blob: 37a30bb44bda3039a55e6515cdf4e5c9eab90277 [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-do compile } */
int x;
double d, g;
foo (int y, double e, long double f)
double v;
int r, r2 = 0;
#pragma omp atomic capture compare
v = if (d == e) { d = f; }; /* { dg-error "expected expression" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if; /* { dg-error "expected '\\\(' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d >= e) { d = e; } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d <= e) { d = e; } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d != e) { d = e; } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d + e) { d = e; } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare
{ r = d >= e; if (r) { d = f; } } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before 'd'" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
{ r = d <= e; if (r) { d = f; } } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before 'd'" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
{ r = d > e; if (r) { d = f; } } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before 'd'" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
{ r = d < e; if (r) { d = f; } } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before 'd'" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
{ r = d != e; if (r) { d = f; } } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before 'd'" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
{ r = d + e; if (r) { d = f; } } /* { dg-error "expected '==', '<' or '>' comparison in 'if' condition" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before 'd'" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
{ r = d == e; if (r2) { d = f; } } /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before '\{' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare
if (d > e) { d = e; } /* { dg-error "expected '==' comparison in 'if' condition" } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare
if (d < e) { d = e; } /* { dg-error "expected '==' comparison in 'if' condition" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d < e) d = e; /* { dg-error "expected '\{' before 'd'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d == e) d = e + 1.0; /* { dg-error "expected '\{' before 'd'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d < e) { d += e; } /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '\\\+=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d < e) { d = e }; /* { dg-error "expected ';' before '\}' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d < e) { d = e; e = 1.0; } /* { dg-error "expected '\}' before 'e'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (e == d) { d = f; }; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (e == d) { g = f; }; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d < e) { g = e; }; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d > e) { g = e; }; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d < e) { d = g; }; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d > e) { d = g; }; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d == e) { d = f; } else ; /* { dg-error "unexpected 'else'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
{ if (d == e) { d = f; } else { v = d; } v = d; } /* { dg-error "unexpected 'else'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
if (d < e) { d = e; } else { v = d; } /* { dg-error "unexpected 'else'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
if (d == e) { d = f; } else v = d; /* { dg-error "expected '\{' before 'v'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
if (d == e) { d = f; } else { v += d; } /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '\\\+=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
if (d == e) { d = f; } else { v = e; } /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
if (d == e) { d = f; } else { v = d }; /* { dg-error "expected ';' before '\}' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
if (d == e) { d = f; }; /* { dg-error "expected 'else' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x++; /* { dg-error "invalid form of 'pragma omp atomic compare'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x--; /* { dg-error "invalid form of 'pragma omp atomic compare'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
++x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of 'pragma omp atomic compare'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
--x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of 'pragma omp atomic compare'" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x += 3; /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '\\\+=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x -= 5; /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '-=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x *= 2; /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '\\\*=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x |= 5; /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '\\\|=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x &= ~5; /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '\\\&=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x ^= 5; /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '\\\^=' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare
x = x + 3; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before '\\\+' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x - 5; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before '-' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = 2 * x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before numeric constant" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = 5 | x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before numeric constant" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x & ~5; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before '\\\&' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x | 5; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before '\\\|' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x >= 5 ? 5 : x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid operator for '#pragma omp atomic' before '>=' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x <= 5 ? 5 : x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid operator for '#pragma omp atomic' before '<=' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x != 5 ? 7 : x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid operator for '#pragma omp atomic' before '!=' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = 5 == x ? 7 : x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before numeric constant" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x == 5 ? x : 7; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x == 5 ? 9 : 7; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x > 5 ? 6 : x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x < 5 ? 6 : x; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x > 5 ? x : 6; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic compare /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
x = x < 5 ? x : 6; /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
#pragma omp atomic capture /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic compare' before ';' token" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */
r = x == 5; /* { dg-error "invalid operator for '#pragma omp atomic' before '==' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare
r = x == 5; /* { dg-error "expected '=' before '==' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic capture compare /* { dg-error "'#pragma omp atomic compare capture' with non-integral comparison result" } */
{ v = x == 5; if (v) { x = 6; } }
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
{ r2 = x; x = y; } /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" } */
#pragma omp atomic compare capture
{ r2 = x; x = y == 7 ? 12 : y; } /* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token" "" { target c } } */
/* { dg-error "invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before 'y'" "" { target c++ } .-1 } */