blob: ef39f594d88b5d7e28480d515a7f5ede64a9c002 [file] [log] [blame]
* Semantic analysis of initializers.
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _initsem.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.initsem;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.checkedint;
import dmd.aggregate;
import dmd.aliasthis;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.dcast;
import dmd.declaration;
import dmd.dscope;
import dmd.dstruct;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.dtemplate;
import dmd.errors;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.expressionsem;
import dmd.func;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.importc;
import dmd.init;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.opover;
import dmd.statement;
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.typesem;
* If possible, convert array initializer to associative array initializer.
* Params:
* ai = array initializer to be converted
* Returns:
* The converted associative array initializer or ErrorExp if `ai`
* is not an associative array initializer.
Expression toAssocArrayLiteral(ArrayInitializer ai)
Expression e;
//static int i; if (++i == 2) assert(0);
const dim = ai.value.dim;
auto keys = new Expressions(dim);
auto values = new Expressions(dim);
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
e = ai.index[i];
if (!e)
goto Lno;
(*keys)[i] = e;
Initializer iz = ai.value[i];
if (!iz)
goto Lno;
e = iz.initializerToExpression();
if (!e)
goto Lno;
(*values)[i] = e;
e = new AssocArrayLiteralExp(ai.loc, keys, values);
return e;
error(ai.loc, "not an associative array initializer");
return ErrorExp.get();
* Perform semantic analysis on init.
* Params:
* init = Initializer AST node
* sc = context
* tx = type that the initializer needs to become. If tx is an incomplete
* type and the initializer completes it, it is updated to be the
* complete type. ImportC has incomplete types
* needInterpret = if CTFE needs to be run on this,
* such as if it is the initializer for a const declaration
* Returns:
* `Initializer` with completed semantic analysis, `ErrorInitializer` if errors
* were encountered
extern(C++) Initializer initializerSemantic(Initializer init, Scope* sc, ref Type tx, NeedInterpret needInterpret)
Type t = tx;
static Initializer err()
return new ErrorInitializer();
Initializer visitVoid(VoidInitializer i)
i.type = t;
return i;
Initializer visitError(ErrorInitializer i)
return i;
Initializer visitStruct(StructInitializer i)
//printf("StructInitializer::semantic(t = %s) %s\n", t.toChars(), i.toChars());
/* This works by replacing the StructInitializer with an ExpInitializer.
t = t.toBasetype();
if (t.ty == Tsarray && t.nextOf().toBasetype().ty == Tstruct)
t = t.nextOf().toBasetype();
if (auto ts = t.isTypeStruct())
StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym;
// check if the sd has a regular ctor (user defined non-copy ctor)
// that is not disabled.
if (sd.hasRegularCtor(true))
error(i.loc, "%s `%s` has constructors, cannot use `{ initializers }`, use `%s( initializers )` instead", sd.kind(), sd.toChars(), sd.toChars());
return err();
if (sd.sizeok != Sizeok.done)
return err();
const nfields = sd.nonHiddenFields();
//expandTuples for non-identity arguments?
auto elements = new Expressions(nfields);
auto elems = (*elements)[];
foreach (ref elem; elems)
elem = null;
// Run semantic for explicitly given initializers
// TODO: this part is slightly different from StructLiteralExp::semantic.
bool errors = false;
size_t fieldi = 0;
foreach (j, id; i.field[])
if (id)
/* Determine `fieldi` that `id` matches
Dsymbol s =, id);
if (!s)
s = sd.search_correct(id);
const initLoc = i.value[j].loc;
if (s)
error(initLoc, "`%s` is not a member of `%s`, did you mean %s `%s`?", id.toChars(), sd.toChars(), s.kind(), s.toChars());
error(initLoc, "`%s` is not a member of `%s`", id.toChars(), sd.toChars());
return err();
s.checkDeprecated(i.loc, sc);
s = s.toAlias();
// Find out which field index `s` is
for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
if (fieldi >= nfields)
error(i.loc, "`%s.%s` is not a per-instance initializable field", sd.toChars(), s.toChars());
return err();
if (s == sd.fields[fieldi])
if (j >= nfields)
error(i.value[j].loc, "too many initializers for `%s`", sd.toChars());
return err();
VarDeclaration vd = sd.fields[fieldi];
if (elems[fieldi])
error(i.value[j].loc, "duplicate initializer for field `%s`", vd.toChars());
errors = true;
elems[fieldi] = ErrorExp.get(); // for better diagnostics on multiple errors
// Check for @safe violations
if (vd.type.hasPointers)
if ((!t.alignment.isDefault() && t.alignment.get() < target.ptrsize ||
(vd.offset & (target.ptrsize - 1))))
if (sc.setUnsafe(false, i.value[j].loc,
"field `%s.%s` cannot assign to misaligned pointers in `@safe` code", sd, vd))
errors = true;
elems[fieldi] = ErrorExp.get(); // for better diagnostics on multiple errors
// Check for overlapping initializations (can happen with unions)
foreach (k, v2; sd.fields[0 .. nfields])
if (vd.isOverlappedWith(v2) && elems[k])
error(elems[k].loc, "overlapping initialization for field `%s` and `%s`", v2.toChars(), vd.toChars());
errors = true;
// Convert initializer to Expression `ex`
auto tm = vd.type.addMod(t.mod);
auto iz = i.value[j].initializerSemantic(sc, tm, needInterpret);
auto ex = iz.initializerToExpression(null, (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile) != 0);
if (ex.op == EXP.error)
errors = true;
elems[fieldi] = ErrorExp.get(); // for better diagnostics on multiple errors
i.value[j] = iz;
elems[fieldi] = doCopyOrMove(sc, ex);
if (errors)
return err();
// Make a StructLiteralExp out of elements[]
auto sle = new StructLiteralExp(i.loc, sd, elements, t);
if (!sd.fill(i.loc, *elements, false))
return err();
sle.type = t;
auto ie = new ExpInitializer(i.loc, sle);
return ie.initializerSemantic(sc, t, needInterpret);
else if ((t.ty == Tdelegate || t.isPtrToFunction()) && i.value.dim == 0)
const tok = (t.ty == Tdelegate) ? TOK.delegate_ : TOK.function_;
/* Rewrite as empty delegate literal { }
Type tf = new TypeFunction(ParameterList(), null, LINK.d);
auto fd = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(i.loc, Loc.initial, tf, tok, null);
fd.fbody = new CompoundStatement(i.loc, new Statements());
fd.endloc = i.loc;
Expression e = new FuncExp(i.loc, fd);
auto ie = new ExpInitializer(i.loc, e);
return ie.initializerSemantic(sc, t, needInterpret);
if (t.ty != Terror)
error(i.loc, "a struct is not a valid initializer for a `%s`", t.toChars());
return err();
Initializer visitArray(ArrayInitializer i)
uint length;
const(uint) amax = 0x80000000;
bool errors = false;
//printf("ArrayInitializer::semantic(%s), ai: %s %p\n", t.toChars(), i.toChars(), i);
if (i.sem) // if semantic() already run
return i;
i.sem = true;
t = t.toBasetype();
switch (t.ty)
case Tsarray:
case Tarray:
case Tvector:
t = t.isTypeVector().basetype;
case Taarray:
case Tstruct: // consider implicit constructor call
Expression e;
// note: MyStruct foo = [1:2, 3:4] is correct code if MyStruct has a this(int[int])
if (t.ty == Taarray || i.isAssociativeArray())
e = i.toAssocArrayLiteral();
e = i.initializerToExpression();
// Bugzilla 13987
if (!e)
error(i.loc, "cannot use array to initialize `%s`", t.toChars());
return err();
auto ei = new ExpInitializer(e.loc, e);
return ei.initializerSemantic(sc, t, needInterpret);
case Tpointer:
if (t.nextOf().ty != Tfunction)
goto default;
error(i.loc, "cannot use array to initialize `%s`", t.toChars());
return err();
i.type = t;
length = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < i.index.dim; j++)
Expression idx = i.index[j];
if (idx)
sc = sc.startCTFE();
idx = idx.expressionSemantic(sc);
sc = sc.endCTFE();
idx = idx.ctfeInterpret();
i.index[j] = idx;
const uinteger_t idxvalue = idx.toInteger();
if (idxvalue >= amax)
error(i.loc, "array index %llu overflow", idxvalue);
errors = true;
length = cast(uint)idxvalue;
if (idx.op == EXP.error)
errors = true;
Initializer val = i.value[j];
ExpInitializer ei = val.isExpInitializer();
if (ei && !idx)
ei.expandTuples = true;
auto tn = t.nextOf();
val = val.initializerSemantic(sc, tn, needInterpret);
if (val.isErrorInitializer())
errors = true;
ei = val.isExpInitializer();
// found a tuple, expand it
if (ei && ei.exp.op == EXP.tuple)
TupleExp te = ei.exp.isTupleExp();
for (size_t k = 0; k < te.exps.dim; ++k)
Expression e = (*te.exps)[k];
i.index.insert(j + k, cast(Expression)null);
i.value.insert(j + k, new ExpInitializer(e.loc, e));
i.value[j] = val;
if (length == 0)
error(i.loc, "array dimension overflow");
return err();
if (length > i.dim)
i.dim = length;
if (auto tsa = t.isTypeSArray())
if (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile && tsa.isIncomplete())
// Change to array of known length
auto tn =;
tsa = new TypeSArray(tn, new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, i.dim, Type.tsize_t));
tx = tsa; // rewrite caller's type
i.type = tsa; // remember for later passes
uinteger_t edim = tsa.dim.toInteger();
if (i.dim > edim)
error(i.loc, "array initializer has %u elements, but array length is %llu", i.dim, edim);
return err();
if (errors)
return err();
const sz = t.nextOf().size();
if (sz == SIZE_INVALID)
return err();
bool overflow;
const max = mulu(i.dim, sz, overflow);
if (overflow || max >= amax)
error(i.loc, "array dimension %llu exceeds max of %llu", ulong(i.dim), ulong(amax / sz));
return err();
//printf("returns ai: %s\n", i.toChars());
return i;
Initializer visitExp(ExpInitializer i)
//printf("ExpInitializer::semantic(%s), type = %s\n", i.exp.toChars(), t.toChars());
if (needInterpret)
sc = sc.startCTFE();
i.exp = i.exp.expressionSemantic(sc);
i.exp = resolveProperties(sc, i.exp);
if (needInterpret)
sc = sc.endCTFE();
if (i.exp.op == EXP.error)
return err();
uint olderrors = global.errors;
/* ImportC: convert arrays to pointers, functions to pointers to functions
Type tb = t.toBasetype();
if (tb.isTypePointer())
i.exp = i.exp.arrayFuncConv(sc);
/* Save the expression before ctfe
* Otherwise the error message would contain for example "&[0][0]" instead of "new int"
* Regression:
Expression currExp = i.exp;
if (needInterpret)
// If the result will be implicitly cast, move the cast into CTFE
// to avoid premature truncation of polysemous types.
// eg real [] x = [1.1, 2.2]; should use real precision.
if (i.exp.implicitConvTo(t) && !(sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile))
i.exp = i.exp.implicitCastTo(sc, t);
if (!global.gag && olderrors != global.errors)
return i;
if (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile)
/* the interpreter turns (char*)"string" into &"string"[0] which then
* it cannot interpret. Resolve that case by doing optimize() first
i.exp = i.exp.optimize(WANTvalue);
if (i.exp.isSymOffExp())
/* `static variable cannot be read at compile time`
* Maybe this would be better addressed in ctfeInterpret()?
needInterpret = NeedInterpret.INITnointerpret;
if (needInterpret)
i.exp = i.exp.ctfeInterpret();
if (i.exp.op == EXP.voidExpression)
error(i.loc, "variables cannot be initialized with an expression of type `void`. Use `void` initialization instead.");
i.exp = i.exp.optimize(WANTvalue);
if (!global.gag && olderrors != global.errors)
return i; // Failed, suppress duplicate error messages
if (i.exp.type.isTypeTuple() && i.exp.type.isTypeTuple().arguments.dim == 0)
Type et = i.exp.type;
i.exp = new TupleExp(i.exp.loc, new Expressions());
i.exp.type = et;
if (i.exp.op == EXP.type)
i.exp.error("initializer must be an expression, not `%s`", i.exp.toChars());
return err();
// Make sure all pointers are constants
if (needInterpret && hasNonConstPointers(i.exp))
i.exp.error("cannot use non-constant CTFE pointer in an initializer `%s`", currExp.toChars());
return err();
Type ti = i.exp.type.toBasetype();
if (i.exp.op == EXP.tuple && i.expandTuples && !i.exp.implicitConvTo(t))
return new ExpInitializer(i.loc, i.exp);
/* Look for case of initializing a static array with a too-short
* string literal, such as:
* char[5] foo = "abc";
* Allow this by doing an explicit cast, which will lengthen the string
* literal.
if (i.exp.op == EXP.string_ && tb.ty == Tsarray)
StringExp se = i.exp.isStringExp();
Type typeb = se.type.toBasetype();
TY tynto = tb.nextOf().ty;
if (!se.committed &&
(typeb.ty == Tarray || typeb.ty == Tsarray) && tynto.isSomeChar &&
se.numberOfCodeUnits(tynto) < tb.isTypeSArray().dim.toInteger())
i.exp = se.castTo(sc, t);
goto L1;
/* Lop off terminating 0 of initializer for:
* static char s[5] = "hello";
if (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile &&
typeb.ty == Tsarray &&
tynto.isSomeChar &&
tb.isTypeSArray().dim.toInteger() + 1 == typeb.isTypeSArray().dim.toInteger())
i.exp = se.castTo(sc, t);
goto L1;
/* C11 6.7.9-14..15
* Initialize an array of unknown size with a string.
* Change to static array of known size
if (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile && i.exp.isStringExp() &&
tb.isTypeSArray() && tb.isTypeSArray().isIncomplete())
StringExp se = i.exp.isStringExp();
auto ts = new TypeSArray(tb.nextOf(), new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, se.len + 1, Type.tsize_t));
t = typeSemantic(ts, Loc.initial, sc);
i.exp.type = t;
tx = t;
// Look for implicit constructor call
if (tb.ty == Tstruct && !(ti.ty == Tstruct && tb.toDsymbol(sc) == ti.toDsymbol(sc)) && !i.exp.implicitConvTo(t))
StructDeclaration sd = tb.isTypeStruct().sym;
if (sd.ctor)
// Rewrite as S().ctor(exp)
Expression e;
e = new StructLiteralExp(i.loc, sd, null);
e = new DotIdExp(i.loc, e, Id.ctor);
e = new CallExp(i.loc, e, i.exp);
e = e.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (needInterpret)
i.exp = e.ctfeInterpret();
i.exp = e.optimize(WANTvalue);
else if (search_function(sd,
* Look for static opCall
* Rewrite as:
* i.exp = typeof(sd).opCall(arguments)
Expression e = typeDotIdExp(i.loc, sd.type,;
e = new CallExp(i.loc, e, i.exp);
e = e.expressionSemantic(sc);
e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
if (needInterpret)
i.exp = e.ctfeInterpret();
i.exp = e.optimize(WANTvalue);
// Look for the case of statically initializing an array with a single member.
// Recursively strip static array / enum layers until a compatible element is found,
// and return an `ArrayLiteralExp` repeating the initializer, or `null` if no match found
// int[2][3] = 7 => [[7, 7], [7, 7], [7, 7]]
// int[2] = new Object => null
Expression sarrayRepeat(Type tb)
auto tsa = tb.isTypeSArray();
if (!tsa)
return null;
// printf("i.exp = %s, tsa = %s\n", i.exp.toChars(), tsa.toChars());
Expression elem = null;
if (i.exp.implicitConvTo(tb.nextOf()))
elem = i.exp.implicitCastTo(sc, tb.nextOf());
else if (auto ae = sarrayRepeat(tb.nextOf().toBasetype()))
elem = ae;
return null;
auto arrayElements = new Expressions(cast(size_t) tsa.dim.toInteger());
foreach (ref e; *arrayElements)
e = elem;
return new ArrayLiteralExp(i.exp.loc, tb, elem, arrayElements);
if (auto sa = sarrayRepeat(tb))
// printf("sa = %s\n", sa.toChars());
i.exp = sa;
auto tta = t.isTypeSArray();
if (i.exp.implicitConvTo(t))
i.exp = i.exp.implicitCastTo(sc, t);
else if (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile && i.exp.isStringExp() &&
tta && ( == Tint8 || == Tuns8) &&
ti.ty == Tsarray && ti.nextOf().ty == Tchar)
/* unsigned char bbb[1] = "";
* signed char ccc[1] = "";
i.exp = i.exp.castTo(sc, t);
auto tba = tb.isTypeSArray();
// Look for mismatch of compile-time known length to emit
// better diagnostic message, as same as AssignExp::semantic.
if (tba && i.exp.implicitConvTo( > MATCH.nomatch)
uinteger_t dim1 = tba.dim.toInteger();
uinteger_t dim2 = dim1;
if (auto ale = i.exp.isArrayLiteralExp())
dim2 = ale.elements ? ale.elements.dim : 0;
else if (auto se = i.exp.isSliceExp())
if (Type tx = toStaticArrayType(se))
dim2 = tx.isTypeSArray().dim.toInteger();
if (dim1 != dim2)
i.exp.error("mismatched array lengths, %d and %d", cast(int)dim1, cast(int)dim2);
i.exp = ErrorExp.get();
Type et = i.exp.type;
const errors = global.startGagging();
i.exp = i.exp.implicitCastTo(sc, t);
if (global.endGagging(errors))
currExp.error("cannot implicitly convert expression `%s` of type `%s` to `%s`", currExp.toChars(), et.toChars(), t.toChars());
if (i.exp.op == EXP.error)
return i;
if (needInterpret)
i.exp = i.exp.ctfeInterpret();
i.exp = i.exp.optimize(WANTvalue);
//printf("-ExpInitializer::semantic(): "); i.exp.print();
return i;
Initializer visitC(CInitializer ci)
//printf("CInitializer::semantic() (%s) %s\n", t.toChars(), ci.toChars());
/* Rewrite CInitializer into ExpInitializer, ArrayInitializer, or StructInitializer
t = t.toBasetype();
/* If `{ expression }` return the expression initializer
ExpInitializer isBraceExpression()
auto dil = ci.initializerList[];
return (dil.length == 1 && !dil[0].designatorList)
? dil[0].initializer.isExpInitializer()
: null;
bool overlaps(VarDeclaration field, VarDeclaration[] fields, StructInitializer si)
foreach (fld; fields)
if (field.isOverlappedWith(fld))
// look for initializer corresponding with fld
foreach (i, ident; si.field[])
if (ident == fld.ident && si.value[i])
return true; // already an initializer for `field`
return false;
/* Run semantic on ExpInitializer, see if it represents entire struct ts
bool representsStruct(ExpInitializer ei, TypeStruct ts)
if (needInterpret)
sc = sc.startCTFE();
ei.exp = ei.exp.expressionSemantic(sc);
ei.exp = resolveProperties(sc, ei.exp);
if (needInterpret)
sc = sc.endCTFE();
return ei.exp.implicitConvTo(ts) != MATCH.nomatch; // initializer represents the entire struct
/* If { } are omitted from substructs, use recursion to reconstruct where
* brackets go
* Params:
* ts = substruct to initialize
* index = index into ci.initializer, updated
* Returns: struct initializer for this substruct
Initializer subStruct()(TypeStruct ts, ref size_t index)
//printf("subStruct(ts: %s, index %d)\n", ts.toChars(), cast(int)index);
auto si = new StructInitializer(ci.loc);
StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym;
if (sd.sizeok != Sizeok.done)
index = ci.initializerList.length;
return err();
const nfields = sd.fields.length;
foreach (fieldi; 0 .. nfields)
if (index >= ci.initializerList.length)
break; // ran out of initializers
auto di = ci.initializerList[index];
if (di.designatorList && fieldi != 0)
break; // back to top level
VarDeclaration field;
while (1) // skip field if it overlaps with previously seen fields
field = sd.fields[fieldi];
if (!overlaps(field, sd.fields[], si))
if (fieldi == nfields)
auto tn = field.type.toBasetype();
auto tnsa = tn.isTypeSArray();
auto tns = tn.isTypeStruct();
auto ix = di.initializer;
if (tnsa && ix.isExpInitializer())
ExpInitializer ei = ix.isExpInitializer();
if (ei.exp.isStringExp() && tnsa.nextOf().isintegral())
si.addInit(field.ident, ei);
si.addInit(field.ident, subArray(tnsa, index)); // fwd ref of subArray is why subStruct is a template
else if (tns && ix.isExpInitializer())
/* Disambiguate between an exp representing the entire
* struct, and an exp representing the first field of the struct
if (representsStruct(ix.isExpInitializer(), tns)) // initializer represents the entire struct
si.addInit(field.ident, initializerSemantic(ix, sc, tn, needInterpret));
else // field initializers for struct
si.addInit(field.ident, subStruct(tns, index)); // the first field
si.addInit(field.ident, ix);
//printf("subStruct() returns ai: %s, index: %d\n", si.toChars(), cast(int)index);
return si;
/* If { } are omitted from subarrays, use recursion to reconstruct where
* brackets go
* Params:
* tsa = subarray to initialize
* index = index into ci.initializer, updated
* Returns: array initializer for this subarray
Initializer subArray(TypeSArray tsa, ref size_t index)
//printf("array(tsa: %s, index %d)\n", tsa.toChars(), cast(int)index);
if (tsa.isIncomplete())
// C11 6.2.5-20 "element type shall be complete whenever the array type is specified"
assert(0); // should have been detected by parser
auto tnsa = tsa.nextOf().toBasetype().isTypeSArray();
auto ai = new ArrayInitializer(ci.loc);
ai.isCarray = true;
foreach (n; 0 .. cast(size_t)tsa.dim.toInteger())
if (index >= ci.initializerList.length)
break; // ran out of initializers
auto di = ci.initializerList[index];
if (di.designatorList)
break; // back to top level
else if (tnsa && di.initializer.isExpInitializer())
ExpInitializer ei = di.initializer.isExpInitializer();
if (ei.exp.isStringExp() && tnsa.nextOf().isintegral())
ai.addInit(null, ei);
ai.addInit(null, subArray(tnsa, index));
ai.addInit(null, di.initializer);
//printf("array() returns ai: %s, index: %d\n", ai.toChars(), cast(int)index);
return ai;
if (auto ts = t.isTypeStruct())
auto si = new StructInitializer(ci.loc);
StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym;
sd.size(ci.loc); // run semantic() on sd to get fields
if (sd.sizeok != Sizeok.done)
return err();
const nfields = sd.fields.length;
size_t fieldi = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < ci.initializerList.length; )
auto di = ci.initializerList[index];
auto dlist = di.designatorList;
if (dlist)
const length = (*dlist).length;
if (length == 0 || !(*dlist)[0].ident)
error(ci.loc, "`.identifier` expected for C struct field initializer `%s`", ci.toChars());
return err();
if (length > 1)
error(ci.loc, "only 1 designator currently allowed for C struct field initializer `%s`", ci.toChars());
return err();
auto id = (*dlist)[0].ident;
foreach (k, f; sd.fields[]) // linear search for now
if (f.ident == id)
fieldi = k;
si.addInit(id, di.initializer);
if (fieldi == nfields)
VarDeclaration field;
while (1) // skip field if it overlaps with previously seen fields
field = sd.fields[fieldi];
if (!overlaps(field, sd.fields[], si))
if (fieldi == nfields)
auto tn = field.type.toBasetype();
auto tnsa = tn.isTypeSArray();
auto tns = tn.isTypeStruct();
auto ix = di.initializer;
if (tnsa && ix.isExpInitializer())
ExpInitializer ei = ix.isExpInitializer();
if (ei.exp.isStringExp() && tnsa.nextOf().isintegral())
si.addInit(field.ident, ei);
si.addInit(field.ident, subArray(tnsa, index));
else if (tns && ix.isExpInitializer())
/* Disambiguate between an exp representing the entire
* struct, and an exp representing the first field of the struct
if (representsStruct(ix.isExpInitializer(), tns)) // initializer represents the entire struct
si.addInit(field.ident, initializerSemantic(ix, sc, tn, needInterpret));
else // field initializers for struct
si.addInit(field.ident, subStruct(tns, index)); // the first field
si.addInit(field.ident, di.initializer);
return initializerSemantic(si, sc, t, needInterpret);
else if (auto ta = t.isTypeSArray())
auto tn = t.nextOf().toBasetype(); // element type of array
/* If it's an array of integral being initialized by `{ string }`
* replace with `string`
if (tn.isintegral())
if (ExpInitializer ei = isBraceExpression())
if (ei.exp.isStringExp())
return ei.initializerSemantic(sc, t, needInterpret);
auto tnsa = tn.isTypeSArray(); // array of array
auto tns = tn.isTypeStruct(); // array of struct
auto ai = new ArrayInitializer(ci.loc);
ai.isCarray = true;
for (size_t index = 0; index < ci.initializerList.length; )
auto di = ci.initializerList[index];
if (auto dlist = di.designatorList)
const length = (*dlist).length;
if (length == 0 || !(*dlist)[0].exp)
error(ci.loc, "`[ constant-expression ]` expected for C array element initializer `%s`", ci.toChars());
return err();
if (length > 1)
error(ci.loc, "only 1 designator currently allowed for C array element initializer `%s`", ci.toChars());
return err();
//printf("tn: %s, di.initializer: %s\n", tn.toChars(), di.initializer.toChars());
auto ix = di.initializer;
if (tnsa && ix.isExpInitializer())
// Wrap initializer in [ ]
auto ain = new ArrayInitializer(ci.loc);
ain.addInit(null, di.initializer);
ix = ain;
ai.addInit((*dlist)[0].exp, initializerSemantic(ix, sc, tn, needInterpret));
else if (tns && ix.isExpInitializer())
/* Disambiguate between an exp representing the entire
* struct, and an exp representing the first field of the struct
if (representsStruct(ix.isExpInitializer(), tns)) // initializer represents the entire struct
ai.addInit((*dlist)[0].exp, initializerSemantic(ix, sc, tn, needInterpret));
else // field initializers for struct
ai.addInit((*dlist)[0].exp, subStruct(tns, index)); // the first field
ai.addInit((*dlist)[0].exp, initializerSemantic(ix, sc, tn, needInterpret));
else if (tnsa && di.initializer.isExpInitializer())
ExpInitializer ei = di.initializer.isExpInitializer();
if (ei.exp.isStringExp() && tnsa.nextOf().isintegral())
ai.addInit(null, ei);
ai.addInit(null, subArray(tnsa, index));
else if (tns && di.initializer.isExpInitializer())
/* Disambiguate between an exp representing the entire
* struct, and an exp representing the first field of the struct
if (representsStruct(di.initializer.isExpInitializer(), tns)) // initializer represents the entire struct
ai.addInit(null, initializerSemantic(di.initializer, sc, tn, needInterpret));
else // field initializers for struct
ai.addInit(null, subStruct(tns, index)); // the first field
ai.addInit(null, initializerSemantic(di.initializer, sc, tn, needInterpret));
return initializerSemantic(ai, sc, tx, needInterpret);
else if (ExpInitializer ei = isBraceExpression())
return visitExp(ei);
final switch (init.kind)
case InitKind.void_: return visitVoid (init.isVoidInitializer());
case InitKind.error: return visitError (init.isErrorInitializer());
case InitKind.struct_: return visitStruct(init.isStructInitializer());
case InitKind.array: return visitArray (init.isArrayInitializer());
case InitKind.exp: return visitExp (init.isExpInitializer());
case InitKind.C_: return visitC (init.isCInitializer());
* Translate init to an `Expression` in order to infer the type.
* Params:
* init = `Initializer` AST node
* sc = context
* Returns:
* an equivalent `ExpInitializer` if successful, or `ErrorInitializer` if it cannot be translated
Initializer inferType(Initializer init, Scope* sc)
Initializer visitVoid(VoidInitializer i)
error(i.loc, "cannot infer type from void initializer");
return new ErrorInitializer();
Initializer visitError(ErrorInitializer i)
return i;
Initializer visitStruct(StructInitializer i)
error(i.loc, "cannot infer type from struct initializer");
return new ErrorInitializer();
Initializer visitArray(ArrayInitializer init)
//printf("ArrayInitializer::inferType() %s\n", toChars());
Expressions* keys = null;
Expressions* values;
if (init.isAssociativeArray())
keys = new Expressions(init.value.dim);
values = new Expressions(init.value.dim);
for (size_t i = 0; i < init.value.dim; i++)
Expression e = init.index[i];
if (!e)
goto Lno;
(*keys)[i] = e;
Initializer iz = init.value[i];
if (!iz)
goto Lno;
iz = iz.inferType(sc);
if (iz.isErrorInitializer())
return iz;
(*values)[i] = iz.isExpInitializer().exp;
Expression e = new AssocArrayLiteralExp(init.loc, keys, values);
auto ei = new ExpInitializer(init.loc, e);
return ei.inferType(sc);
auto elements = new Expressions(init.value.dim);;
for (size_t i = 0; i < init.value.dim; i++)
assert(!init.index[i]); // already asserted by isAssociativeArray()
Initializer iz = init.value[i];
if (!iz)
goto Lno;
iz = iz.inferType(sc);
if (iz.isErrorInitializer())
return iz;
(*elements)[i] = iz.isExpInitializer().exp;
Expression e = new ArrayLiteralExp(init.loc, null, elements);
auto ei = new ExpInitializer(init.loc, e);
return ei.inferType(sc);
if (keys)
error(init.loc, "not an associative array initializer");
error(init.loc, "cannot infer type from array initializer");
return new ErrorInitializer();
Initializer visitExp(ExpInitializer init)
//printf("ExpInitializer::inferType() %s\n", init.toChars());
init.exp = init.exp.expressionSemantic(sc);
// for static alias this:
if (init.exp.op == EXP.type)
init.exp = resolveAliasThis(sc, init.exp);
init.exp = resolveProperties(sc, init.exp);
if (auto se = init.exp.isScopeExp())
TemplateInstance ti = se.sds.isTemplateInstance();
if (ti && ti.semanticRun == PASS.semantic && !ti.aliasdecl)
se.error("cannot infer type from %s `%s`, possible circular dependency", se.sds.kind(), se.toChars());
se.error("cannot infer type from %s `%s`", se.sds.kind(), se.toChars());
return new ErrorInitializer();
// Give error for overloaded function addresses
bool hasOverloads;
if (auto f = isFuncAddress(init.exp, &hasOverloads))
if (f.checkForwardRef(init.loc))
return new ErrorInitializer();
if (hasOverloads && !f.isUnique())
init.exp.error("cannot infer type from overloaded function symbol `%s`", init.exp.toChars());
return new ErrorInitializer();
if (auto ae = init.exp.isAddrExp())
if (ae.e1.op == EXP.overloadSet)
init.exp.error("cannot infer type from overloaded function symbol `%s`", init.exp.toChars());
return new ErrorInitializer();
if (init.exp.isErrorExp())
return new ErrorInitializer();
if (!init.exp.type)
return new ErrorInitializer();
return init;
Initializer visitC(CInitializer i)
error(i.loc, "TODO C inferType initializers not supported yet");
return new ErrorInitializer();
final switch (init.kind)
case InitKind.void_: return visitVoid (init.isVoidInitializer());
case InitKind.error: return visitError (init.isErrorInitializer());
case InitKind.struct_: return visitStruct(init.isStructInitializer());
case InitKind.array: return visitArray (init.isArrayInitializer());
case InitKind.exp: return visitExp (init.isExpInitializer());
case InitKind.C_: return visitC (init.isCInitializer());
* Translate init to an `Expression`.
* Params:
* init = `Initializer` AST node
* itype = if not `null`, type to coerce expression to
* isCfile = default initializers are different with C
* Returns:
* `Expression` created, `null` if cannot, `ErrorExp` for other errors
extern (C++) Expression initializerToExpression(Initializer init, Type itype = null, const bool isCfile = false)
//printf("initializerToExpression() isCfile: %d\n", isCfile);
Expression visitVoid(VoidInitializer)
return null;
Expression visitError(ErrorInitializer)
return ErrorExp.get();
* This works by transforming a struct initializer into
* a struct literal. In the future, the two should be the
* same thing.
Expression visitStruct(StructInitializer)
// cannot convert to an expression without target 'ad'
return null;
* If possible, convert array initializer to array literal.
* Otherwise return NULL.
Expression visitArray(ArrayInitializer init)
//printf("ArrayInitializer::toExpression(), dim = %d\n", dim);
//static int i; if (++i == 2) assert(0);
uint edim; // the length of the resulting array literal
const(uint) amax = 0x80000000;
Type t = null; // type of the array literal being initialized
if (init.type)
if (init.type == Type.terror)
return ErrorExp.get();
t = init.type.toBasetype();
switch (t.ty)
case Tvector:
t = t.isTypeVector().basetype;
goto case Tsarray;
case Tsarray:
uinteger_t adim = t.isTypeSArray().dim.toInteger();
if (adim >= amax)
return null;
edim = cast(uint)adim;
case Tpointer:
case Tarray:
edim = init.dim;
/* Calculate the length of the array literal
edim = cast(uint)init.value.dim;
size_t j = 0;
foreach (i; 0 .. init.value.dim)
if (auto e = init.index[i])
if (e.op == EXP.int64)
const uinteger_t idxval = e.toInteger();
if (idxval >= amax)
return null;
j = cast(size_t)idxval;
return null;
if (j > edim)
edim = cast(uint)j;
auto elements = new Expressions(edim);;
size_t j = 0;
foreach (i; 0 .. init.value.dim)
if (auto e = init.index[i])
j = cast(size_t)e.toInteger();
assert(j < edim);
if (Initializer iz = init.value[i])
if (Expression ex = iz.initializerToExpression(null, isCfile))
(*elements)[j] = ex;
return null;
return null;
/* Fill in any missing elements with the default initializer
Expression defaultInit = null; // lazily create it
foreach (ref element; (*elements)[0 .. edim])
if (!element)
if (!init.type) // don't know what type to use
return null;
if (!defaultInit)
defaultInit = (cast(TypeNext)t).next.defaultInit(Loc.initial, isCfile);
element = defaultInit;
/* Expand any static array initializers that are a single expression
* into an array of them
* e => [e, e, ..., e, e]
if (t)
Type tn = t.nextOf().toBasetype();
if (tn.ty == Tsarray)
const dim = cast(size_t)(cast(TypeSArray)tn).dim.toInteger();
Type te = tn.nextOf().toBasetype();
foreach (ref e; *elements)
if (te.equals(e.type))
auto elements2 = new Expressions(dim);
foreach (ref e2; *elements2)
e2 = e;
e = new ArrayLiteralExp(e.loc, tn, elements2);
/* If any elements are errors, then the whole thing is an error
foreach (e; (*elements)[0 .. edim])
if (e.op == EXP.error)
return e;
Expression e = new ArrayLiteralExp(init.loc, init.type, elements);
return e;
Expression visitExp(ExpInitializer i)
if (itype)
//printf("ExpInitializer::toExpression(t = %s) exp = %s\n", itype.toChars(), i.exp.toChars());
Type tb = itype.toBasetype();
Expression e = (i.exp.op == EXP.construct || i.exp.op == EXP.blit) ? (cast(AssignExp)i.exp).e2 : i.exp;
if (tb.ty == Tsarray && e.implicitConvTo(tb.nextOf()))
TypeSArray tsa = cast(TypeSArray)tb;
size_t d = cast(size_t)tsa.dim.toInteger();
auto elements = new Expressions(d);
for (size_t j = 0; j < d; j++)
(*elements)[j] = e;
auto ae = new ArrayLiteralExp(e.loc, itype, elements);
return ae;
return i.exp;
Expression visitC(CInitializer i)
//printf("CInitializer.initializerToExpression(null, true)\n");
return null;
final switch (init.kind)
case InitKind.void_: return visitVoid (init.isVoidInitializer());
case InitKind.error: return visitError (init.isErrorInitializer());
case InitKind.struct_: return visitStruct(init.isStructInitializer());
case InitKind.array: return visitArray (init.isArrayInitializer());
case InitKind.exp: return visitExp (init.isExpInitializer());
case InitKind.C_: return visitC (init.isCInitializer());
* Determine if expression has non-constant pointers, or more precisely,
* a pointer that CTFE cannot handle.
* Params:
* e = expression to check
* Returns:
* true if it has non-constant pointers
private bool hasNonConstPointers(Expression e)
static bool checkArray(Expressions* elems)
foreach (e; *elems)
if (e && hasNonConstPointers(e))
return true;
return false;
if (e.type.ty == Terror)
return false;
if (e.op == EXP.null_)
return false;
if (auto se = e.isStructLiteralExp())
return checkArray(se.elements);
if (auto ae = e.isArrayLiteralExp())
if (!ae.type.nextOf().hasPointers())
return false;
return checkArray(ae.elements);
if (auto ae = e.isAssocArrayLiteralExp())
if (ae.type.nextOf().hasPointers() && checkArray(ae.values))
return true;
if (ae.type.isTypeAArray().index.hasPointers())
return checkArray(ae.keys);
return false;
if (auto ae = e.isAddrExp())
if (ae.type.nextOf().isImmutable() || ae.type.nextOf().isConst())
return false;
if (auto se = ae.e1.isStructLiteralExp())
if (!(se.stageflags & stageSearchPointers))
const old = se.stageflags;
se.stageflags |= stageSearchPointers;
bool ret = checkArray(se.elements);
se.stageflags = old;
return ret;
return false;
return true;
if (e.type.ty == Tpointer && !e.type.isPtrToFunction())
if (e.op == EXP.symbolOffset) // address of a global is OK
return false;
if (e.op == EXP.int64) // cast(void *)int is OK
return false;
if (e.op == EXP.string_) // "abc".ptr is OK
return false;
return true;
return false;