blob: 15f59e21dbe3ec15331f785b2cbd55f1c74b9bed [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test for printf format extensions using formats from or recommended by
C2X. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-std=gnu2x -Wformat" } */
#include "format.h"
foo (u_quad_t uq, unsigned int u, unsigned short us, unsigned char uc,
unsigned long ul, unsigned long long ull, uintmax_t uj, size_t z,
unsigned_ptrdiff_t ut)
/* Deprecated length modifiers with %b and %B. */
printf ("%qb%qB", uq, uq);
printf ("%Lb%LB", ull, ull);
printf ("%Zb%ZB", z, z);
/* Use of %B in cases valid for %b. */
printf ("%B %hB %hhB %lB %llB %jB %zB %tB\n", u, us, uc, ul, ull, uj, z, ut);
printf ("%*.*llB\n", 1, 2, ull);
printf ("%-B\n", u);
printf ("%#B\n", u);
printf ("%08B\n", u);
/* Flags valid on signed conversions only. */
printf ("%+B\n", u); /* { dg-warning "flag" } */
printf ("% B\n", u); /* { dg-warning "flag" } */
/* Flags ignored in certain combinations. */
printf ("%-08B\n", u); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */
printf ("%08.5B\n", u); /* { dg-warning "ignored" } */