = null)
if (!members)
return 0;
size_t n = pn ? *pn : 0; // take over index
int result = 0;
foreach (size_t i; 0 .. members.dim)
Dsymbol s = (*members)[i];
if (AttribDeclaration a = s.isAttribDeclaration())
result = _foreach(sc, a.include(sc), dg, &n);
else if (TemplateMixin tm = s.isTemplateMixin())
result = _foreach(sc, tm.members, dg, &n);
else if (s.isTemplateInstance())
else if (s.isUnitTestDeclaration())
result = dg(n++, s);
if (result)
if (pn)
*pn = n; // update index
return result;
override final inout(ScopeDsymbol) isScopeDsymbol() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* With statement scope
extern (C++) final class WithScopeSymbol : ScopeDsymbol
WithStatement withstate;
extern (D) this(WithStatement withstate) nothrow
this.withstate = withstate;
override Dsymbol search(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = SearchLocalsOnly)
//printf("\n", ident.toChars());
if (flags & SearchImportsOnly)
return null;
// Acts as proxy to the with class declaration
Dsymbol s = null;
Expression eold = null;
for (Expression e = withstate.exp; e && e != eold; e = resolveAliasThis(_scope, e, true))
if (e.op == EXP.scope_)
s = (cast(ScopeExp)e).sds;
else if (e.op == EXP.type)
s = e.type.toDsymbol(null);
Type t = e.type.toBasetype();
s = t.toDsymbol(null);
if (s)
s =, ident, flags);
if (s)
return s;
eold = e;
return null;
override inout(WithScopeSymbol) isWithScopeSymbol() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Array Index/Slice scope
extern (C++) final class ArrayScopeSymbol : ScopeDsymbol
// either a SliceExp, an IndexExp, an ArrayExp, a TypeTuple or a TupleDeclaration.
// Discriminated using DYNCAST and, for expressions, also EXP
private RootObject arrayContent;
Scope* sc;
extern (D) this(Scope* sc, Expression exp) nothrow
super(exp.loc, null);
assert(exp.op == EXP.index || exp.op == EXP.slice || exp.op == EXP.array); = sc;
this.arrayContent = exp;
extern (D) this(Scope* sc, TypeTuple type) nothrow
{ = sc;
this.arrayContent = type;
extern (D) this(Scope* sc, TupleDeclaration td) nothrow
{ = sc;
this.arrayContent = td;
/// This override is used to solve `$`
override Dsymbol search(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = IgnoreNone)
//printf("ArrayScopeSymbol::search('%s', flags = %d)\n", ident.toChars(), flags);
if (ident != Id.dollar)
return null;
VarDeclaration* pvar;
Expression ce;
static Dsymbol dollarFromTypeTuple(const ref Loc loc, TypeTuple tt, Scope* sc)
/* $ gives the number of type entries in the type tuple
auto v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type.tsize_t, Id.dollar, null);
Expression e = new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, tt.arguments.dim, Type.tsize_t);
v._init = new ExpInitializer(Loc.initial, e);
v.storage_class |= STC.temp | STC.static_ | STC.const_;
return v;
const DYNCAST kind = arrayContent.dyncast();
switch (kind) with (DYNCAST)
case dsymbol:
TupleDeclaration td = cast(TupleDeclaration) arrayContent;
/* $ gives the number of elements in the tuple
auto v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type.tsize_t, Id.dollar, null);
Expression e = new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, td.objects.dim, Type.tsize_t);
v._init = new ExpInitializer(Loc.initial, e);
v.storage_class |= STC.temp | STC.static_ | STC.const_;
return v;
case type:
return dollarFromTypeTuple(loc, cast(TypeTuple) arrayContent, sc);
Expression exp = cast(Expression) arrayContent;
if (auto ie = exp.isIndexExp())
/* array[index] where index is some function of $
pvar = &ie.lengthVar;
ce = ie.e1;
else if (auto se = exp.isSliceExp())
/* array[lwr .. upr] where lwr or upr is some function of $
pvar = &se.lengthVar;
ce = se.e1;
else if (auto ae = exp.isArrayExp())
/* array[e0, e1, e2, e3] where e0, e1, e2 are some function of $
* $ is a opDollar!(dim)() where dim is the dimension(0,1,2,...)
pvar = &ae.lengthVar;
ce = ae.e1;
/* Didn't find $, look in enclosing scope(s).
return null;
ce = ce.lastComma();
/* If we are indexing into an array that is really a type
* tuple, rewrite this as an index into a type tuple and
* try again.
if (auto te = ce.isTypeExp())
if (auto ttp = te.type.isTypeTuple())
return dollarFromTypeTuple(loc, ttp, sc);
/* *pvar is lazily initialized, so if we refer to $
* multiple times, it gets set only once.
if (!*pvar) // if not already initialized
/* Create variable v and set it to the value of $
VarDeclaration v;
Type t;
if (auto tupexp = ce.isTupleExp())
/* It is for an expression tuple, so the
* length will be a const.
Expression e = new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, tupexp.exps.dim, Type.tsize_t);
v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type.tsize_t, Id.dollar, new ExpInitializer(Loc.initial, e));
v.storage_class |= STC.temp | STC.static_ | STC.const_;
else if (ce.type && (t = ce.type.toBasetype()) !is null && (t.ty == Tstruct || t.ty == Tclass))
// Look for opDollar
assert(exp.op == EXP.array || exp.op == EXP.slice);
AggregateDeclaration ad = isAggregate(t);
Dsymbol s =, Id.opDollar);
if (!s) // no dollar exists -- search in higher scope
return null;
s = s.toAlias();
Expression e = null;
// Check for multi-dimensional opDollar(dim) template.
if (TemplateDeclaration td = s.isTemplateDeclaration())
dinteger_t dim = 0;
if (exp.op == EXP.array)
dim = (cast(ArrayExp)exp).currentDimension;
else if (exp.op == EXP.slice)
dim = 0; // slices are currently always one-dimensional
auto tiargs = new Objects();
Expression edim = new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, dim, Type.tsize_t);
edim = edim.expressionSemantic(sc);
e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, ce, td.ident, tiargs);
/* opDollar exists, but it's not a template.
* This is acceptable ONLY for single-dimension indexing.
* Note that it's impossible to have both template & function opDollar,
* because both take no arguments.
if (exp.op == EXP.array && (cast(ArrayExp)exp).arguments.dim != 1)
exp.error("`%s` only defines opDollar for one dimension", ad.toChars());
return null;
Declaration d = s.isDeclaration();
e = new DotVarExp(loc, ce, d);
e = e.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (!e.type)
exp.error("`%s` has no value", e.toChars());
t = e.type.toBasetype();
if (t && t.ty == Tfunction)
e = new CallExp(e.loc, e);
v = new VarDeclaration(loc, null, Id.dollar, new ExpInitializer(Loc.initial, e));
v.storage_class |= STC.temp | STC.ctfe | STC.rvalue;
/* For arrays, $ will either be a compile-time constant
* (in which case its value in set during constant-folding),
* or a variable (in which case an expression is created in
* toir.c).
auto e = new VoidInitializer(Loc.initial);
e.type = Type.tsize_t;
v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type.tsize_t, Id.dollar, e);
v.storage_class |= STC.temp | STC.ctfe; // it's never a true static variable
*pvar = v;
return (*pvar);
override inout(ArrayScopeSymbol) isArrayScopeSymbol() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Overload Sets
extern (C++) final class OverloadSet : Dsymbol
Dsymbols a; // array of Dsymbols
extern (D) this(Identifier ident, OverloadSet os = null) nothrow
if (os)
void push(Dsymbol s) nothrow
override inout(OverloadSet) isOverloadSet() inout
return this;
override const(char)* kind() const
return "overloadset";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Forwarding ScopeDsymbol. Used by ForwardingAttribDeclaration and
* ForwardingScopeDeclaration to forward symbol insertions to another
* scope. See `dmd.attrib.ForwardingAttribDeclaration` for more
* details.
extern (C++) final class ForwardingScopeDsymbol : ScopeDsymbol
extern (D) this() nothrow
override Dsymbol symtabInsert(Dsymbol s) nothrow
if (auto d = s.isDeclaration())
if (d.storage_class & STC.local)
// Symbols with storage class STC.local are not
// forwarded, but stored in the local symbol
// table. (Those are the `static foreach` variables.)
if (!symtab)
symtab = new DsymbolTable();
return super.symtabInsert(s); // insert locally
auto forward = parent.isScopeDsymbol();
if (!forward.symtab)
forward.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
// Non-STC.local symbols are forwarded to `forward`.
return forward.symtabInsert(s);
* This override handles the following two cases:
* static foreach (i, i; [0]) { ... }
* and
* static foreach (i; [0]) { enum i = 2; }
override Dsymbol symtabLookup(Dsymbol s, Identifier id) nothrow
// correctly diagnose clashing foreach loop variables.
if (auto d = s.isDeclaration())
if (d.storage_class & STC.local)
if (!symtab)
symtab = new DsymbolTable();
return super.symtabLookup(s,id);
// Declarations within `static foreach` do not clash with
// `static foreach` loop variables.
auto forward = parent.isScopeDsymbol();
if (!forward.symtab)
forward.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
return forward.symtabLookup(s,id);
override void importScope(Dsymbol s, Visibility visibility)
auto forward = parent.isScopeDsymbol();
forward.importScope(s, visibility);
override const(char)* kind()const{ return "local scope"; }
override inout(ForwardingScopeDsymbol) isForwardingScopeDsymbol() inout nothrow
return this;
* Class that holds an expression in a Dsymbol wrapper.
* This is not an AST node, but a class used to pass
* an expression as a function parameter of type Dsymbol.
extern (C++) final class ExpressionDsymbol : Dsymbol
Expression exp;
this(Expression exp) nothrow
this.exp = exp;
override inout(ExpressionDsymbol) isExpressionDsymbol() inout nothrow
return this;
* Encapsulate assigning to an alias:
* `identifier = type;`
* `identifier = symbol;`
* where `identifier` is an AliasDeclaration in scope.
extern (C++) final class AliasAssign : Dsymbol
Identifier ident; /// Dsymbol's ident will be null, as this class is anonymous
Type type; /// replace previous RHS of AliasDeclaration with `type`
Dsymbol aliassym; /// replace previous RHS of AliasDeclaration with `aliassym`
/// only one of type and aliassym can be != null
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Type type, Dsymbol aliassym) nothrow
super(loc, null);
this.ident = ident;
this.type = type;
this.aliassym = aliassym;
override AliasAssign syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
AliasAssign aa = new AliasAssign(loc, ident,
type ? type.syntaxCopy() : null,
aliassym ? aliassym.syntaxCopy(null) : null);
return aa;
override inout(AliasAssign) isAliasAssign() inout
return this;
override const(char)* kind() const
return "alias assignment";
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Table of Dsymbol's
extern (C++) final class DsymbolTable : RootObject
AssocArray!(Identifier, Dsymbol) tab;
* Look up Identifier in symbol table
* Params:
* ident = identifer to look up
* Returns:
* Dsymbol if found, null if not
Dsymbol lookup(const Identifier ident)
//printf("DsymbolTable::lookup(%s)\n", ident.toChars());
return tab[ident];
* Replace existing symbol in symbol table with `s`.
* If it's not there, add it.
* Params:
* s = replacement symbol with same identifier
void update(Dsymbol s)
*tab.getLvalue(s.ident) = s;
* Insert Dsymbol in table.
* Params:
* s = symbol to add
* Returns:
* null if already in table, `s` if inserted
Dsymbol insert(Dsymbol s)
return insert(s.ident, s);
* Insert Dsymbol in table.
* Params:
* ident = identifier to serve as index
* s = symbol to add
* Returns:
* null if already in table, `s` if inserted
Dsymbol insert(const Identifier ident, Dsymbol s)
//printf("DsymbolTable.insert(this = %p, '%s')\n", this, s.ident.toChars());
Dsymbol* ps = tab.getLvalue(ident);
if (*ps)
return null; // already in table
*ps = s;
return s;
* Returns:
* number of symbols in symbol table
size_t length() const pure
return tab.length;
* ImportC tag symbols sit in a parallel symbol table,
* so that this C code works:
* ---
* struct S { a; };
* int S;
* struct S s;
* ---
* But there are relatively few such tag symbols, so that would be
* a waste of memory and complexity. An additional problem is we'd like the D side
* to find the tag symbols with ordinary lookup, not lookup in both
* tables, if the tag symbol is not conflicting with an ordinary symbol.
* The solution is to put the tag symbols that conflict into an associative
* array, indexed by the address of the ordinary symbol that conflicts with it.
* C has no modules, so this associative array is tagSymTab[] in ModuleDeclaration.
* A side effect of our approach is that D code cannot access a tag symbol that is
* hidden by an ordinary symbol. This is more of a theoretical problem, as nobody
* has mentioned it when importing C headers. If someone wants to do it,
* too bad so sad. Change the C code.
* This function fixes up the symbol table when faced with adding a new symbol
* `s` when there is an existing symbol `s2` with the same name.
* C also allows forward and prototype declarations of tag symbols,
* this function merges those.
* Params:
* sc = context
* s = symbol to add to symbol table
* s2 = existing declaration
* sds = symbol table
* Returns:
* if s and s2 are successfully put in symbol table then return the merged symbol,
* null if they conflict
Dsymbol handleTagSymbols(ref Scope sc, Dsymbol s, Dsymbol s2, ScopeDsymbol sds)
enum log = false;
if (log) printf("handleTagSymbols('%s') add %p existing %p\n", s.toChars(), s, s2);
if (log) printf(" add %s %s, existing %s %s\n", s.kind(), s.toChars(), s2.kind(), s2.toChars());
auto sd = s.isScopeDsymbol(); // new declaration
auto sd2 = s2.isScopeDsymbol(); // existing declaration
static if (log) void print(EnumDeclaration sd)
printf("members: %p\n", sd.members);
printf("symtab: %p\n", sd.symtab);
printf("endlinnum: %d\n", sd.endlinnum);
printf("type: %s\n", sd.type.toChars());
printf("memtype: %s\n", sd.memtype.toChars());
if (!sd2)
/* Look in tag table
if (log) printf(" look in tag table\n");
if (auto p = cast(void*)s2 in sc._module.tagSymTab)
Dsymbol s2tag = *p;
sd2 = s2tag.isScopeDsymbol();
assert(sd2); // only tags allowed in tag symbol table
if (sd && sd2) // `s` is a tag, `sd2` is the same tag
if (log) printf(" tag is already defined\n");
if (sd.kind() != sd2.kind()) // being enum/struct/union must match
return null; // conflict
/* Not a redeclaration if one is a forward declaration.
* Move members to the first declared type, which is sd2.
if (sd2.members)
if (!sd.members)
return sd2; // ignore the sd redeclaration
else if (sd.members)
sd2.members = sd.members; // transfer definition to sd2
sd.members = null;
if (auto ed2 = sd2.isEnumDeclaration())
auto ed = sd.isEnumDeclaration();
if (ed.memtype != ed2.memtype)
return null; // conflict
// transfer ed's members to sd2
ed2.members.foreachDsymbol( (s)
if (auto em = s.isEnumMember())
em.ed = ed2;
ed2.type = ed.type;
ed2.memtype = ed.memtype;
ed2.added = false;
return sd2;
return sd2; // ignore redeclaration
else if (sd) // `s` is a tag, `s2` is not
if (log) printf(" s is tag, s2 is not\n");
/* add `s` as tag indexed by s2
sc._module.tagSymTab[cast(void*)s2] = s;
return s;
else if (s2 is sd2) // `s2` is a tag, `s` is not
if (log) printf(" s2 is tag, s is not\n");
/* replace `s2` in symbol table with `s`,
* then add `s2` as tag indexed by `s`
sc._module.tagSymTab[cast(void*)s] = s2;
return s;
// neither s2 nor s is a tag
if (log) printf(" collision\n");
return null;
* ImportC allows redeclarations of C variables, functions and typedefs.
* extern int x;
* int x = 3;
* and:
* extern void f();
* void f() { }
* Attempt to merge them.
* Params:
* sc = context
* s = symbol to add to symbol table
* s2 = existing declaration
* sds = symbol table
* Returns:
* if s and s2 are successfully put in symbol table then return the merged symbol,
* null if they conflict
Dsymbol handleSymbolRedeclarations(ref Scope sc, Dsymbol s, Dsymbol s2, ScopeDsymbol sds)
enum log = false;
if (log) printf("handleSymbolRedeclarations('%s')\n", s.toChars());
if (log) printf(" add %s %s, existing %s %s\n", s.kind(), s.toChars(), s2.kind(), s2.toChars());
static Dsymbol collision()
if (log) printf(" collision\n");
return null;
Handle merging declarations with asm("foo") and their definitions
static void mangleWrangle(Declaration oldDecl, Declaration newDecl)
if (oldDecl && newDecl)
newDecl.mangleOverride = oldDecl.mangleOverride ? oldDecl.mangleOverride : null;
auto vd = s.isVarDeclaration(); // new declaration
auto vd2 = s2.isVarDeclaration(); // existing declaration
if (vd && vd2)
/* if one is `static` and the other isn't, the result is undefined
* behavior, C11
if ((vd.storage_class ^ vd2.storage_class) & STC.static_)
return collision();
const i1 = vd._init && ! vd._init.isVoidInitializer();
const i2 = vd2._init && !vd2._init.isVoidInitializer();
if (i1 && i2)
return collision(); // can't both have initializers
mangleWrangle(vd2, vd);
if (i1) // vd is the definition
vd2.storage_class |= STC.extern_; // so toObjFile() won't emit it
sds.symtab.update(vd); // replace vd2 with the definition
return vd;
/* BUG: the types should match, which needs semantic() to be run on it
* extern int x;
* int x; // match
* typedef int INT;
* INT x; // match
* long x; // collision
* We incorrectly ignore these collisions
return vd2;
auto fd = s.isFuncDeclaration(); // new declaration
auto fd2 = s2.isFuncDeclaration(); // existing declaration
if (fd && fd2)
/* if one is `static` and the other isn't, the result is undefined
* behavior, C11
* However, match what gcc allows:
* static int sun1(); int sun1() { return 0; }
* and:
* static int sun2() { return 0; } int sun2();
* Both produce a static function.
* Both of these should fail:
* int sun3(); static int sun3() { return 0; }
* and:
* int sun4() { return 0; } static int sun4();
// if adding `static`
if ( fd.storage_class & STC.static_ &&
!(fd2.storage_class & STC.static_))
return collision();
if (fd.fbody && fd2.fbody)
return collision(); // can't both have bodies
mangleWrangle(fd2, fd);
if (fd.fbody) // fd is the definition
if (log) printf(" replace existing with new\n");
sds.symtab.update(fd); // replace fd2 in symbol table with fd
fd.overnext = fd2;
/* If fd2 is covering a tag symbol, then fd has to cover the same one
auto ps = cast(void*)fd2 in sc._module.tagSymTab;
if (ps)
sc._module.tagSymTab[cast(void*)fd] = *ps;
return fd;
/* Just like with VarDeclaration, the types should match, which needs semantic() to be run on it.
* FuncDeclaration::semantic() detects this, but it relies on .overnext being set.
return fd2;
auto td = s.isAliasDeclaration(); // new declaration
auto td2 = s2.isAliasDeclaration(); // existing declaration
if (td && td2)
/* BUG: just like with variables and functions, the types should match, which needs semantic() to be run on it.
* FuncDeclaration::semantic2() can detect this, but it relies overnext being set.
return td2;
return collision();