blob: 5fbf03606ca3f081a6946043563633f45446c22a [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-sources ../on_device_arch.c }
! { dg-prune-output "command-line option '-fintrinsic-modules-path=.*' is valid for Fortran but not for C" }
module e_53_1_mod
integer :: THRESHOLD = 20
integer recursive function fib (n) result (f)
!$omp declare target
integer :: n
if (n <= 0) then
f = 0
else if (n == 1) then
f = 1
f = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
end if
end function
integer function fib_wrapper (n)
integer :: x
!$omp target map(to: n) map(from: x) if(n > THRESHOLD)
x = fib (n)
!$omp end target
fib_wrapper = x
end function
end module
program e_53_1
use e_53_1_mod, only : fib, fib_wrapper
integer :: REC_DEPTH = 25
integer function on_device_arch_nvptx() bind(C)
end function on_device_arch_nvptx
end interface
if (on_device_arch_nvptx () /= 0) then
! Reduced from 25 to 23, otherwise execution runs out of thread stack on
! Nvidia Titan V.
! Reduced from 23 to 22, otherwise execution runs out of thread stack on
! Nvidia T400 (2GB variant), when run with GOMP_NVPTX_JIT=-O0.
! Reduced from 22 to 20, otherwise execution runs out of thread stack on
! Nvidia RTX A2000 (6GB variant), when run with GOMP_NVPTX_JIT=-O0.
end if
if (fib (15) /= fib_wrapper (15)) stop 1
if (fib (REC_DEPTH) /= fib_wrapper (REC_DEPTH)) stop 2
end program