blob: aa05461a28200a839e5de744f0308cbc7bf808b8 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- S I N P U T . L --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Alloc;
with Atree; use Atree;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Opt;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with Prep; use Prep;
with Prepcomp; use Prepcomp;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Scn; use Scn;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with System; use System;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package body Sinput.L is
Prep_Buffer : Text_Buffer_Ptr := null;
-- A buffer to temporarily stored the result of preprocessing a source.
-- It is only allocated if there is at least one source to preprocess.
Prep_Buffer_Last : Text_Ptr := 0;
-- Index of the last significant character in Prep_Buffer
Initial_Size_Of_Prep_Buffer : constant := 10_000;
-- Size of Prep_Buffer when it is first allocated
-- When a file is to be preprocessed and the options to list symbols
-- has been selected (switch -s), Prep.List_Symbols is called with a
-- "foreword", a single line indicationg what source the symbols apply to.
-- The following two constant String are the start and the end of this
-- foreword.
Foreword_Start : constant String :=
"Preprocessing Symbols for source """;
Foreword_End : constant String := """";
-- Subprograms --
procedure Put_Char_In_Prep_Buffer (C : Character);
-- Add one character in Prep_Buffer, extending Prep_Buffer if need be.
-- Used to initialize the preprocessor.
procedure New_EOL_In_Prep_Buffer;
-- Add an LF to Prep_Buffer.
-- Used to initialize the preprocessor.
function Load_File
(N : File_Name_Type;
T : Osint.File_Type)
return Source_File_Index;
-- Load a source file, a configuration pragmas file or a definition file
-- Coding also allows preprocessing file, but not a library file ???
-- Adjust_Instantiation_Sloc --
procedure Adjust_Instantiation_Sloc (N : Node_Id; A : Sloc_Adjustment) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-- We only do the adjustment if the value is between the appropriate
-- low and high values. It is not clear that this should ever not be
-- the case, but in practice there seem to be some nodes that get
-- copied twice, and this is a defence against that happening.
if A.Lo <= Loc and then Loc <= A.Hi then
Set_Sloc (N, Loc + A.Adjust);
end if;
end Adjust_Instantiation_Sloc;
-- Complete_Source_File_Entry --
procedure Complete_Source_File_Entry is
CSF : constant Source_File_Index := Current_Source_File;
Trim_Lines_Table (CSF);
Source_File.Table (CSF).Source_Checksum := Checksum;
end Complete_Source_File_Entry;
-- Create_Instantiation_Source --
procedure Create_Instantiation_Source
(Inst_Node : Entity_Id;
Template_Id : Entity_Id;
Inlined_Body : Boolean;
A : out Sloc_Adjustment)
Dnod : constant Node_Id := Declaration_Node (Template_Id);
Xold : Source_File_Index;
Xnew : Source_File_Index;
Xold := Get_Source_File_Index (Sloc (Template_Id));
A.Lo := Source_File.Table (Xold).Source_First;
A.Hi := Source_File.Table (Xold).Source_Last;
Xnew := Source_File.Last;
Source_File.Table (Xnew) := Source_File.Table (Xold);
Source_File.Table (Xnew).Inlined_Body := Inlined_Body;
Source_File.Table (Xnew).Instantiation := Sloc (Inst_Node);
Source_File.Table (Xnew).Template := Xold;
-- Now we need to compute the new values of Source_First, Source_Last
-- and adjust the source file pointer to have the correct virtual
-- origin for the new range of values.
Source_File.Table (Xnew).Source_First :=
Source_File.Table (Xnew - 1).Source_Last + 1;
A.Adjust := Source_File.Table (Xnew).Source_First - A.Lo;
Source_File.Table (Xnew).Source_Last := A.Hi + A.Adjust;
Set_Source_File_Index_Table (Xnew);
Source_File.Table (Xnew).Sloc_Adjust :=
Source_File.Table (Xold).Sloc_Adjust - A.Adjust;
if Debug_Flag_L then
Write_Str ("*** Create instantiation source for ");
if Nkind (Dnod) in N_Proper_Body
and then Was_Originally_Stub (Dnod)
Write_Str ("subunit ");
elsif Ekind (Template_Id) = E_Generic_Package then
if Nkind (Dnod) = N_Package_Body then
Write_Str ("body of package ");
Write_Str ("spec of package ");
end if;
elsif Ekind (Template_Id) = E_Function then
Write_Str ("body of function ");
elsif Ekind (Template_Id) = E_Procedure then
Write_Str ("body of procedure ");
elsif Ekind (Template_Id) = E_Generic_Function then
Write_Str ("spec of function ");
elsif Ekind (Template_Id) = E_Generic_Procedure then
Write_Str ("spec of procedure ");
elsif Ekind (Template_Id) = E_Package_Body then
Write_Str ("body of package ");
else pragma Assert (Ekind (Template_Id) = E_Subprogram_Body);
if Nkind (Dnod) = N_Procedure_Specification then
Write_Str ("body of procedure ");
Write_Str ("body of function ");
end if;
end if;
Write_Name (Chars (Template_Id));
Write_Str (" new source index = ");
Write_Int (Int (Xnew));
Write_Str (" copying from file name = ");
Write_Name (File_Name (Xold));
Write_Str (" old source index = ");
Write_Int (Int (Xold));
Write_Str (" old lo = ");
Write_Int (Int (A.Lo));
Write_Str (" old hi = ");
Write_Int (Int (A.Hi));
Write_Str (" new lo = ");
Write_Int (Int (Source_File.Table (Xnew).Source_First));
Write_Str (" new hi = ");
Write_Int (Int (Source_File.Table (Xnew).Source_Last));
Write_Str (" adjustment factor = ");
Write_Int (Int (A.Adjust));
Write_Str (" instantiation location: ");
Write_Location (Sloc (Inst_Node));
end if;
-- For a given character in the source, a higher subscript will be
-- used to access the instantiation, which means that the virtual
-- origin must have a corresponding lower value. We compute this
-- new origin by taking the address of the appropriate adjusted
-- element in the old array. Since this adjusted element will be
-- at a negative subscript, we must suppress checks.
pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
function To_Source_Buffer_Ptr is new
Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Source_Buffer_Ptr);
Source_File.Table (Xnew).Source_Text :=
(Source_File.Table (Xold).Source_Text (-A.Adjust)'Address);
end Create_Instantiation_Source;
-- Load_Config_File --
function Load_Config_File
(N : File_Name_Type)
return Source_File_Index
return Load_File (N, Osint.Config);
end Load_Config_File;
-- Load_Definition_File --
function Load_Definition_File
(N : File_Name_Type)
return Source_File_Index
return Load_File (N, Osint.Definition);
end Load_Definition_File;
-- Load_File --
function Load_File
(N : File_Name_Type;
T : Osint.File_Type)
return Source_File_Index
Src : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
X : Source_File_Index;
Lo : Source_Ptr;
Hi : Source_Ptr;
Preprocessing_Needed : Boolean := False;
for J in 1 .. Source_File.Last loop
if Source_File.Table (J).File_Name = N then
return J;
end if;
end loop;
-- Here we must build a new entry in the file table
-- But first, we must check if a source needs to be preprocessed,
-- because we may have to load and parse a definition file, and we want
-- to do that before we load the source, so that the buffer of the
-- source will be the last created, and we will be able to replace it
-- and modify Hi without stepping on another buffer.
if T = Osint.Source then
(Source => N, Preprocessing_Needed => Preprocessing_Needed);
end if;
X := Source_File.Last;
if X = Source_File.First then
Lo := First_Source_Ptr;
Lo := Source_File.Table (X - 1).Source_Last + 1;
end if;
Osint.Read_Source_File (N, Lo, Hi, Src, T);
if Src = null then
return No_Source_File;
if Debug_Flag_L then
Write_Str ("*** Build source file table entry, Index = ");
Write_Int (Int (X));
Write_Str (", file name = ");
Write_Name (N);
Write_Str (" lo = ");
Write_Int (Int (Lo));
Write_Str (" hi = ");
Write_Int (Int (Hi));
Write_Str (" first 10 chars -->");
procedure Wchar (C : Character);
-- Writes character or ? for control character
procedure Wchar (C : Character) is
if C < ' ' or C in ASCII.DEL .. Character'Val (16#9F#) then
Write_Char ('?');
Write_Char (C);
end if;
end Wchar;
for J in Lo .. Lo + 9 loop
Wchar (Src (J));
end loop;
Write_Str ("<--");
Write_Str (" last 10 chars -->");
for J in Hi - 10 .. Hi - 1 loop
Wchar (Src (J));
end loop;
Write_Str ("<--");
if Src (Hi) /= EOF then
Write_Str (" error: no EOF at end");
end if;
end if;
S : Source_File_Record renames Source_File.Table (X);
File_Type : Type_Of_File;
case T is
when Osint.Source =>
File_Type := Sinput.Src;
when Osint.Library =>
raise Program_Error;
when Osint.Config =>
File_Type := Sinput.Config;
when Osint.Definition =>
File_Type := Def;
when Osint.Preprocessing_Data =>
File_Type := Preproc;
end case;
S := (Debug_Source_Name => N,
File_Name => N,
File_Type => File_Type,
First_Mapped_Line => No_Line_Number,
Full_Debug_Name => Osint.Full_Source_Name,
Full_File_Name => Osint.Full_Source_Name,
Full_Ref_Name => Osint.Full_Source_Name,
Identifier_Casing => Unknown,
Inlined_Body => False,
Instantiation => No_Location,
Keyword_Casing => Unknown,
Last_Source_Line => 1,
License => Unknown,
Lines_Table => null,
Lines_Table_Max => 1,
Logical_Lines_Table => null,
Num_SRef_Pragmas => 0,
Reference_Name => N,
Sloc_Adjust => 0,
Source_Checksum => 0,
Source_First => Lo,
Source_Last => Hi,
Source_Text => Src,
Template => No_Source_File,
Time_Stamp => Osint.Current_Source_File_Stamp);
Alloc_Line_Tables (S, Opt.Table_Factor * Alloc.Lines_Initial);
S.Lines_Table (1) := Lo;
-- Preprocess the source if it needs to be preprocessed
if Preprocessing_Needed then
if Opt.List_Preprocessing_Symbols then
Get_Name_String (N);
Foreword : String (1 .. Foreword_Start'Length +
Name_Len + Foreword_End'Length);
Foreword (1 .. Foreword_Start'Length) := Foreword_Start;
Foreword (Foreword_Start'Length + 1 ..
Foreword_Start'Length + Name_Len) :=
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Foreword (Foreword'Last - Foreword_End'Length + 1 ..
Foreword'Last) := Foreword_End;
Prep.List_Symbols (Foreword);
end if;
T : constant Nat := Total_Errors_Detected;
-- Used to check if there were errors during preprocessing
-- If this is the first time we preprocess a source, allocate
-- the preprocessing buffer.
if Prep_Buffer = null then
Prep_Buffer :=
new Text_Buffer (1 .. Initial_Size_Of_Prep_Buffer);
end if;
-- Make sure the preprocessing buffer is empty
Prep_Buffer_Last := 0;
-- Initialize the preprocessor
(Error_Msg => Errout.Error_Msg'Access,
Scan => Scn.Scanner.Scan'Access,
Set_Ignore_Errors => Errout.Set_Ignore_Errors'Access,
Put_Char => Put_Char_In_Prep_Buffer'Access,
New_EOL => New_EOL_In_Prep_Buffer'Access);
-- Initialize the scanner and set its behavior for
-- preprocessing, then preprocess.
Scn.Scanner.Initialize_Scanner (No_Unit, X);
Scn.Scanner.Set_Special_Character ('#');
Scn.Scanner.Set_Special_Character ('$');
Scn.Scanner.Set_End_Of_Line_As_Token (True);
-- Reset the scanner to its standard behavior
Scn.Scanner.Set_End_Of_Line_As_Token (False);
-- If there were errors during preprocessing, record an
-- error at the start of the file, and do not change the
-- source buffer.
if T /= Total_Errors_Detected then
("file could not be successfully preprocessed", Lo);
return No_Source_File;
-- Set the new value of Hi
Hi := Lo + Source_Ptr (Prep_Buffer_Last);
-- Create the new source buffer
subtype Actual_Source_Buffer is Source_Buffer (Lo .. Hi);
-- Physical buffer allocated
type Actual_Source_Ptr is access Actual_Source_Buffer;
-- This is the pointer type for the physical buffer
-- allocated.
Actual_Ptr : constant Actual_Source_Ptr :=
new Actual_Source_Buffer;
-- And this is the actual physical buffer
Actual_Ptr (Lo .. Hi - 1) :=
Prep_Buffer (1 .. Prep_Buffer_Last);
Actual_Ptr (Hi) := EOF;
-- Now we need to work out the proper virtual origin
-- pointer to return. This is exactly
-- Actual_Ptr (0)'Address, but we have to be careful to
-- suppress checks to compute this address.
pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
function To_Source_Buffer_Ptr is new
Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Source_Buffer_Ptr);
Src := To_Source_Buffer_Ptr (Actual_Ptr (0)'Address);
-- Record in the table the new source buffer and the
-- new value of Hi.
Source_File.Table (X).Source_Text := Src;
Source_File.Table (X).Source_Last := Hi;
-- Reset Last_Line to 1, because the lines do not
-- have neccessarily the same starts and lengths.
Source_File.Table (X).Last_Source_Line := 1;
end if;
end if;
Set_Source_File_Index_Table (X);
return X;
end if;
end Load_File;
-- Load_Preprocessing_Data_File --
function Load_Preprocessing_Data_File
(N : File_Name_Type)
return Source_File_Index
return Load_File (N, Osint.Preprocessing_Data);
end Load_Preprocessing_Data_File;
-- Load_Source_File --
function Load_Source_File
(N : File_Name_Type)
return Source_File_Index
return Load_File (N, Osint.Source);
end Load_Source_File;
-- New_EOL_In_Prep_Buffer --
procedure New_EOL_In_Prep_Buffer is
Put_Char_In_Prep_Buffer (ASCII.LF);
end New_EOL_In_Prep_Buffer;
-- Put_Char_In_Prep_Buffer --
procedure Put_Char_In_Prep_Buffer (C : Character) is
-- If preprocessing buffer is not large enough, double it
if Prep_Buffer_Last = Prep_Buffer'Last then
New_Prep_Buffer : constant Text_Buffer_Ptr :=
new Text_Buffer (1 .. 2 * Prep_Buffer_Last);
New_Prep_Buffer (Prep_Buffer'Range) := Prep_Buffer.all;
Free (Prep_Buffer);
Prep_Buffer := New_Prep_Buffer;
end if;
Prep_Buffer_Last := Prep_Buffer_Last + 1;
Prep_Buffer (Prep_Buffer_Last) := C;
end Put_Char_In_Prep_Buffer;
-- Source_File_Is_Subunit --
function Source_File_Is_Subunit (X : Source_File_Index) return Boolean is
Initialize_Scanner (No_Unit, X);
-- We scan past junk to the first interesting compilation unit
-- token, to see if it is SEPARATE. We ignore WITH keywords during
-- this and also PRIVATE. The reason for ignoring PRIVATE is that
-- it handles some error situations, and also it is possible that
-- a PRIVATE WITH feature might be approved some time in the future.
while Token = Tok_With
or else Token = Tok_Private
or else (Token not in Token_Class_Cunit and then Token /= Tok_EOF)
end loop;
return Token = Tok_Separate;
end Source_File_Is_Subunit;
end Sinput.L;