blob: ab1ea0a5a551e05e1257c6b801478bc4ac9af9b0 [file] [log] [blame]
GCC 5.1 introduced new implementations of std::string and std::list:
This causes e.g. std::string to be actually defined as
On machines with GCC 5.1, this manifests as a linker error when
running the cppa.d / cppb.cpp test:
cppa.o: In function `_D4cppa6test14FZv':
cppa.d:(.text._D4cppa6test14FZv+0x11): undefined reference to `foo14a(std::string*)'
cppa.d:(.text._D4cppa6test14FZv+0x18): undefined reference to `foo14b(std::basic_string<int, std::char_traits<int>, std::allocator<int> >*)'
cppa.d:(.text._D4cppa6test14FZv+0x3a): undefined reference to `foo14f(std::char_traits<char>*, std::string*, std::string*)'
cppa.o: In function `_D4cppa7testeh3FZv':
cppa.d:(.text._D4cppa7testeh3FZv+0x19): undefined reference to `throwle()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1
When the .cpp file is compiled with g++ 5.3.0, the actual function
signatures in the cppb.o object file are:
foo14a(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*)
foo14b(std::__cxx11::basic_string<int, std::char_traits<int>, std::allocator<int> >*)
foo14f(std::char_traits<char>*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*)
Fortunately, it is easily possible to disable the new feature
by defining _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI as 0 before including any standard
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <exception>
#include <cstdarg>
#include "cppb.h"
int foo(int i, int j, int k);
int foob(int i, int j, int k)
printf("i = %d\n", i);
printf("j = %d\n", j);
printf("k = %d\n", k);
assert(i == 1);
assert(j == 2);
assert(k == 3);
foo(i, j, k);
return 7;
class D *dthis;
class D
virtual int bar(int i, int j, int k)
printf("this = %p\n", this);
assert(this == dthis);
printf(" i = %d\n", i);
printf(" j = %d\n", j);
printf(" k = %d\n", k);
assert(i == 9);
assert(j == 10);
assert(k == 11);
return 8;
D* getD()
D *d = new D();
dthis = d;
return d;
class E
virtual int bar(int i, int j, int k);
int callE(E *e)
return e->bar(11,12,13);
void foo4(char *p)
struct foo5 { int i; int j; void *p; };
class bar5
virtual foo5 getFoo(int i){
printf("This = %p\n", this);
foo5 f;
f.i = 1;
f.j = 2 + i;
f.p = (void*)this;
return f;
bar5* newBar()
bar5* b = new bar5();
printf("bar = %p\n", b);
return b;
struct A11802;
struct B11802;
class C11802
virtual void fun(A11802 *);
virtual void fun(B11802 *);
class D11802 : public C11802
void fun(A11802 *);
void fun(B11802 *);
void test11802x(D11802 *c)
c->fun((A11802 *)0);
c->fun((B11802 *)0);
typedef struct
int i;
double d;
} S6;
union S6_2
int i;
double d;
enum S6_3
A, B
S6 foo6(void)
S6 s;
s.i = 42;
s.d = 2.5;
return s;
S6_2 foo6_2(void)
S6_2 s;
s.i = 42;
return s;
S6_3 foo6_3(void)
S6_3 s = A;
return s;
extern "C" { int foosize6()
return sizeof(S6);
typedef struct
int i;
long long d;
} S7;
extern "C" { int foo7()
return sizeof(S7);
struct S13955a
float a;
double b;
struct S13955b
double a;
float b;
struct S13955c
float a;
float b;
struct S13955d
double a;
double b;
void check13955(S13955a a, S13955b b, S13955c c, S13955d d);
void func13955(S13955a a, S13955b b, S13955c c, S13955d d)
check13955(a, b, c, d);
struct Struct10071
void *p;
long double r;
size_t offset10071()
Struct10071 s;
return (char *)&s.r - (char *)&s;
void foo8(const char *p)
struct elem9 { };
void foobar9(elem9*, elem9*) { }
void foo10(const char*, const char*) { }
void foo10(const int, const int) { }
void foo10(const char, const char) { }
void foo10(bool, bool) { }
struct MyStructType { };
void foo10(const MyStructType s, const MyStructType t) { }
enum MyEnumType { onemember };
void foo10(const MyEnumType s, const MyEnumType t) { }
namespace N11 { namespace M { void bar11() { } } }
namespace A11 { namespace B { namespace C { void bar() { } } } }
void myvprintfx(const char* format, va_list);
void myvprintf(const char* format, va_list va)
myvprintfx(format, va);
class C13161
virtual void dummyfunc() {}
long long val_5;
unsigned val_9;
class Test : public C13161
unsigned val_0;
long long val_1;
size_t getoffset13161()
Test s;
return (char *)&s.val_0 - (char *)&s;
class C13161a
virtual void dummyfunc() {}
long double val_5;
unsigned val_9;
class Testa : public C13161a
bool val_0;
size_t getoffset13161a()
Testa s;
return (char *)&s.val_0 - (char *)&s;
#if __linux__ || __APPLE__ || __FreeBSD__ || __DragonFly__
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#if __linux__
template struct std::allocator<int>;
template struct std::vector<int>;
void foo15()
std::allocator<int>* p;
p->deallocate(0, 0);
// _Z5foo14PSt6vectorIiSaIiEE
void foo14(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > *p) { }
void foo14a(std::basic_string<char> *p) { }
void foo14b(std::basic_string<int> *p) { }
void foo14c(std::basic_istream<char> *p) { }
void foo14d(std::basic_ostream<char> *p) { }
void foo14e(std::basic_iostream<char> *p) { }
void foo14f(std::char_traits<char>* x, std::basic_string<char> *p, std::basic_string<char> *q) { }
struct S13956
void check13956(S13956 arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6);
void func13956(S13956 arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6)
check13956(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
wchar_t f13289_cpp_wchar_t(wchar_t ch)
if (ch <= L'z' && ch >= L'a')
return ch - (L'a' - L'A');
return ch;
#ifdef __DMC__
// DMC doesn't support c++11
#elif defined (_MSC_VER) //&& _MSC_VER <= 1800
// MSVC2013 doesn't support char16_t/char32_t
char16_t f13289_d_wchar(char16_t ch);
char32_t f13289_d_dchar(char32_t ch);
wchar_t f13289_d_wchar_t(wchar_t ch);
bool f13289_cpp_test()
if (!(f13289_d_wchar_t(L'e') == L'E')) return false;
if (!(f13289_d_wchar_t(L'F') == L'F')) return false;
if (!(f13289_d_wchar(u'c') == u'C')) return false;
if (!(f13289_d_wchar(u'D') == u'D')) return false;
if (!(f13289_d_dchar(U'e') == U'E')) return false;
if (!(f13289_d_dchar(U'F') == U'F')) return false;
return true;
long double testld(long double ld)
assert(ld == 5);
return ld + 1;
long double testldld(long double ld1, long double ld2)
assert(ld1 == 5);
return ld2 + 1;
long testl(long lng)
assert(lng == 5);
return lng + sizeof(long);
unsigned long testul(unsigned long ul)
assert(ul == 5);
return ul + sizeof(unsigned long);
struct S13707
void* a;
void* b;
S13707(void *a, void* b)
this->a = a;
this->b = b;
S13707 func13707()
S13707 pt(NULL, NULL);
return pt;
template <int x> struct S13932
int member;
void func13932(S13932<-1> s) {}
namespace N13337 {
namespace M13337 {
struct S13337 { };
void foo13337(S13337 s) { }
template <typename T>
struct Delegate1 {};
template <typename R1>
struct Delegate1 < R1() > {};
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct Delegate2 {};
template < typename R1, typename T1, typename T2, typename R2, typename T3, typename T4 >
struct Delegate2<R1(T1, T2), R2(T3, T4)> {};
void test14195a(Delegate1<void()> func) {}
void test14195b(Delegate2<int(float, double), int(float, double)> func) {}
void test14200a(int a) {};
void test14200b(float a, int b, double c) {};
namespace std {
namespace N14956 {
struct S14956 { };
void test14956(std::N14956::S14956 s) { }
// check order of overloads in vtable
class Statement;
class ErrorStatement;
class PeelStatement;
class ExpStatement;
class DtorExpStatement;
class Visitor
virtual int visit(Statement*) { return 1; }
virtual int visit(ErrorStatement*) { return 2; }
virtual int visit(PeelStatement*) { return 3; }
class Visitor2 : public Visitor
virtual int visit2(ExpStatement*) { return 4; }
virtual int visit2(DtorExpStatement*) { return 5; }
bool testVtableCpp(Visitor2* sv)
if (sv->visit((Statement*)0) != 1) return false;
if (sv->visit((ErrorStatement*)0) != 2) return false;
if (sv->visit((PeelStatement*)0) != 3) return false;
if (sv->visit2((ExpStatement*)0) != 4) return false;
if (sv->visit2((DtorExpStatement*)0) != 5) return false;
return true;
Visitor2 inst;
Visitor2* getVisitor2()
return &inst;
// issues detected by fuzzer
void fuzz1_checkValues(int64_t arg10, int64_t arg11, bool arg12);
void fuzz1_cppvararg(int64_t arg10, int64_t arg11, bool arg12)
fuzz1_checkValues(arg10, arg11, arg12);
void fuzz2_checkValues(uint64_t arg10, uint64_t arg11, bool arg12);
void fuzz2_cppvararg(uint64_t arg10, uint64_t arg11, bool arg12)
fuzz2_checkValues(arg10, arg11, arg12);
void fuzz3_checkValues(char16_t arg10, char32_t arg11, bool arg12);
void fuzz3_cppvararg(char16_t arg10, char32_t arg11, bool arg12)
fuzz3_checkValues(arg10, arg11, arg12);
void throwit()
#if _WIN32
std::exception se;
throw se;
#if __linux__
#include <stdexcept>
void throwle()
std::logic_error le("test");
throw le;
class Base
//virtual ~Base() {}
virtual void base();
unsigned char x;
class Interface
virtual int MethodCPP() = 0;
virtual int MethodD() = 0;
class Derived : public Base, public Interface
short y;
int MethodCPP();
#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
int MethodD();
virtual int Method();
int MethodD() { return 3; } // need def or vtbl[] is not generated
virtual int Method() { return 6; } // need def or vtbl[] is not generated
void Base::base() { }
int Derived::MethodCPP() {
printf("Derived::MethodCPP() this = %p, x = %d, y = %d\n", this, x, y);
assert(x == 4 || x == 7);
assert(y == 5 || y == 8);
return 30;
Derived::Derived() { }
Derived *cppfoo(Derived *d)
printf("cppfoo(): d = %p\n", d);
assert(d->x == 4);
assert(d->y == 5);
assert(d->MethodD() == 3);
assert(d->MethodCPP() == 30);
assert(d->Method() == 6);
d = new Derived();
d->x = 7;
d->y = 8;
assert(d->MethodD() == 3);
assert(d->MethodCPP() == 30);
assert(d->Method() == 6);
printf("d1 = %p\n", d);
return d;
Interface *cppfooi(Interface *i)
printf("cppfooi(): i = %p\n", i);
assert(i->MethodD() == 3);
assert(i->MethodCPP() == 30);
Derived *d = new Derived();
d->x = 7;
d->y = 8;
printf("d = %p, i = %p\n", d, (Interface *)d);
return d;
class Base2
int i;
virtual void baser() { }
class Interface2
virtual void f() = 0;
class Derived2 : public Base2, public Interface2
void f();
void Derived2::f()
printf("Derived2::f() this = %p i = %d\n", this, i);
assert(i == 3);
struct X6
unsigned short a;
unsigned short b;
unsigned char c;
unsigned char d;
struct X8
unsigned short a;
X6 b;
void test15455b(X8 s)
assert(sizeof(X6) == 6);
assert(sizeof(X8) == 8);
assert(s.a == 1);
assert(s.b.a == 2);
assert(s.b.b == 3);
assert(s.b.c == 4);
assert(s.b.d == 5);
template <typename T>
int foo15372(int value)
return value;
void test15372b()
int t = foo15372<int>(1);
namespace ns15576
int global15576;
namespace ns
int n_global15576;
template <typename T>
class Foo15802
static int boo(int value)
return value;
void test15802b()
int t = Foo15802<int>::boo(1);
// mangling mismatch on OSX
#if defined(__APPLE__)
uint64_t pass16536(uint64_t a)
return a;
// extern(C++) virtual destructors are not put in vtbl[]
class A15589
struct S
int x;
virtual int foo();
virtual ~A15589();
S s1;
S s2;
class B15589 : public A15589
virtual int bar();
virtual ~B15589();
S s3;
void test15589b(A15589 *p)
assert(p->foo() == 100);
assert(((B15589*)p)->bar() == 200);
void trace15589(int ch);
b = 1;
c = 2;
d = 3;
e = 4;
struct Small18928
int x;
class CC18928
virtual Small18928 getVirtual();
Small18928 getFinal();
static Small18928 getStatic();
Small18928 CC18928::getVirtual() { Small18928 s = {3}; return s; }
Small18928 CC18928::getFinal() { Small18928 s = {4}; return s; }
Small18928 CC18928::getStatic() { Small18928 s = {5}; return s; }
CC18928* newCC18928()
return new CC18928();
Base18966::Base18966() { x = 10; }
Base18966::~Base18966() {}
void Base18966::vf()
x = 100;
A18966::A18966() : calledOverloads(/*zero-init*/), i(0) { foo(); }
void A18966::foo() { calledOverloads[i++] = 'A'; }
B18966::B18966() { foo(); }
void B18966::foo() { calledOverloads[i++] = 'B'; }
#if _WIN32 // otherwise defined in C header files!
namespace std
template<typename Char>
struct char_traits
template<typename Char>
class allocator
template<typename Char, typename Traits, typename Alloc>
class basic_string
typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> > string;
#endif // _WIN32
void callback18955(const std::string& s);
void test18955()
std::string s;
// TODO: on OSX and FreeBSD, std is mangled as std::__1
#if !__APPLE__ && !__FreeBSD__