blob: 2d5ed8d4ab873a4f4df4135e1518ffc4ebe6cbda [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- A L I . U T I L --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Debug; use Debug;
with Binderr; use Binderr;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Osint; use Osint;
with System.CRC32;
with System.Memory;
package body ALI.Util is
type Header_Num is range 0 .. 1_000;
function Hash (F : File_Name_Type) return Header_Num;
-- Function used to compute hash of ALI file name
package Interfaces is new Simple_HTable (
Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => Boolean,
No_Element => False,
Key => File_Name_Type,
Hash => Hash,
Equal => "=");
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Accumulate_Checksum (C : Character; Csum : in out Word);
pragma Inline (Accumulate_Checksum);
-- This routine accumulates the checksum given character C. During the
-- scanning of a source file, this routine is called with every character
-- in the source, excluding blanks, and all control characters (except
-- that ESC is included in the checksum). Upper case letters not in string
-- literals are folded by the caller. See Sinput spec for the documentation
-- of the checksum algorithm. Note: checksum values are only used if we
-- generate code, so it is not necessary to worry about making the right
-- sequence of calls in any error situation.
procedure Initialize_Checksum (Csum : out Word);
-- Sets initial value of Csum before any calls to Accumulate_Checksum
-- Accumulate_Checksum --
procedure Accumulate_Checksum (C : Character; Csum : in out Word) is
System.CRC32.Update (System.CRC32.CRC32 (Csum), C);
end Accumulate_Checksum;
-- Checksums_Match --
function Checksums_Match (Checksum1, Checksum2 : Word) return Boolean is
return Checksum1 = Checksum2 and then Checksum1 /= Checksum_Error;
end Checksums_Match;
-- Get_File_Checksum --
function Get_File_Checksum (Fname : Name_Id) return Word is
Src : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Hi : Source_Ptr;
Csum : Word;
Ptr : Source_Ptr;
Bad : exception;
-- Raised if file not found, or file format error
use ASCII;
-- Make control characters visible
Read_Source_File (Fname, 0, Hi, Src);
-- If we cannot find the file, then return an impossible checksum,
-- impossible becaues checksums have the high order bit zero, so
-- that checksums do not match.
if Src = null then
raise Bad;
end if;
Initialize_Checksum (Csum);
Ptr := 0;
case Src (Ptr) is
-- Spaces and formatting information are ignored in checksum
when ' ' | CR | LF | VT | FF | HT =>
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
-- EOF is ignored unless it is the last character
when EOF =>
if Ptr = Hi then
System.Memory.Free (Src.all'Address);
return Csum;
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end if;
-- Non-blank characters that are included in the checksum
when '#' | '&' | '*' | ':' | '(' | ',' | '.' | '=' | '>' |
'<' | ')' | '/' | ';' | '|' | '!' | '+' | '_' |
'0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'z'
Accumulate_Checksum (Src (Ptr), Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
-- Upper case letters, fold to lower case
when 'A' .. 'Z' =>
(Character'Val (Character'Pos (Src (Ptr)) + 32), Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
-- Left bracket, really should do wide character thing here,
-- but for now, don't bother.
when '[' =>
raise Bad;
-- Minus, could be comment
when '-' =>
if Src (Ptr + 1) = '-' then
Ptr := Ptr + 2;
while Src (Ptr) >= ' ' or else Src (Ptr) = HT loop
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end loop;
Accumulate_Checksum ('-', Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end if;
-- String delimited by double quote
when '"' =>
Accumulate_Checksum ('"', Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
exit when Src (Ptr) = '"';
if Src (Ptr) < ' ' then
raise Bad;
end if;
Accumulate_Checksum (Src (Ptr), Csum);
end loop;
Accumulate_Checksum ('"', Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
-- String delimited by percent
when '%' =>
Accumulate_Checksum ('%', Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
exit when Src (Ptr) = '%';
if Src (Ptr) < ' ' then
raise Bad;
end if;
Accumulate_Checksum (Src (Ptr), Csum);
end loop;
Accumulate_Checksum ('%', Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
-- Quote, could be character constant
when ''' =>
Accumulate_Checksum (''', Csum);
if Src (Ptr + 2) = ''' then
Accumulate_Checksum (Src (Ptr + 1), Csum);
Accumulate_Checksum (''', Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 3;
-- Otherwise assume attribute char. We should deal with wide
-- character cases here, but that's hard, so forget it.
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end if;
-- Upper half character, more to be done here, we should worry
-- about folding Latin-1, folding other character sets, and
-- dealing with the nasty case of upper half wide encoding.
when Upper_Half_Character =>
Accumulate_Checksum (Src (Ptr), Csum);
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
-- Escape character, we should do the wide character thing here,
-- but for now, do not bother.
when ESC =>
raise Bad;
-- Invalid control characters
when NUL | SOH | STX | ETX | EOT | ENQ | ACK | BEL | BS | SO |
SI | DLE | DC1 | DC2 | DC3 | DC4 | NAK | SYN | ETB | CAN |
EM | FS | GS | RS | US | DEL
raise Bad;
-- Invalid graphic characters
when '$' | '?' | '@' | '`' | '\' |
'^' | '~' | ']' | '{' | '}'
raise Bad;
end case;
end loop;
when Bad =>
System.Memory.Free (Src.all'Address);
return Checksum_Error;
end Get_File_Checksum;
-- Hash --
function Hash (F : File_Name_Type) return Header_Num is
return Header_Num (Int (F) rem Header_Num'Range_Length);
end Hash;
-- Initialize_ALI_Source --
procedure Initialize_ALI_Source is
-- When (re)initializing ALI data structures the ALI user expects to
-- get a fresh set of data structures. Thus we first need to erase the
-- marks put in the name table by the previous set of ALI routine calls.
-- This loop is empty and harmless the first time in.
for J in Source.First .. Source.Last loop
Set_Name_Table_Info (Source.Table (J).Sfile, 0);
Source.Table (J).Source_Found := False;
end loop;
end Initialize_ALI_Source;
-- Initialize_Checksum --
procedure Initialize_Checksum (Csum : out Word) is
System.CRC32.Initialize (System.CRC32.CRC32 (Csum));
end Initialize_Checksum;
-- Read_ALI --
procedure Read_ALI (Id : ALI_Id) is
Afile : File_Name_Type;
Text : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
Idread : ALI_Id;
-- Process all dependent units
for U in ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit .. ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Unit loop
W in Units.Table (U).First_With .. Units.Table (U).Last_With
Afile := Withs.Table (W).Afile;
-- Only process if not a generic (Afile /= No_File) and if
-- file has not been processed already.
if Afile /= No_File
and then Get_Name_Table_Info (Afile) = 0
Text := Read_Library_Info (Afile);
-- Return with an error if source cannot be found and if this
-- is not a library generic (now we can, but does not have to
-- compile library generics)
if Text = null then
if Generic_Separately_Compiled (Withs.Table (W).Sfile) then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Afile;
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Withs.Table (W).Sfile;
Error_Msg ("% not found, % must be compiled");
Set_Name_Table_Info (Afile, Int (No_Unit_Id));
goto Skip_Library_Generics;
end if;
end if;
-- Enter in ALIs table
Idread :=
(F => Afile,
T => Text,
Ignore_ED => Force_RM_Elaboration_Order,
Err => False);
Free (Text);
if ALIs.Table (Idread).Compile_Errors then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Withs.Table (W).Sfile;
Error_Msg ("% had errors, must be fixed, and recompiled");
Set_Name_Table_Info (Afile, Int (No_Unit_Id));
elsif ALIs.Table (Idread).No_Object then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Withs.Table (W).Sfile;
Error_Msg ("% must be recompiled");
Set_Name_Table_Info (Afile, Int (No_Unit_Id));
end if;
-- If the Unit is an Interface to a Stand-Alone Library,
-- set the Interface flag in the Withs table, so that its
-- dependant are not considered for elaboration order.
if ALIs.Table (Idread).Interface then
Withs.Table (W).Interface := True;
Interface_Library_Unit := True;
-- Set the entry in the Interfaces hash table, so that other
-- units that import this unit will set the flag in their
-- entry in the Withs table.
Interfaces.Set (Afile, True);
-- Otherwise, recurse to get new dependents
Read_ALI (Idread);
end if;
<<Skip_Library_Generics>> null;
-- If the ALI file has already been processed and is an interface,
-- set the flag in the entry of the Withs table.
elsif Interface_Library_Unit and then Interfaces.Get (Afile) then
Withs.Table (W).Interface := True;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end Read_ALI;
-- Set_Source_Table --
procedure Set_Source_Table (A : ALI_Id) is
F : File_Name_Type;
S : Source_Id;
Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
Sdep_Loop : for D in
ALIs.Table (A).First_Sdep .. ALIs.Table (A).Last_Sdep
F := Sdep.Table (D).Sfile;
if F /= No_Name then
-- If this is the first time we are seeing this source file,
-- then make a new entry in the source table.
if Get_Name_Table_Info (F) = 0 then
S := Source.Last;
Set_Name_Table_Info (F, Int (S));
Source.Table (S).Sfile := F;
Source.Table (S).All_Timestamps_Match := True;
-- Initialize checksum fields
Source.Table (S).Checksum := Sdep.Table (D).Checksum;
Source.Table (S).All_Checksums_Match := True;
-- In check source files mode, try to get time stamp from file
if Opt.Check_Source_Files then
Stamp := Source_File_Stamp (F);
-- If we got the stamp, then set the stamp in the source
-- table entry and mark it as set from the source so that
-- it does not get subsequently changed.
if Stamp (Stamp'First) /= ' ' then
Source.Table (S).Stamp := Stamp;
Source.Table (S).Source_Found := True;
-- If we could not find the file, then the stamp is set
-- from the dependency table entry (to be possibly reset
-- if we find a later stamp in subsequent processing)
Source.Table (S).Stamp := Sdep.Table (D).Stamp;
Source.Table (S).Source_Found := False;
-- In All_Sources mode, flag error of file not found
if Opt.All_Sources then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := F;
Error_Msg ("cannot locate %");
end if;
end if;
-- First time for this source file, but Check_Source_Files
-- is off, so simply initialize the stamp from the Sdep entry
Source.Table (S).Source_Found := False;
Source.Table (S).Stamp := Sdep.Table (D).Stamp;
end if;
-- Here if this is not the first time for this source file,
-- so that the source table entry is already constructed.
S := Source_Id (Get_Name_Table_Info (F));
-- Update checksum flag
if not Checksums_Match
(Sdep.Table (D).Checksum, Source.Table (S).Checksum)
Source.Table (S).All_Checksums_Match := False;
end if;
-- Check for time stamp mismatch
if Sdep.Table (D).Stamp /= Source.Table (S).Stamp then
Source.Table (S).All_Timestamps_Match := False;
-- When we have a time stamp mismatch, we go look for the
-- source file even if Check_Source_Files is false, since
-- if we find it, then we can use it to resolve which of the
-- two timestamps in the ALI files is likely to be correct.
if not Check_Source_Files then
Stamp := Source_File_Stamp (F);
if Stamp (Stamp'First) /= ' ' then
Source.Table (S).Stamp := Stamp;
Source.Table (S).Source_Found := True;
end if;
end if;
-- If the stamp in the source table entry was set from the
-- source file, then we do not change it (the stamp in the
-- source file is always taken as the "right" one).
if Source.Table (S).Source_Found then
-- Otherwise, we have no source file available, so we guess
-- that the later of the two timestamps is the right one.
-- Note that this guess only affects which error messages
-- are issued later on, not correct functionality.
if Sdep.Table (D).Stamp > Source.Table (S).Stamp then
Source.Table (S).Stamp := Sdep.Table (D).Stamp;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Set the checksum value in the source table
S := Source_Id (Get_Name_Table_Info (F));
Source.Table (S).Checksum := Sdep.Table (D).Checksum;
end if;
end loop Sdep_Loop;
end Set_Source_Table;
-- Set_Source_Table --
procedure Set_Source_Table is
for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
Set_Source_Table (A);
end loop;
end Set_Source_Table;
-- Time_Stamp_Mismatch --
function Time_Stamp_Mismatch
(A : ALI_Id;
Read_Only : Boolean := False)
return File_Name_Type
Src : Source_Id;
-- Source file Id for the current Sdep entry
for D in ALIs.Table (A).First_Sdep .. ALIs.Table (A).Last_Sdep loop
Src := Source_Id (Get_Name_Table_Info (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile));
if Opt.Minimal_Recompilation
and then Sdep.Table (D).Stamp /= Source.Table (Src).Stamp
-- If minimal recompilation is in action, replace the stamp
-- of the source file in the table if checksums match.
-- ??? It is probably worth updating the ALI file with a new
-- field to avoid recomputing it each time.
if Checksums_Match
(Get_File_Checksum (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile),
Source.Table (Src).Checksum)
Sdep.Table (D).Stamp := Source.Table (Src).Stamp;
end if;
end if;
if (not Read_Only) or else Source.Table (Src).Source_Found then
if not Source.Table (Src).Source_Found
or else Sdep.Table (D).Stamp /= Source.Table (Src).Stamp
-- If -t debug flag set, output time stamp found/expected
if Source.Table (Src).Source_Found and Debug_Flag_T then
Write_Str ("Source: """);
Get_Name_String (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile);
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Write_Line ("""");
Write_Str (" time stamp expected: ");
Write_Line (String (Sdep.Table (D).Stamp));
Write_Str (" time stamp found: ");
Write_Line (String (Source.Table (Src).Stamp));
end if;
-- Return the source file
return Source.Table (Src).Sfile;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
return No_File;
end Time_Stamp_Mismatch;
end ALI.Util;