blob: afec5ef1ead6f75c6b2f32bd48fa80593565e13f [file] [log] [blame]
* Contains semantic routines specific to ImportC
* Specification: C11
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 2021-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _importc.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.importc;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.dcast;
import dmd.declaration;
import dmd.dscope;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.expressionsem;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.init;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.typesem;
* C11 does not allow array or function parameters.
* Hence, adjust those types per C11 rules.
* Params:
* t = parameter type to adjust
* sc = context
* Returns:
* adjusted type
Type cAdjustParamType(Type t, Scope* sc)
if (!(sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile))
return t;
Type tb = t.toBasetype();
/* C11 array of T is converted to pointer to T
if (auto ta = tb.isTypeDArray())
t =;
else if (auto ts = tb.isTypeSArray())
t =;
/* C11 function is converted to pointer to function
else if (tb.isTypeFunction())
t = tb.pointerTo();
return t;
* C11 Convert expression that is an array of type to a pointer to type.
* C11 Convert expression that is a function to a pointer to a function.
* Params:
* e = ImportC expression to possibly convert
* sc = context
* Returns:
* converted expression
Expression arrayFuncConv(Expression e, Scope* sc)
//printf("arrayFuncConv() %s\n", e.toChars());
if (!(sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile))
return e;
auto t = e.type.toBasetype();
if (auto ta = t.isTypeDArray())
if (!checkAddressable(e, sc))
return ErrorExp.get();
e = e.castTo(sc,;
else if (auto ts = t.isTypeSArray())
if (!checkAddressable(e, sc))
return ErrorExp.get();
e = e.castTo(sc,;
else if (t.isTypeFunction())
e = new AddrExp(e.loc, e);
return e;
return e.expressionSemantic(sc);
* Run semantic on `e`.
* Expression `e` evaluates to an instance of a struct.
* Look up `ident` as a field of that struct.
* Params:
* e = evaluates to an instance of a struct
* sc = context
* id = identifier of a field in that struct
* Returns:
* if successful `e.ident`
* if not then `ErrorExp` and message is printed
Expression fieldLookup(Expression e, Scope* sc, Identifier id)
e = e.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.isErrorExp())
return e;
Dsymbol s;
auto t = e.type;
if (t.isTypePointer())
t = t.isTypePointer().next;
e = new PtrExp(e.loc, e);
if (auto ts = t.isTypeStruct())
s =, id, 0);
if (!s)
e.error("`%s` is not a member of `%s`", id.toChars(), t.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
Expression ef = new DotVarExp(e.loc, e, s.isDeclaration());
return ef.expressionSemantic(sc);
* C11
* Apply C semantics to `E[I]` expression.
* E1[E2] is lowered to *(E1 + E2)
* Params:
* ae = ArrayExp to run semantics on
* sc = context
* Returns:
* Expression if this was a C expression with completed semantic, null if not
Expression carraySemantic(ArrayExp ae, Scope* sc)
if (!(sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile))
return null;
auto e1 = ae.e1.expressionSemantic(sc);
assert(ae.arguments.length == 1);
Expression e2 = (*ae.arguments)[0];
/* CTFE cannot do pointer arithmetic, but it can index arrays.
* So, rewrite as an IndexExp if we can.
auto t1 = e1.type.toBasetype();
if (t1.isTypeDArray() || t1.isTypeSArray())
e2 = e2.expressionSemantic(sc).arrayFuncConv(sc);
// C doesn't do array bounds checking, so `true` turns it off
return new IndexExp(ae.loc, e1, e2, true).expressionSemantic(sc);
e1 = e1.arrayFuncConv(sc); // e1 might still be a function call
e2 = e2.expressionSemantic(sc);
auto t2 = e2.type.toBasetype();
if (t2.isTypeDArray() || t2.isTypeSArray())
return new IndexExp(ae.loc, e2, e1, true).expressionSemantic(sc); // swap operands
e2 = e2.arrayFuncConv(sc);
auto ep = new PtrExp(ae.loc, new AddExp(ae.loc, e1, e2));
return ep.expressionSemantic(sc);
* Determine default initializer for const global symbol.
void addDefaultCInitializer(VarDeclaration dsym)
//printf("addDefaultCInitializer() %s\n", dsym.toChars());
if (!(dsym.storage_class & (STC.static_ | STC.gshared)))
if (dsym.storage_class & (STC.extern_ | STC.field | STC.in_ | STC.foreach_ | STC.parameter | STC.result))
Type t = dsym.type;
if (t.isTypeSArray() && t.isTypeSArray().isIncomplete())
dsym._init = new VoidInitializer(dsym.loc);
return; // incomplete arrays will be diagnosed later
if (t.isMutable())
auto e = dsym.type.defaultInit(dsym.loc, true);
dsym._init = new ExpInitializer(dsym.loc, e);
* Resolve cast/call grammar ambiguity.
* Params:
* e = expression that might be a cast, might be a call
* sc = context
* Returns:
* null means leave as is, !=null means rewritten AST
Expression castCallAmbiguity(Expression e, Scope* sc)
Expression* pe = &e;
while (1)
// Walk down the postfix expressions till we find a CallExp or something else
switch ((*pe).op)
case EXP.dotIdentifier:
pe = &(*pe).isDotIdExp().e1;
case EXP.plusPlus:
case EXP.minusMinus:
pe = &(*pe).isPostExp().e1;
case EXP.array:
pe = &(*pe).isArrayExp().e1;
auto ce = (*pe).isCallExp();
if (ce.e1.parens)
ce.e1 = expressionSemantic(ce.e1, sc);
if (ce.e1.op == EXP.type)
const numArgs = ce.arguments ? ce.arguments.length : 0;
if (numArgs >= 1)
ce.e1.parens = false;
Expression arg;
foreach (a; (*ce.arguments)[])
arg = arg ? new CommaExp(a.loc, arg, a) : a;
auto t = ce.e1.isTypeExp().type;
*pe = arg;
return new CastExp(ce.loc, e, t);
return null;
return null;
* Implement the C11 notion of function equivalence,
* which allows prototyped functions to match K+R functions,
* even though they are different.
* Params:
* tf1 = type of first function
* tf2 = type of second function
* Returns:
* true if C11 considers them equivalent
bool cFuncEquivalence(TypeFunction tf1, TypeFunction tf2)
//printf("cFuncEquivalence()\n %s\n %s\n", tf1.toChars(), tf2.toChars());
if (tf1.equals(tf2))
return true;
if (tf1.linkage != tf2.linkage)
return false;
// Allow func(void) to match func()
if (tf1.parameterList.length == 0 && tf2.parameterList.length == 0)
return true;
if (!cTypeEquivalence(,
return false; // function return types don't match
if (tf1.parameterList.length != tf2.parameterList.length)
return false;
if (!tf1.parameterList.hasIdentifierList && !tf2.parameterList.hasIdentifierList) // if both are prototyped
if (tf1.parameterList.varargs != tf2.parameterList.varargs)
return false;
foreach (i, fparam ; tf1.parameterList)
Type t1 = fparam.type;
Type t2 = tf2.parameterList[i].type;
/* Strip off head const.
* Not sure if this is C11, but other compilers treat
* `void fn(int)` and `fn(const int x)`
* as equivalent.
t1 = t1.mutableOf();
t2 = t2.mutableOf();
if (!t1.equals(t2))
return false;
//printf("t1: %s\n", tf1.toChars());
//printf("t2: %s\n", tf2.toChars());
return true;
* Types haven't been merged yet, because we haven't done
* semantic() yet.
* But we still need to see if t1 and t2 are the same type.
* Params:
* t1 = first type
* t2 = second type
* Returns:
* true if they are equivalent types
bool cTypeEquivalence(Type t1, Type t2)
if (t1.equals(t2))
return true; // that was easy
if (t1.ty != t2.ty || t1.mod != t2.mod)
return false;
if (auto tp = t1.isTypePointer())
return cTypeEquivalence(, t2.nextOf());
if (auto ta = t1.isTypeSArray())
// Bug: should check array dimension
return cTypeEquivalence(, t2.nextOf());
if (auto ts = t1.isTypeStruct())
return ts.sym is t2.isTypeStruct().sym;
if (auto te = t1.isTypeEnum())
return te.sym is t2.isTypeEnum().sym;
if (auto tf = t1.isTypeFunction())
return cFuncEquivalence(tf, tf.isTypeFunction());
return false;